Bringing topic over from old forums in case anyone is wondering why the game is not running as well as it did back when we got the UI revamp. Still an issue as of today's Halloween update.
The user interface was altered in the Ein Lacher update in ways that are causing stutters/freezes/fps drops in various situations, along with some strange bugs. A few examples:
-The battle results screen and anything else that brings up the success emblem with the shining light and feathers effect cause severe frame drops. This includes enhancing, opening random box type items, and leveling up skills.
-During boat launch, the game will stutter as the camera focuses on one's own character. This is visible to everyone else on the boat; it will appear as though the character has frozen as their name appears onscreen. It's not uncommon to see everyone in the party freeze in this manner.
-Hiding the UI (pressing numpad- twice) does not work the same way it did before the Ein Lacher update. It appears to freeze all functions of the UI, including healthbar/stamina updates and even expertise crafting timers while the UI is hidden. This leads to stutters or momentary freezes when the UI is turned back on, where you can actually watch the health and stamina bars glitch out before changing to their new values.
-[Fixed]On dx8 settings, bright particle animations will cause shadows of the UI to appear onscreen while it is hidden. UI possibly being rendered multiple times leading to frame drops?
Image of the UI shadow on directx 8 settings:

My thread from the old forums:
(Link) (Dead)
Bug reporting thread on the EU forums with staff responses, note that it's in the "Unconfirmed/Needs more information" subcategory: (Read-only)
One of many threads made in other subforums with more hardware reports/discussion: game did not have these issues when the new UI was added in the Bow & Blade upate, nor when the game still used the old UI prior.
New info 02/16/2017:
-The boat freeze and fps lag with the UI on got worse after the Abyssal Arena patch. It's clearly visible that when the game stutters on your character during boat launch, the shaders setting is suddenly set to minimum and immediately changed back, causing the stutter.
-Fps in town with the UI on is not problematic until
after launching a boat and experiencing the stutter for the first time after launching the game.
-The only seemingly related UI change in the Ein Lacher and Abyssal Arena patches is the one referring to buff icons being made to redraw in 60fps at all times.
Thank you very much for this thread, Noburo. I appreciate the persistence.
Another quirk of disabling the UI I found was that the text showing the area and battlequest name in the bottom left restarts its animation every time you check the UI if you don't let it run through all the way.
Been a while since they heard back about it but having staff present in the discussion on both sides gives me hope that they'll do something about it soon.
After that i'm getting 20-25 with UI and 45~ without it on MEDIUM settings.
So yeah, i'll get a $5000 pc to maybe, just maybe play on high settings with 30 fps
Testing cards being an R9 270X overlocked, a TitanX, a GTX 1080ti, and a GTX 790.
Other hardware being mostly the same. And yet, just turning the UI on in battle, host and not, causes major dips. Even the R9270 drops to the 20~30s with settings on minimal. Frames skip quite often too. This was all done in the Abyssal Arena as well as Resenalin's Labyrinth. It really needs a rework and optimization. A possible DX10/11 support could aid a lot of other smaller and/or larger issues.
This is why I feel like pushing for action right now is important. There's speculation that the new dice event meter is the reason why mid-high end pc users are starting to feel fps drops on nearly the same level as low end users. If that is actually the case, and this goes unnoticed and unfixed by the devs, it's highly likely that once this event is patched out and the fps goes back to normal for most users, they'll just forget about it after said users quiet down and move on. I don't want that to happen.
Wake up - the posts about people leaving this game because of the fps drops are scattered across the multiple general discussion, bug reporting and tech support threads that have been popping up since AUGUST. You can't afford to lose everyone in your playerbase that's not using intel parts in a pc that cost them over a thousand dollars to build, don't wait for that to happen.
Made my last edit to the OP, adding the links I've posted in here plus the link to the old forum thread I made. I'll check back in here when we get our next content update. It will have been over 4 months since the Ein Lacher update by then, god help us if they still haven't shown any concern over the situation by then.
Config: Medium at best (no AA)
Without HUD
With HUD
Phenom II X4 B55 3.2
HD 5770
I know , it's a 7 years desktop, but come on i can see the 59.9 fps, so i know the damm thing it's capable to run smoother.