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Upcoming change regarding crafting
Crafters be advised.
I don't think this has been mentioned on here yet, but on 07/09 following significant updates were made in Kr server regarding crafting, dismantling, & element stones:
- If ANY of the ingredients for crafting an item are bound, the resulting crafted item will also be bound to you.
- Upon obtaining an dismantle-able item via marketplace or mail, it will become bound to you.
- If you dismantle a bound item, the resulting items will also be bound to you.
These only apply for the expertise crafting and not for NPC crafting.
So I guess now if you wanted to craft & sell stuff on a character, all ingredient items have to be farmed only by that character.
The vast majority of the sever was strongly against this change but it pulled through anyway.
I'm aware most people here do not know Korean, but here are my sources:

Trilogy of updates that fucked up players: Fatigue, ALR transfer nerf, binded crafts
LAME. Please no. I can't tell you how nice it is to be able to ship my items between my characters when making element stones.
Will this company ever stop making decisions that destroy their own game? Why would you implement something that the majority of your strongest player base is against?
Side note: I notice the Nexon white knights have steered clear of this thread. When even they haven't shown up you know a change is bad as can be.
About that...they DO bind via shared storage. And the following week they doubled-down on this change and made further bind mods to dyes and bracelets. See below:
- If an [expertise item] that can be dismantled, is acquired through [Marketplace] or [Mailbox], the item will have [Bound] attribute;
- If an [expertise item] with "Cannot be traded/mailed" is dismantled, its materials inherit that attribute;
- If one of materials for expertise crafting has "Bound" attribute, the resulting item is also Bound;
: Even if one of materials can be moved between characters in the same ID, the resulting item will still inherit the [Bound] attribute;
: Prior to crafting process. a pop-up window will be shown to check what attribute the resulting item will have;
: The same notification window will be shown when attempting crafting through NPCs.
- The following items are bound after trade, including [Marketplace], [Mailbox], [Shared Storage] and [Guild Storage].
: [Twinkling Armor];
: [Twinkling Pants];
: [Twinkling Shoes];
: [Twinkling Wristband];
: [Twinkling Earrings];
: [Leather Bracelets];
: [Copper Bracelets];
: [Silver Bracelets].
[Note:] If the [Unbind Count] remains, players can unbind the item for further sale.
- The following items can only be traded once.
- If the item is taken from [Shared Storage], players can't trade the item.
- The item can be put in [Shared Storage] indefinitely.
: [Outfit Dye Ampoule (Colored)];
: [Clodagh's Dye Ampoule (Colored)].
tldr: move your items now (and before every major maintenance) to your strongest crafting character because these changes will be added.
Yes, after the patch if you wanted to sell 3+ star gears without having to use unbind potions or quality coupons, all the mats would have to be farmed in dungeon by the character you intend to be doing the crafting on.
Apparently it was meant to combat the bots flooding the MP but all it really did was hurting the playerbase.
Also thank you LoLoBooty for posting those additional detail.
Makes sense. There were badly translated comments about dropping a meteor to kill a cockroach, which I assumed had something to do with overkill to combat an exploit, but the bots are ever present. Lots of comments about "let's all die together" and "let's kill the game ourselves" making lots of sense as well. What an absolute train wreck set of decisions. Like I said, even the white knights can't polish up this turd.
This might be the actual nail in the coffin for NA. I thought the game would manage to limp along until the next big project, but it seems they've lost their minds. I don't understand destroying QoL for your own players to deal with a few exploiters.
"Dropping a meteor to kill a cockroach" Hahahaha honestly I couldn't have used a better expression to describe this patch.
But yes, having skimmed through those comments before myself, the translation (or at least what you got out of it) is quite accurate.
Make equipment bind if you enhance them with bound materials.
And after that, make anything bind if you move it in your own inventory. Yes, we sure need that change for a more challenging gameplay!
The binding system in Vindi is without a doubt the worst one I ever saw in any game so far.
It feels like a giant virus with this new patch. Everything that comes into contact with a bound item gets infected with the bound status. Quite a needless and dumb change. Never seen bots selling powders/catalysts or any other materials (or... equipment?) that would warrant this change.
binding is awfull i just returned and had some airtight unbind potion laying around i wanted to sell but on another character so i transfered it to shared storage not knowing that once i transfer it using shared storage it's not sellable anymore , so i end up with 8 million i could have made and a useless potion i dont plan on using anytime soon.
the crafting material being bound is also a real pain in the ass, when i returned a month ago and saw that every character could craft items if you had the expertise maxed on one character , i bought some mats on my mule character to begin crafting stuff and after realising the prof dont go up if you craft stuff with any character but the one that has the expertise the counter doesn't go up , i end up again being stuck with useless crap material that i cannot even transfer through my other character.