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Zuletzt aktiv
November 30, 1998
Personal Quote
“Your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing.” - Fyodor Dostoyevsky


  • Taking a better look, it's not me the one who started the off-topic, but yes, I am to blame for continuing it, too. I also put an end to it because it was useless in a trading thread. Now, the last discussion burst without any correlation to me.
  • @Dealer I cannot see any reason for this thread to be at the ”Europe Chat” category. Its purpose is NX gifts trading, thus trading. People started spamming in my thread without any permission from me. Wouldn't it be a Volunteer Forum Moderator's jo…
  • Potential scammers may be: Low Level Have cryptic names (xXxScammerxXx, dsghrdthdtrg32w54rt4w, DontTrustMe, etc.) Have no remarkable equipment achieved almost no titles show a lack of language I've got a feeling that some people just want to…
  • There is a saying in my country, "If you are in a room with 10 people, you do something, and 9 people tell you that you did wrong, well, then you did wrong — no matter how much you want to think that you did right, or that you are right and they are…
  • My ticket: http://i.imgur.com/rxv8vpX.png Thus, as a summary to the problem, we aren't anymore on European ground, but American. Unfortunately, the "European server" is just a label and nothing more. Probably, the best thing to do is to be as spe…
  • I shall send a mail to the support regarding you and the "NX selling on the EU server" commitment. Hopefully, everything will be clarified.
  • Nexon can't introduce too many +11-15 weapons because that would f*ck up the economy, hence the odds are quite small. A lot of the people who have +15 weapons is a result of their lucky enhancement at Fergus.
  • Pay attention to the players who are saying on the megaphone that they are trusted when they are not! The old list hasn't been updated for more than half of year. And some of them aren't even on the old list. Take care to whom you offer your trust —…
  • Well, the problem is not hardware related for sure. The no message crash is making this problem difficult due to the fact that there's nothing for us to check. Perhaps, only if someone else met the problem would know about a potential solution. I…
  • SukiLi wrote: » He/she is talking about armageddon weapon "80 lvl" , it doesn't have oranges parts. That's right, my mistake. I'd like to apologise. I have some issues with the sight and I am quite tired, too. I agree with your prices then, …
  • Check if: you are not already in a guild; you didn't already apply to a guild; your friends aren't on a different server of the game; the name of the guild is correct.
  • EDITED: Nevermind, I am blind.
  • I only met this problem several times, when I let my account open for the Migration Event. It does not always occur, though. I didn't have the issue while playing the game or participating into a dudgeon/raid. Whilst we have the problem, we can conc…
  • @D4rky Since the start of the last Autumn, the migration of the European server to the Northern American community was announced. You had several months to log into the game and confirm the migration of your account. Otherwise, the account was goin…
  • The Operating System is not really such a relevant part of the PC's specifications. Vindictus will work just fine on Windows 7/8/8.1/10, as long as it is on a 64-bits architecture. You should offer more information about CPU, GPU and Memory(RAM).…
  • 1. Make sure no other process is intervening with Vindictus Launcher whatsoever. Also check how the game is acting towards the CPU and Memory within Task Manager. 2. Go to the File Directory of the game, afterwards into the Bin folder and open co…
  • I couldn't find you on the last list from the old forum, but anyway, it doesn't matter. The characters have been added to the present list. P.S. : If you are in a guild, don't forget to mention it. If you are not, it's alright to let it unmention…
  • I wouldn't go the first with someone who's below 80 either, it's understandable. I would advise you to try to level up as fast as possible and gain at least 200 titles. And congratulations for sales. Keep it up!
  • It's understandable to be angry about this situation,I would be too, but don't direct it towards a member of the staff. He or she isn't responsible for this. And yes, take nothing personal, it's just a remark. I support you and I hope you will get t…
  • I hope that the staff of Nexon will get the permision to expand Vindictus to Israel because those people worked hard during these years for their items, too. @Jentemoon Thank you for the shown interests in this matter! We hope everything will tu…