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4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
6. Favorite dungeon?
Sample: I found out about Vindictus through YouTube. I have been playing Vindictus for 5 years (start date: September 17th, 2011). My first character was Fiona. My greatest achievement would be getting to meet this wonderful community and making friends over the 5 years I have been playing. My favorite color scheme for equipment would come down between Black & Gold or Black, Red, & White. Favorite dungeon would have to be Garden of Tears.
1. Friend who I've known for 12 years showed me Vindictus trailer in 2010 while I was in a computer classroom in community college. 2. 6 years 3. Fiona 4. 14+ Regina hammer that's permabound now 5. Succubus Queen
1. Was browsing through Nexon's games and I saw a new game was coming out back in 2010. Checked out the trailer and the graphics at the time were stunning for an RPG. I mean it still is and I love it, but it could do with a more updated engine. Haha.
2. I've been playing for 6 years. Sometimes on/off with breaks.
3. First character was Fiona since it was only Lann and Fiona at the time. I lost interest after lv. 10 and waited for Evie to come out. I consider Evie to be my "first" since she is the first character I actually invested time and effort in.
4. Still not giving up on this game even after all of its ups and downs. LOL.
5. Blue/black. Blue/white. Black/gold. Black dye prices though... yikes.
I'm not sure how i found out about Vindictus, probably through youtube when i was just searching for random mmos
I started between the time Evie came out and Karok came out. think around 2011-2012. So been playing for about 4-5 years.
My first character was staff evie, notice she was the only class that could heal at the time. Love me them healer class
Socailizing with people and being part of a guild me and someone I met in vindi made. We had lot of fun activity sadly they quit vindictus forever miss them Q.Q
My favority colors are blue and yellow, so i jsut dye my character armor yello andd blue x3.
Niflheim on hardmode, like it because of the perma death element, motivate me to stay a live and play properly ^^
Friend told me about on Steam , Ive Been playing since April 22nd 2015 xD , i made a +15 90 Term Dagger with my weaponsmith name on it +cool , my mains gear is all 25 25 25 or nothing +shy, 1st character was Kai +yes
I found Vindictus through some online multiplayer game website. Couldn't tell you what it was at the time. I remember seeing this amazing screen shot, and I automatically thought it must have been taken from a trailer or something. So I downloaded the game and to my surprise, the actual game looked just like that screen shot. I was hooked and amazed that the gameplay and graphics were so nice and fluid.
So, I've been playing since March of 2011 (Almost 6 years). Took a few breaks every now and then. But I always come back. Doesn't matter how stale or repetitive the game becomes. I've always got Vindi on speed dial when I take a break. My first character, who I still play to this day, was Evie IGN: Creidne. Day 1:(Pretty sure I spammed magic arrow because I didn't know what the heck I was doing)
My greatest achievement would be having the chance to meet so many wonderful people along the way from day 1. Engaging with others, and together venturing into this new experience. Exploring the unknown as a noob haha. What a wonderful feeling. I've created relationships with so many people and I'm so grateful to everyone who has welcomed me with open arms to share in this wonderful experience. When real life becomes stressful, it's nice to be able to get away and visit with my online family here. I truly am thankful for my past, present, and future here in Vindictus
My favorite color schemes are simple. Black/green, and black/orange. My two favorite colors with a black base! My evie uses the green and my kai uses the orange. My favorite dungeon(s) would have to be anything Ainle. I love the atmosphere of those dungeons and who doesn't love the Blood Lord.....Reborn ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
1. How did you find about Vindictus? Misleading advertisements that had both Valve and Nexon logos on it (because of source) and I was like "hell, is this some Valve teams up with the Maplestory guys garbage?"
2. How long have you been playing?Since around the time Evie was just released. Six years?
3. Who was your first character?Fiona, the intro videos made her seem the most appealing
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?Maintaining a near perfect title count on my Vella. Besides that duplicate Golden Time title I got, which Nexon support refuses to swap out (but here you go anyone who blew up their 90 weapons, have that back!) Also dragging my feet on the 16 man Lakoria title because I don't feel like doing that until they fix the damn attack cap removal thing.
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?Red and *insert color here*
6. Favorite dungeon? This is a tough one. Right now it's Temple of the Fallen Moon as far as raids go, but as far as actual dungeons go I've had some very memorable experiences in Resenlian's Labyrinth
1. I don't remember tbh, it was 6 years ago. Perhaps it was from a gaming site while i was searching for new game. 2. I started playing this game since obt but quitted very soon, then came back in 2012 or so when Vella released and quitted too. The most reason is both characters i played (evie and vella) didn't fit my favorites. But when arisha released i finally had one and played Vindictus as main mmo till now. So 2 years with 2 months of old experience. 3. Evie 4. Got my first +15 on my arisha, then my lynn, all self made. Tho it's already half an year i haven't succeed even a +13 from that day. 5.black & white, pretty classic 6. For now perhaps Lugh and succubus queen, the 2 sexiest bosses ingame
1. How did you find about Vindictus? PAX East 2011
2. How long have you been playing? About 5 years now
3. Who was your first character? Evie
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement? Probably title hunting. I think I'm one of the few players that has over 650 titles.
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment? Black/White/Other Colors for various characters.
6. Favorite dungeon? Crom Cruach or Zecallion at 300%. I don't know why people have so much trouble with Crom's sacrifice phase. Just keep calm and dodge accordingly.
1. Wanted to find a game similar to monster hunter 2. 4? years. Joined about 3 months prior t the first Karok revamp and jump removal (spent 1.5 hours running around 20-39 MLP and couldnt figure out the end) 3. Kai. He's been on the backburner since I made a vella 4. +15 regina CB a month after regina release (cuz placebo stones OP) 5. White and a sky blue 6. Anything I can hit
1. How did you find about Vindictus? A couple of people on a forum had some free invites to give away for Early Access. I got lucky.
2. How long have you been playing? 6 years
3. Who was your first character? Lann
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement? Co-founded and built up an unofficial International sub-community of Vindictus Players where it's easier for EAST, WEST, EU, and ASIA players to meet each other. Still growing now (at least 230+ EAST players active for example) but not under my supervision anymore (retired).
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment? Brotherhood of Nod color scheme.
1. How did you find about Vindictus? - I wanted to take a "month" break from Shaiya Pheonix and found this game. - I never told the guys over at Shaiya that I've finally "quit" so technically, I'm still on that "month" break .... that accidently turned from a month into three years ... ^_^;;; ha ... haha ...
2. How long have you been playing? - 3 years
3. Who was your first character? - Fiona because she was the best soloer. Played for a bit then tried Lann. Still stuck as a Lann. ;-;
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement? - Soloing Druid and being able to dodge the bomb without tanking it or using F7 .... I should go re-do that solo, I had played so badly ....
Edit: Forgot one, occassionally getting top DPS as Back Tent as Sword Lann. I have a whole folder collection of this for lols. +drunk
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment? - Black and Blue for main ..... maybe Black, Red, and White for Arisha ... can't decide X_x
6. Favorite Dungeon? - I don't know .... after grinding them 60+ times, I hate them all ... If anything, the glitches in Misty Summit are hilarious despite all the running ... - Unless if you mean favorite boss instead of dungeon then it's Eochaid, then Juggernaut. There's something strangely satisfying about hooking his giant eyeball and popping it out of him ....
1. How did you find out about Vindictus? From a friend and her boyfriend 2. How long have you been playing? 5 years 3. Who was your first character? Evie because I like healing +shy 4. What would you consider your greatest achievement? I haven't decided yet. 5. Favourite color scheme to use on equipment? Depending on the character either red, white, black or blue, black and white. 6. Favourite dungeon? Succubus on hard or hero and Fleeing Gnoll King on hero
1. How did you find about Vindictus? Friends from other games 2. How long have you been playing? Little over five and a half years 3. Who was your first character? Evie 4. What would you consider your greatest achievement? Ehhhhhhhhhhhh..... 5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment? Black, white, purple 6. Favorite dungeon? Havan
2. 6 years
3. Fiona
4. 14+ Regina hammer that's permabound now
5. Succubus Queen
2. 5.5 years
3. Lann
4. Reaching 26k att 11k def 67 speed 121 crit 85 bal WTB Enthu/The Dead es +call On my Delia
5. White Blk Dark Blue some red/ Whit Blk Red. Depends on the character.
6. Zecalion at 300% power. Welcome to Hell.
2. I've been playing for 6 years. Sometimes on/off with breaks.
3. First character was Fiona since it was only Lann and Fiona at the time. I lost interest after lv. 10 and waited for Evie to come out. I consider Evie to be my "first" since she is the first character I actually invested time and effort in.
4. Still not giving up on this game even after all of its ups and downs. LOL.
5. Blue/black. Blue/white. Black/gold. Black dye prices though... yikes.
6. Mr. Clean (aka Lord Glas) or Havan.
2. NA launch.
3. Fiona
4. Going on hiatus from first launch til Delia launch.
5. Turquoise
6. Perilous Ruins - Mercenary Training Site
2.- almost 2 years O3O
3.- Vella
4.- Golden God Title (crappy FPS)
5.- I don't have one...I change colors almost like every month.
6.- Druid
I found Vindictus through some online multiplayer game website. Couldn't tell you what it was at the time. I remember seeing this amazing screen shot, and I automatically thought it must have been taken from a trailer or something. So I downloaded the game and to my surprise, the actual game looked just like that screen shot. I was hooked and amazed that the gameplay and graphics were so nice and fluid.

So, I've been playing since March of 2011 (Almost 6 years). Took a few breaks every now and then. But I always come back. Doesn't matter how stale or repetitive the game becomes. I've always got Vindi on speed dial when I take a break. My first character, who I still play to this day, was Evie IGN: Creidne.
Day 1:(Pretty sure I spammed magic arrow because I didn't know what the heck I was doing)
My greatest achievement would be having the chance to meet so many wonderful people along the way from day 1. Engaging with others, and together venturing into this new experience. Exploring the unknown as a noob haha. What a wonderful feeling. I've created relationships with so many people and I'm so grateful to everyone who has welcomed me with open arms to share in this wonderful experience. When real life becomes stressful, it's nice to be able to get away and visit with my online family here. I truly am thankful for my past, present, and future here in Vindictus
My favorite color schemes are simple. Black/green, and black/orange. My two favorite colors with a black base! My evie uses the green and my kai uses the orange. My favorite dungeon(s) would have to be anything Ainle. I love the atmosphere of those dungeons and who doesn't love the Blood Lord.....Reborn ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2. How long have you been playing? Since around the time Evie was just released. Six years?
3. Who was your first character?Fiona, the intro videos made her seem the most appealing
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement? Maintaining a near perfect title count on my Vella. Besides that duplicate Golden Time title I got, which Nexon support refuses to swap out (but here you go anyone who blew up their 90 weapons, have that back!) Also dragging my feet on the 16 man Lakoria title because I don't feel like doing that until they fix the damn attack cap removal thing.
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment? Red and *insert color here*
6. Favorite dungeon? This is a tough one. Right now it's Temple of the Fallen Moon as far as raids go, but as far as actual dungeons go I've had some very memorable experiences in Resenlian's Labyrinth
2. I started playing this game since obt but quitted very soon, then came back in 2012 or so when Vella released and quitted too. The most reason is both characters i played (evie and vella) didn't fit my favorites. But when arisha released i finally had one and played Vindictus as main mmo till now. So 2 years with 2 months of old experience.
3. Evie
4. Got my first +15 on my arisha, then my lynn, all self made. Tho it's already half an year i haven't succeed even a +13 from that day.
5.black & white, pretty classic
6. For now perhaps Lugh and succubus queen, the 2 sexiest bosses ingame
2. Since Hurk Release.
3. Kai.
4. Play every character to enjoy what the game has to offer.
5. Different Pink.
6. Lugh because he's hot.
PAX East 2011
2. How long have you been playing?
About 5 years now
3. Who was your first character?
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
Probably title hunting. I think I'm one of the few players that has over 650 titles.
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
Black/White/Other Colors for various characters.
6. Favorite dungeon?
Crom Cruach or Zecallion at 300%. I don't know why people have so much trouble with Crom's sacrifice phase. Just keep calm and dodge accordingly.
1. Wanted to find a game similar to monster hunter
2. 4? years. Joined about 3 months prior t the first Karok revamp and jump removal (spent 1.5 hours running around 20-39 MLP and couldnt figure out the end)
3. Kai. He's been on the backburner since I made a vella
4. +15 regina CB a month after regina release (cuz placebo stones OP)
5. White and a sky blue
6. Anything I can hit
A couple of people on a forum had some free invites to give away for Early Access. I got lucky.
2. How long have you been playing?
6 years
3. Who was your first character?
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
Co-founded and built up an unofficial International sub-community of Vindictus Players where it's easier for EAST, WEST, EU, and ASIA players to meet each other. Still growing now (at least 230+ EAST players active for example) but not under my supervision anymore (retired).
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
Brotherhood of Nod color scheme.
6. Favorite dungeon?
2. Since Season 1 Episode 10 just introduced. Don't remember how long that was.
3. Karok. Four of us were playing this game and there were 4 chars to pick. We decided to roll.
4. Spent less than $10 NX in year 2016.
5. Black and White
6. Glas
- I wanted to take a "month" break from Shaiya Pheonix and found this game.
- I never told the guys over at Shaiya that I've finally "quit" so technically, I'm still on that "month" break .... that accidently turned from a month into three years ... ^_^;;; ha ... haha ...
2. How long have you been playing?
- 3 years
3. Who was your first character?
- Fiona because she was the best soloer. Played for a bit then tried Lann. Still stuck as a Lann. ;-;
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
- Soloing Druid and being able to dodge the bomb without tanking it or using F7 .... I should go re-do that solo, I had played so badly ....
Edit: Forgot one, occassionally getting top DPS as Back Tent as Sword Lann. I have a whole folder collection of this for lols. +drunk
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
- Black and Blue for main ..... maybe Black, Red, and White for Arisha ... can't decide X_x
6. Favorite Dungeon?
- I don't know .... after grinding them 60+ times, I hate them all ... If anything, the glitches in Misty Summit are hilarious despite all the running ...
- Unless if you mean favorite boss instead of dungeon then it's Eochaid, then Juggernaut. There's something strangely satisfying about hooking his giant eyeball and popping it out of him ....
Can't remember, but I plays NA because a friend given me his account.
2. How long have you been playing?
3 years and maybe 1-2 days.
3. Who was your first character?
1st serious character: Vella. 1st created character: Fiona.
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
My +15s.
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
Anything that's vibrant, cheap and good with green.
6. Favorite dungeon?
Nothing. I play Vindi for the raids, normal dungeon run is a huge rotating red flashing no.
From a friend and her boyfriend
2. How long have you been playing?
5 years
3. Who was your first character?
Evie because I like healing +shy
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
I haven't decided yet.
5. Favourite color scheme to use on equipment?
Depending on the character either red, white, black or blue, black and white.
6. Favourite dungeon?
Succubus on hard or hero and Fleeing Gnoll King on hero
Friends from other games
2. How long have you been playing?
Little over five and a half years
3. Who was your first character?
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
Black, white, purple
6. Favorite dungeon?
2. when did karok come out? 2 months before that
3. Evie
4. passing the deads in one try twice in a row
5. use to be blue and white. now its white on white or black on black.
6. in terms of easiness, havan.