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The Game Will Close in 10 Seconds
After today's maintenance, lots of players encountered error messages and were unable to log in the game. Players submitted tickets but were told their accounts were banned permanently due to usage of 3rd party programs.
Above situation happened to me personally as well. During last week, I got several "unauthorized program detected" messages while running raids then my game closed on its own. I had no other programs open except internet browser and Nexon launcher. I thought it was just random occurrences and since I don't use any 3rd party programs I shouldn't need to worry too much about it. However it turned out I was wrong.

These are the error messages I got while trying to log in the game after today's maintenance.
I contacted customer support to reach out for help but was told I was banned for using 3rd party programs, the ticket was closed immediately by a GM without giving me any chance to explain.
So I contacted a 2nd GM trying to submit a ban appeal since the accusation of me using 3rd party program is completely false. This GM reviewed and closed my ticket again telling me the ban is final and irrevocable.
I'm baffled as to how indifferent and incompetent these GMs are, I've been playing this game for 8-9 years, I've probably been here for longer than most of your current employees. Not once did I get flagged for using 3rd party programs or exploiting. I spent thousands of dollars, countless of hours playing this game everyday, every month and every year to show my support, and this is what I get. No second chance, no explanation, no help at all.
From what I've read on Vindictus official discord, this seems to be a black cipher issue, and GMs on official discord has addressed it. If you have the same issue, please leave comments and screenshots below, lets hope someone from Nexon will finally come out and do the right thing. Thanks for reading.
Making the ban as final without giving player a chance to appeal themselves is like running a kangaroo court in **** Germany, and you don't have to censor their GM name because those are not their real name.
On the Discord announcement, do not be optimism that they will fix and "unban" your account. Officials might be irresponsible for this issue by tell everyone to "close any unnecessary programs" before playing on next announcement and make no intention to fix the issue.
Yeah after reading all these comments I don't really have any hopes left. It's just really upsetting I got flagged on my "cleanest" PC... Nothing installed except those absolutely necessary, I use the browser version for Discord and Spotify, even antivirus is only Windows Defender. Yet I was flagged for 3rd party program and was accused of cheating without any explanation by this GM.
I tried to log on other accounts. Got the same error on this PC, but I was able to log in on other PC occasionally. On my main account, I cannot log in and stay in game at all. I could however see I was getting guild seals and friends saw notification on friendlist.
Same thing happening to me
Now i discovered this issue and topic ...
I am as old player as this game exist. Never did anything funny.
They will probably tell you your account is banned for engaging in activity against the code of conduct. The ban is also final and irreversible and the entire team have investigated your account and came to the same conclusion. Welcome to the club brother.
Yes i got that kind of message to the ticked i opened today... i did reply that is no case, and i will insist about that.
In other post here on the forum someone said Nexon being aware of the issue...
I just came back to the game after months being mostly offlime from Vindi ... this is just the welcome i was expecting
The only thing we can do right now is to wait for them to update the #news section on Official discord. The only place where they actually acknowledged this issue. Here is the invitation link if you haven't joined. https://discord.gg/ggYu6yA
And I always have my usual softwares running (Groove Music, Discord, Firefox, Nexon Launcher, iCUE, antivirus, logitech game assistant, GeForce Experience, Samsung Magician...), which would never provoke that error. And opening anything else like Word/Microsoft Access and other software for work (And nothing related to programming :x ) wouldn't trigger it, otherwise I would close Vindictus to work.
So I suppose it could be related to that BlackCipher's rampage for it to occur randomly like that, and gonna keep playing while I can... Why make such worrying messages tho? :,(
This is how started for me, as i remember. Same thing, i didnt run anything else other what normal software that i am uzing for years. Then i got this issue, but this happened with the new content.
This was how it happened for all of us unfortunately. The way their customer support treated us is unacceptable.
But Yeah, is really making you quit when you're trying to appeal for your case, and you get such dissapointing answer that blames you for something you did not do, I personally can confirm When I Ran the game In the morning the PC had nothing open BESIDES steam! (after all thats how I started the game lol)
But yeah, Would be really nice if they would atleast tell the affected users that is Their fault, and that the program requires repair, so we should be patient or so, but instead we getting stuff like, ''1000 gms checked you and decided that u will never play again'' Lulz.
Just gonna post the official notice here as the issue has been resolved.
Now, I can't even play in EU server like last year.
Regardless, this has been quite disheartening. Finally get to the Belle event and get banned for something I have no control over. Hopefully they are able to fix the issue this week.
Regardless, this has been quite disheartening. Finally get to the Belle event and get banned for something I have no control over. Hopefully they are able to fix
Its quite dumb msg, "Game will close in 10 seconds if issue persists contact the support", some claim all you had to do was to close non-windows processes and try again ( or do clean-boot ) so your account wont get pernamently flagged and blocked by system. Why there was no proper notification like " Game will close in 10 seconds if issue persists contact the support. Please close all 3rd party programs and try again?". Hello?
Even contacted support , explaining the issue but support won't tell you anything and just accuse you of using "3rd party programs" and "ours terms of conduct etc etc". This whole situation feels like its handled very unprofessional by Nexon. They either know this BlackCipher is faulty and can't acknowledge it because it falsely flags users. I mean in the age of multi-tasking and multiple monitors setups you are expected to have launched a lot of programs in the background. Never hacked or did malicious things, I even have legit antivirus that instantly detects and handles any tool that tries to hook up into processes or change some file structure without my knowledge.
Even if you ask support "what process caused it" , they won't tell you because of security reasons. So you have no idea what causes this problem, how to protect yourself from future events like this. And it might happen possibly in the future again.
So it's like walking on the thin nice, you never know when BlackCipher might get triggered.
Its kinda worrying as I was loyal and long term fan ( and of course nx consumer ), yet they treat you like "No , bye" in every single ticket you sent to. Even in appeal form.
Well says much. It also makes me not really recommend this game to any friends, as your adventure might end in any second "just because". Or any Nexon game at all. Its especially interesting how many people affected by this were part of long-term players ( especially before merging EU with NA )