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Vindictus - Getting to know the playerbase


  • Member Zeze
    Vindictus Rep: 1,230
    Posts: 62
    1. youtube
    2. 2 years
    3. hurk
    4. +13 lv90 wpn (yes im a scrub)
    5. black white green
    6. keaghan
  • Member MochiSweet
    Vindictus Rep: 3,050
    Posts: 406
    edited November 6, 2016

    You poor thing. How dare RNG not give you another highly enhanced weapon. I mean 2 +15's is just not enough in this game.
    my close friend ingame succeed his 6 +15 : lann 2, vella 1( just farming char he doesn't even play), delia 1, Evie 1 (on his friend's account), hurk 1
    Oh i forgot he almost made his 7th on his lann, boomed +14 t.swords.

    so clearly not enough.

  • Member PlayerOOOl
    Vindictus Rep: 1,270
    Posts: 45
    edited November 6, 2016
    1. I knew Steam from several MMO news sites. Way back when it was launched. Vindictus was probably best choice among all free-to-play MMORPG that year.

    2. I started since game was launched. But I don't really spend too much time gaming in general. And I played other games too.

    3. Evie

    4. Don't think I have any great achievement. But I did kind of stop playing vindy after I level up all 11 chars to level 90.

    5. Colors don't really matter too much to me.

    6. Lionotus; when team works and cliff-falling actually mattered. Not the Lionotus runs get done within 5min these days.
  • Member Empiricist
    Vindictus Rep: 1,295
    Posts: 21
    1. Sibling told me about it. Said it was the cooler version of Mabinogi. Saw Evie at the time and thought Blink was really awesome.

    2. Since 2011.

    3. Evie :)

    4. It's not the most in my server but 3500+ arena wins without trading :P

    5. B/W

    6. Hero SOM Keaghan :D Recently liking Eochaid on Arisha too haha
  • Member MrWubz
    Vindictus Rep: 300
    Posts: 4
    1. How did you find about Vindictus?
    I found out about the game from a friend who played the beta. Kinda forced me into playing it with him at launch. He ended up joining the military but I was totally hooked.

    2. How long have you been playing?
    Been playing the game on and off since launch. Started heavily playing once Kai came out and after meeting a great group of people. Haven't been playing very much after most of them quit.

    3. Who was your first character?
    My first character was fifi, however, I only got her to level 50, then switched to Kai who I've mained ever since.

    4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
    My greatest achievement would have to be helping a few friends build their characters. Not too impressive lol.

    5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
    Blue and black or Black and purple (the majority of my characters) and Blue, black, and white (My Kai) I've also really liked white and black color schemes that I've seen others do.

    6. Favorite dungeon?
    My favorite dungeon would have to be Kheagan because he was the first boss I properly learned to solo.
  • Member Suukei
    Vindictus Rep: 3,220
    Posts: 354
    edited November 6, 2016
    1. How did you find about Vindictus? Through a friend who wanted to play it but they can't because they live in another country.

    2. How long have you been playing? 3 years

    3. Who was your first character? Lynn though I made Lann and Vella before.

    4. What would you consider your greatest achievement? Eh, 10 lvl 90 chars. +cold

    5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment? Black or White with another color. Black & White with another color.

    6. Favorite dungeon? I don't have a favorite but I have a crush on Succubus and Iset.
  • Member AuntJEMIMAAA
    Vindictus Rep: 735
    Posts: 28
    1. How did you find about Vindictus?
    A good friend IRL told me about it and how he liked it so I tried it out and I kinda liked it too :)

    2. How long have you been playing?
    5 years or so

    3. Who was your first character?
    My karok, AuntJEMIMAAA

    4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
    Still playing this game...

    5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
    Pink, white, black.... anything that's more expensive than I wanna pay for

    6. Favorite dungeon?
    The town, where I sit and gossip and spread rumors :)
  • Member Itotia
    Vindictus Rep: 1,535
    Posts: 19
    1. How did you find about Vindictus?
    Friend from Europe introduced me to the game back in 2011.

    2. How long have you been playing?
    Since late 2011.

    3. Who was your first character?

    4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
    Stopped Procrastinating and worked on collecting titles to get 300.

    5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?

    6. Favorite dungeon?
    My inventory. My guildies make fun of me for hoarding everything.
    On a serious note: Ainle.
  • Member AndromedaGM
    Vindictus Rep: 16,875
    Posts: 349
    photo tumblr_npj4lpjHjs1so2t73o6_250_zpsevm2drln.gif

    1. How did you find Vindictus?
    I found the game since 2012 by one designer friend .

    2. How long have you been playing?
    4 years +.

    3. Who was your first character?

    4. What consider your greatest achievement?
    The creation of my guild is my greatest achievement.

    5. Favorite color scheme to use on your computer?
    I like to use the black and purple.

    6. Dungeon favorite?
    Definitely my favorite dungeon is Lavasat #Cow in flames. :)
  • Member Mikewer
    Vindictus Rep: 500
    Posts: 7
    1. Random MMO videos on youtube
    2.Since Kai was released, with some breaks, i didnt play season 2 in its moment
    3.Kai, but now my main its Fiona
    4.getting a white kitty brooch from the welcome boxes
    5.mostly black/blue, Black/red
    6.Muir, twilight desert
  • Member Hoshinaki
    Vindictus Rep: 2,255
    Posts: 50
    edited November 7, 2016
    1. Just by looking at Nexon's games back in 2011. I needed a break from Maplestory.

    2. I just tried Vindi for a day back in 2011, but never got into it. I started gaining interest in 2012, so since then, I've been playing regularly.

    3. My first character was Evie, and I was a staff main for quite awhile. I now main Lynn.

    4. My greatest achievement is probably getting that Golden God title on my Lynn. It took a long time, but I felt satisfied at the end.

    5. I'm either in white/dark blue, or black/dark blue colors.

    6. My favorite dungeon would have to be Garden of Tears/Corrupted Queen. I always loved how the flowers illuminated the area (even though I lag like crazy there).
  • Member Fluent
    Vindictus Rep: 750
    Posts: 12
    edited November 7, 2016
    1. 2010, my cousin showed me.
    2. Early Access.
    3. Lann, but switched to Evie.
    4. Nothing.
    5. Dirty purple and white.
    6. CMI. Memories. (; a;)
  • Member RhapsodyOfFire
    Vindictus Rep: 5,375
    Posts: 625
    edited July 15, 2018
    *uses necromancy spells*

    1. How did you find about Vindictus?
    From an advertisement.

    2. How long have you been playing?
    Actively for 1 year back since September 2011. Then after a 3-year hiatus i returned to the game for the Arisha release in 2015 and played for 2 years with longer or shorter periods of hiatus.

    3. Who was your first character?
    Lann. (i had all 3 characters at that time, but i played lann the most)

    4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
    Being the former leader of one of the best guilds from 2011-2012 (EU). : P

    5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
    Different shades of purple. Although my lann's armor was rainbow colored last time. End-game boredom +haha

    6. Favorite dungeon?
    Ainle. And my favourite raid was S1 Glas.
  • Member Fluent
    Vindictus Rep: 750
    Posts: 12
    This is such a long time ago I forgot I posted on this. I was about to. LMAO. My answer stays the same.
  • Member Cloakshire
    Vindictus Rep: 4,580
    Posts: 646
    1. How did you find out about Vindictus?
    One of my friends got two beta keys for Vin & introduced me by asking me if I wanted to try a new game with him.

    2. How long have you been playing?
    Since CB in 2010. Occasional breaks here and there but I've been a regular player over the years.

    3. Who was your first character?

    4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
    Doing a 27 minute 1HP solo of CBH at level 60 when spear lann didn't have iframes. (Inspired by RaidHunter).

    5. Favorite color scheme for to use on your equipment?
    Either Red/Black or Black/Silver

    6. Favorite Dungeon?
    Season 1 - Glas
    Season 2 - Cromm
    Season 3 - Lord Glas
  • Member Zeroheart
    Vindictus Rep: 7,740
    Posts: 725
    1. How did you find about Vindictus?
    On Steam, friend and I were looking for a good Action MMO, since the other one closed down and the action part seem cool

    2. How long have you been playing?
    A long time, just about when Kai was released i believe

    3. Who was your first character?
    Evie, she was the only long range character back then and friend picked Karok as the power of the team. (Did not work out that way much)

    4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
    Back then in 24 man Echuluas, I think 75 was the highest level and only a few people inside were above 60 and rest were in their 30, the raid was going long and no one was using grace (back then they were rare) and time was going down to the last 4 mins, I was the only person alive most of the time ,dodging like crazy with my Chain Blade Vella (No graces myself too) whipping the bloody flying dragon and finally killed him with almost half of the people left and did 78% damage on the boss. This was quite good since weapon was like +8 and there was no such thing as ADD DMG . The RAR raids were still hard but fun.
    I kinda soloed a RAR boss back then

    5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
    Depends on the character. But mostly
    Evie - Red and white
    Vella - Dark colors
    Arisha - Blue themed

    6. Favorite dungeon?
    Ghost Ship before RIse and before they nerfed evie rage condunctor. I remember that every boss i fought against i took 3 bars of HP with laser. Made farming for those rare rings and The Dead es scroll so much easier.
    Now I guess Abyass Arena, I can freeze most of the bosses and got the timing of spawn and placement down.
  • Member RaptorBug
    Vindictus Rep: 1,060
    Posts: 15
    Lazete sami sebe pola vas nije ni **** za vind do prije 3 god sad odjednom svi beta igraci
  • Member RhapsodyOfFire
    Vindictus Rep: 5,375
    Posts: 625
    RaptorBug wrote: »
    Lazete sami sebe pola vas nije ni **** za vind do prije 3 god sad odjednom svi beta igraci

    Nande konna koto surun da?
  • Member Cloakshire
    Vindictus Rep: 4,580
    Posts: 646
    edited July 16, 2018
    RaptorBug wrote: »
    Lazete sami sebe pola vas nije ni **** za vind do prije 3 god sad odjednom svi beta igraci

    This guy is basically saying that most of us that are claiming to be from the beta days are lying about our status. He's also saying that we probably haven't played for more than 3 years.

    While I cannot prove that I'm from closed beta, I can prove that I've been here since at least 2011.

    Or, translated into Croatian for him:
    Ne mogu dokazati da sam iz zatvorene beta verzije, ali mogu dokazati da sam ovdje od najmanje 2011. godine.
  • Member Zeroheart
    Vindictus Rep: 7,740
    Posts: 725
    Not from Beta, but pretty sure one of the oldest players here. I was from the era where you couldn't run through town with out seeing a Naruto or Bleach named avatar. Back then we did not have dyes and hope the colors will looked good when we crafted it. Raid boss were hard and had more elements into it. One of the best things to do while waiting on a boat was to glitch out and run across the map.
    Evies were favored due to the crystal shield , it used to be a diamond shaped instead of a bubble. I had some much fun being tossed around the map because of collision . Kai back then had something that drain his SP unless he continued to attacked.
    Running Irukul raid was a challenge since we had to run a long passage to the arena, squishing yourself to the right side made you run a bit faster. Those were the times where Evie alchemy was useful. Using the Golem to gather ballista spears in Glas and Giant raid. Using the mana pistol to aggro the mini spider the Spider Queen pooped out. That running Nightmare in the ruins was a good place to farm exp.
    Worse was the Memory of the past raid, where players had to fight Iset and then Havan back to back. Problem was iset hereslef was so small and hard to hit, most of the time the entire party couldn't continue due to no more feathers. Bark was one of the harder raids to do since you had to destroy the arms then the other part before you could attack the train. I did a duo once with SaintMage, one of the first Evie i know that soloed the entire Bark raid. Those were good times where joining a raid actually tested the skill of the player instead the numbers they had on a stat. That coordinating with the team to bomb the lizard guy of the Evil one back and pushing off a cliff was a victory of itself. Fighting the mini colru golem then facing the huge one was a surprise (the only 8 man raid cause of switches in the room). That people could be eaten in the Lako or Kraken raid.