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This game is gonna die, and the developers are only making it worse with every patch.
Last Active
January 7, 1996
Personal Quote
Suffering is optional, Pain is inevitable.
About Me
A lonely MMO Player, in a desperate quest to find a good MMO.
JynXi wrote: »
There are some more topics about the same issue.
Its a known issue everyone is having trouble with.
Everyone, especially AMD CPU users, will have full stable fps when you hide all your UI (press - 3 times)
The only way I was …
Mainichi wrote: »
Enhance Runes used to be in AP shop. They removed it to fix something and never bothered adding it back. It was once per week and the dialogue still says they have it.
Would be extremely nice to have at least base runes in th…
Dealer wrote: »
Madcobra wrote: »
Every other shedule would be fine but this one is just not fair sorry
All of the servers have to go down at the same time. So one of the time zones will always lose out.
Plus it has to be a reasonable time f…
Fortune-> Made this :
Successfully scrolled my boots ad chest armor with no fails, im pretty happy
Misery-> I have to farm a lot of titles, and since i can't see HP bars, things are gonna be annoying.
Mintchi wrote: »
I don't know for certain if Ceara is connected to Macha, but I believe she is.
Macha apparently unites warriors, and that's what Ceara will be trying to do in this interlude chapter by uniting the forces of the Crimson Blades, …
Dealer wrote: »
One time restore for the entire account.
So lets say you got a weapon back in the past, for whatever reason glitch/misunderstanding/misclick. Then you won't be able to get any other weapons from them, even on a different character…
Dilem wrote: »
JynXi wrote: »
Video too
Player 95 lvl
Will it come to us?
That's KR server, they have lv 95 already, but we are not getting it in this patch.
NessaEsper wrote: »
natraz wrote: »
Thats the best you could come up with for another charter another fifi OMG what a waist well what else could we expect from a company that dont care for the players.
What's a "charter"? Is that a new type o…
hornywatermelon wrote: »
Y'all whiners keep forgetting that the proposed changes are aimed at JP/KR/Chinese playerbases, not ours. Devcat/Nexoff couldn't care less if this region died off. We're nothing more but an insignificant cow to be milked t…
I think many people would enjoy a enhancement system that rewards dedication over pure luck (for example: make success rate lower but no more breaking, like +10 -> +11 with 20% success or something).