[NEW MERCENARIES] Please note that all new forum users have to be approved before posting. This process can take up to 24 hours, and we appreciate your patience.



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Saygo's Boss ;)


  • Also yes, this is real. This is not a joke.
  • haha as if they're going to take the time and actually do this We totally do. With regard to the actual suggestion, it's a possibility in the future. This is the first iteration, and we know some tweaks / adjustments are necessary. We're not planni…
  • We're looking into adding a spoiler tag in the future. I do not have an ETA for when this will be added though.
  • Here's a question - We can look into adding some additional profile slots for things like "Server", "IGN", or other variables, into the User Profile page. Would that work? The issue I have with signatures, and this goes for pretty much every forum…
  • Adding emotes is on the list as a general forum update in the future, but there is no ETA at this time on when that will arrive. Customizable avatars are a higher priority, to put it that way.
  • We've launched a handful of other Nexon forums with this new software, and learned a lot over each launch. For instance, we used to have a "Dislike" button, but it became heavily abused and was used more for bullying than anything else. Didn't have …
  • Just cut it in half, and put the second half into your first reply.
  • The forums only list 10 threads per page... so that's not great. We'll be updating that as well. Not sure if it'll be 20 or 25, but we're doing some experiments to maintain readability on desktop and mobile. Unfortunately, it will not be user-sele…
  • Glad all of you are enjoying the new forums so far. As many of you know, this has been a longer-than-expected journey to get here, since the original forums you all first saw 2 years ago were torn down and rebuilt from the ground up. We'll be looki…