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When you play 5 or more characters on your account and you get the attacks and skill sets mixed up in your head. Me: *Tries to block with shield but gets a Cross-Stance (dies)*, "Oh yeah... I'm playing Vella now..."
One bad habit that I have is the fact that I face tank certain attacks. Honestly, other than hp reduction and up to this point, the game never punished you for tanking a hit.
One could consider my lack of class focus a bad habit. I have all 11 characters at level 90 (plus two level 90 pack mules that I farmed to 90 for level up event rewards). I also gear all of my characters equally. In other words, instead of having one character with elite stats, I choose to divide my cash into 11 parts and split the investments across all characters. As a result, I am in a perpetual state of being undergeared. When I play Vindictus, I play enough that I've managed to get all my characters roughly to 20k ATT, 10k DEF, 90-100 Crit, and 20-30 Speed. But I will never be part of the elite crowd with 24k+ ATT, 12k+ DEF, Crit-capped, and 50+ Speed. And because of that, I suffer issues with the playabiltiy of certain bosses. I don't have the stats to reliably solo good raids, yet my internet connection isn't good enough to do anything but solo. So I basically can't raid at the moment. Playing with relatively low speed is also a problem for many things, including Ein Lacher and other solos.
The recent changes seem like they have made gearing easier, which is good for me, I suppose. But I still doubt I'll ever reach elite gear. Perhaps more +10 weapons with double R7s could be in my future, though.
A bad habit of mine is falling asleep on my keyboard whenever we have the fishing event.
Another bad habit, though I am getting better, is giving up too easily. It is a good thing I have friends to motivate me because I probably wouldn't be playing Vindi for this long.
#Being in the chatting with a friend, when you are in a raid and suddenly, they need your carry.
Also another bad habit personal , buy as soon as possible a new set or outfitt, although this expensive, only by fashion or vanity, when after a while is cheap.
It's 3 AM. I am half asleep. It's been a long hard battle and suddenly my comrade who has been fighting along side me has fallen. With my eyes half closed from exhaustion, I reached my finger out across the keyboard for a Phoenix feather. But instead of watching my angelic team mate rise from the dead like a zombie from a horror movie ... I watch in horror as my beautiful character violently transforms into a Dark Knight on my screen
At least they all sit next to each other.
Been there, done that!
I thought I was the only one who did that ๏_๏
-Logs off-
Another bad habit would be deleting characters and remaking them, but it isn't as much of a bad habit now as it was many years ago.
One could consider my lack of class focus a bad habit. I have all 11 characters at level 90 (plus two level 90 pack mules that I farmed to 90 for level up event rewards). I also gear all of my characters equally. In other words, instead of having one character with elite stats, I choose to divide my cash into 11 parts and split the investments across all characters. As a result, I am in a perpetual state of being undergeared. When I play Vindictus, I play enough that I've managed to get all my characters roughly to 20k ATT, 10k DEF, 90-100 Crit, and 20-30 Speed. But I will never be part of the elite crowd with 24k+ ATT, 12k+ DEF, Crit-capped, and 50+ Speed. And because of that, I suffer issues with the playabiltiy of certain bosses. I don't have the stats to reliably solo good raids, yet my internet connection isn't good enough to do anything but solo. So I basically can't raid at the moment. Playing with relatively low speed is also a problem for many things, including Ein Lacher and other solos.
The recent changes seem like they have made gearing easier, which is good for me, I suppose. But I still doubt I'll ever reach elite gear. Perhaps more +10 weapons with double R7s could be in my future, though.
Another bad habit, though I am getting better, is giving up too easily. It is a good thing I have friends to motivate me because I probably wouldn't be playing Vindi for this long.
Another bad habit, not reviving anyone except for people I know in parties.
#Being in the chatting with a friend, when you are in a raid and suddenly, they need your carry.
Also another bad habit personal , buy as soon as possible a new set or outfitt, although this expensive, only by fashion or vanity, when after a while is cheap.
99% of the time I'm disappointed.
"LOL, whoops, sorry bro, wrong button xDD You saw nothing!!! "
Sleep is for the weak!
Listening to a song that gets me too hype, and I just start face tanking everything, then die in pure musical bliss.
Then, using Insane Reaper right before Ulchas tries to heal and not having enough SP left for a cancel.