
  • She's fun, but not fun enough to quit my Evie. Even if I quit Evie, it would be for Arisha anyway (which is already 90 in decent gear for an alt)
  • She's fun (not enough to quit my evie, 100% sure, but enough to level up to at least lvl 90) and ridiculously easy and straightforward. If you consider Kai the Easy mode of Vindictus due to his range (Release kai lel), Miri is probably VERY EASY …
  • Niburu wrote: » Jelly!!!!! Missed you! Hoy o3o
  • Only two unique set this time ? Even Delia had 3... :C
  • All I know is the devs consider her a true glass cannon so she have high damage but dies easily if not played well and let's be honest, she's far to have above average dodge moves.
  • I started after Titan release and very shortly before Staff Evie first (out of like 3 by now ???) revamp. So for Episode 1 and part of episode I had fun looking for parties and having A HELL OF A TIME SOLO'ING MACHA HARD MODE GNOLL CHIEFTAIN (IM…
  • I took paladin merely for the look. It matches so beautifully with her XD Anyway, the objectives is to hit attack cap technically... So Paladin end up better unless you plan to be casual and never hit attack cap (DK helps for that)
  • Thanks for all the inputs. I will keep my Regina staff Orange, upgrade it to +13 and work on my enchants ! I will work on a dullahan armor instead since I'm way too casual to have more than my weapon in the orange side of things XD As for my s…
  • For me the perfect necromancer gameplay is on Skyforge. DoT DPS that gets higher as the target HP is getting lower while summoning pets and becoming a lich for healing and small burst. I don't like Skyforge End-Game that much and sadly necromancer, …
  • My dream weapon is something that allow some kind of puppetry. By that I mean, Controlling your weapon from a mid-range distance and it seems like he does all the job for you but you do the controlling. His apparences would change depending on yo…
  • She feels very very repetitive like Sylas from the look of her gameplays Vids. I understand the hype for some but she lacks combo potential imo.
  • 1) The worst thing that can happen with those runes is ending up with a +9. 2) It doesn't stop you from using the regular enhancement runes to get back at +10 3) It doesn't stop you from enhancing without a rune past +10 like everyone else had…
  • Thanks for all the answers, it clarifies ALOT of stuff. My technique is at 191 and I got 1650 Additionnal dmg for now. The free gear is (almost fully) enchanted and enhanced to +10. From what I understand : I must finish the storyline ASAP to …
  • Since this is a title : Did they add new titles to anything BEFORE S3C2E1 because I notice that every boss from Underground Berbhe, even in normal battles, seem to give a title when that wasn't the cae in lochlann plain and Ben chenner where only…
  • Kinda disgusting how we will have to change ALL of our gear less than 2 years in 90 Cap with such a big stat increase (When Even the 95 Blue shards beat the 90 oranges, it's sad). Alot of games have a transfer system for what is equal to our Enchan…
  • Hello there, Taking hiatus back and forth since I consider having more than good enough for all the content we have (Except Neanhaim because HAHAHAHA nobody will reach those stats for a while in NA) and I wanted to know what's the point of the new …