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Were horrible people (open beta players)


  • Member Axxon
    Vindictus Rep: 1,135
    Posts: 44
    edited December 12, 2017
    I started after Titan release and very shortly before Staff Evie first (out of like 3 by now ???) revamp.

    So for Episode 1 and part of episode I had fun looking for parties and having A HELL OF A TIME SOLO'ING MACHA HARD MODE GNOLL CHIEFTAIN (IMAGINE STAFF EVIE WITH 4 SMASHES AND ONLY FIREBOLT OK ?)

    I remember when the Last Evie doppelganger Blind arrow was 1 hit = you die and there was like 5 to dodge in a wide and random cone in front of her... Absolute no way to predict it if melee, the lanns had fun (LOL)

    Irukul, even if a lvl 52 raid, was a challenge and an epic+astronomic preview of a real lvl 60 raid, even if you were lvl 60 (or 70 back at S1E10 cap) and since the ivory belt and ring were still mandatory back then (Had to combo them with Dreamwalker set) you actually had to farm him and his break off. It felt incredible when you were able to craft your Ivory set. The Ivory weapon was mandatory too in order to survive the lvl 60 content difficulty jump.

    Hilder Forest was a harsh lesson and a huge step to go through. Very few quests, little exp, the bosses hurt, the set was mandatory in order to run Titan/thor and be able to farm your lvl 60 set decently. Farming the set took me a whole week the first time. Let's not talk bout Vehemence and Ingkara set ok ?

    Thor break-off runs were the best break off runs.

    Ingkara and chiulin = Vietnam War flashbacks trauma

    Ingkells was bullshit and very easy to fail. You actually needed strategy or a very geared Spear-Lann-Turbo-Spin-Engine for useless equipment in the end (thanks Glas sets...)

    GLAS WAS FUN, HARD, BUT FUN, was my best and favorite run back then and the break off animation was brutal...

    Wonderland set was so good it ran us, the Evie class, through the entirety of Season 2 and the end of season 1 LOL. Mhara was a nice set (once we had seals to farm it) but you could easily skip or ignore it since it basically just gave def and nighthawk weapons were a nice lvl 70 weapon lol... If you were GOOD, you could skip end-game sets on evie and the def they gave (nice huh ? No we need the def now in Season 3 or we cry...). Once I got my Wonderland Set and Raider Staff back in S1E8, I only changed it at S2E2 (It was 2 years gap back then) to get nighthawk since the Int was similar and the def was useful, but far from mandatory (S2E4 was harsh without Def tho...) !

    Duo-Trio Raid run were actually a thing, a soft challenge and very fun.

    Solo runs were impressive !

    So many fail runs on Lionotus oh my god... We sucked as a community on him

    Colru, very hard and kind of articifial difficulty... at least the sets weren't that good unless you were a lann or fiona for the stamina.

    EP 9.5 and EP10 were fun, very hard bosses... but the rare drop mechanic was bullshit now. Vindictus became hell there with a huge hiatus between Colru nd Elchulus server laggy raid.

    Season 2 was just a massive fail content wise.

    Season 3 is good but it came way too late and Dullahan requirements are massively high so it feels like we don't have actual content since Lugh for most of us... It's still just about Farming lvl 90 sets in hopes to get the requirement to survive a Dullahan you won'T even carry

    EDIT : DID I FORGOT TO MENTION KEAGHAN ? YOU DON'T KNOW THE CORE IDENTITY OF VINDICTUS IF YOU DIDN'T RUN A KEAGHAN RAID BACK IN S1. BLOCKS WERE USELESS, YOU HAD TO USE I-FRAMES OR DODGE. EVIE ONLY HAD BUNNY HOP EXCEPT FOR 1-2 ATTACKS. It was actually easy, when you got the patterns, to get barely hit or not hit at all the whole run and carry ! HE COULD ALMOST ONE SHOT YOU EASILY. HE WAS UNFORGIVING AND GAVE US A THROWBACK TO THE OLD HARD RAID THAT BECAME EASY (Colru and the dragons became very easy fast, but Keaghan was always hard). KEAGHAN DEFENSE WAS VERY LOW. Almost everyone could attack cap him, so it was a skill test, NEVER a gear test. A low gear (Aka lvl 60 gear with no enchants) could easily beat a fully geared and Enchanted lvl 70 set. That raid was awesome for that. I don'T remember exactly but keaghan probably ignored defense on a few attacks. Keaghan would but the barrier between the ''Carried by gear noobs'' and the actually ''low-geared but very talented players''. I miss that raid... S2 was just DPS sandbags (Except ISet *Cough*) and Season 3 is more about gear then skills...
  • Member Niburu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,430
    Posts: 84
    Jelly!!!!! Missed you!
  • Member Axxon
    Vindictus Rep: 1,135
    Posts: 44
    Niburu wrote: »
    Jelly!!!!! Missed you!

    Hoy o3o
  • Member Rezi
    Vindictus Rep: 2,585
    Posts: 436

    I already told you, it doesn't mean anything. Even if I retained that knowledge, it would be worthless due to character and mechanics changes. Do you even realize how hard it is to remove HP pot spam mid-combat from one's instincts? Or dodge/block when unnecessary due to stats? Or even apply old tactics not only to changed original characters, but to the characters I use now (Delia/Miri)?

    A solo raid wouldn't prove anything, especially since the only true raids nowadays are S3 which didn't exist those years ago. I mean, I'd love to show you a solo against Chieftain Hero Raid with a swords lann or staff evie like back in the day, but there's nothing close to that anymore. Even the bosses only kill you with OHKO unblockables rather than bashing you with a knockdown in spite of your knockdown resist skills only to instantly follow-up on you when you're still handicapped while most of your armor broke with that one hit...just because you failed to dodge.
  • Member TheDazzling
    Vindictus Rep: 3,295
    Posts: 433
    edited December 13, 2017
  • Member RhapsodyOfFire
    Vindictus Rep: 5,375
    Posts: 625
    Rezi wrote: »

    Oh, I know I suck. But that's because I took a long hiatus only to come back to a game that didn't force me to NOT suck.

    And sure. If you're on EU, friend Rezilia or Reziri. I'm just doing dailies during this week, but try to find me during the weekend and we can try a duo.

    mmm I'm on NA but what if you record a solo video on a raid, then I do the same let's see if your 5 years more of experience means anything :) ...

    Why not compete in making tutorial videos that are actually useful for new players instead of showing off your skills? Or does beating a boss alone in a game and dumping the recording of it to the world compensate your low self-esteem so much? You could also show off your skills in these videos while explaining to the other players what you do and why.

    That's the other thing that was different back then. There were a lot more guides on YouTube with tips and tricks on how to beat a boss.
  • Member CometCupid
    Vindictus Rep: 1,990
    Posts: 166
    I remember making a small fortune off of selling Blood Prince armor dyed gold.

    And having degradation stat on equipment that kept raising the repair cost until it was no longer worth keeping.
  • Member Rezi
    Vindictus Rep: 2,585
    Posts: 436
    I remember weapon length.

    Oh, how I miss weapon length...

    And how getting sets like Sweetie Bear was a real achievement. Y'know, back when Fashionictus covered actual equipment rather than costumes, and money was made from body alterations and dyes.
  • Member JessGame
    Vindictus Rep: 1,870
    Posts: 230
    edited December 13, 2017
    Rezi is totally right and by *noob* i think he simply meant *newer generation of Vindictus players*

    Short story,characters mechanisms are ahead of boss mechanisms now and it was the total opposite back than plain simple.It was indeed much more satisfying before.Characters such as Arisha,Hurk,Vella are great additions to the game,but they where introduced with mechanisms that where way too conveniant in comparison to what it was before.From there it quickly escalated with a serie of buffs there and there and now we have what we have.Artifacts,super defense,high crit res,10k HP+,Int characters have acess to heavy/plate armor,all the i frames where buffed,ect,ect.

    I am not from the very beggining but i got to play a little before the wave of new characters came out and yes it was a totally differant story.Can only imagine how much harder it was for those who started near beta.

    3:28 enjoy:

  • Member Arentiss
    Vindictus Rep: 610
    Posts: 4
    Yeah, 44 lvl cap- good old days. Farming Blood Lord and Laghodessa was super fun.
  • Member Revenex
    Vindictus Rep: 315
    Posts: 3
    Hollows wrote: »
    I miss the old days when everything you obtained as drops actually felt valuable. And I miss the luck hair.

    This :'(
  • Member Weiss_Oswald
    Vindictus Rep: 1,475
    Posts: 137
    I'm not a beta-time player, and, not wanting to degrade the beta-time players impresion of the game, I can't agree that season 3 raids are completly gear dependant.
    Why? Let's take regina for example, the first raid of all the season 3. Let's imagine you are a 21k Defense lann, the highest defense possible. You're so good and strong you don't even need to dodge, just keep that SH active and spin to win.
    While this is true for most of her attacks, it all changes when regina does her RED attacks.
    Regina's Red attacks ignore defense, and do fixed damage(unless you have a damage reducing buff like sylas shield or corona or fiona's iron defense), so thats a fixed 4k damage. A Lann can only stand 3-4 of those hits, and then he's dead, no matter the defense.
    Also, to dodge her red AoE as a Lann, requires the knowledge of the boss and the reaction to dodge in time, because he has poor mobility.

    I'm not trying to defend Season 3 content and sell it for the best ever. It has its flaws. But it simply isnt as gear dependant as you people are trying to imply.
    I actually don't like how the new red attacks came to be after Eochaid. Instead of "Very strong and slow attacks" they were fast and very weak. That made some bosses simply annoying to play, since you can't dodge some attacks if you are badly positioned or if a team player dodges into you (Abomination's Red jump - Cancerous as hell, gladly it doesn't hit very hard)
  • Member JessGame
    Vindictus Rep: 1,870
    Posts: 230
    I'm not a beta-time player, and, not wanting to degrade the beta-time players impresion of the game, I can't agree that season 3 raids are completly gear dependant.
    Why? Let's take regina for example, the first raid of all the season 3. Let's imagine you are a 21k Defense lann, the highest defense possible. You're so good and strong you don't even need to dodge, just keep that SH active and spin to win.
    While this is true for most of her attacks, it all changes when regina does her RED attacks.
    Regina's Red attacks ignore defense, and do fixed damage(unless you have a damage reducing buff like sylas shield or corona or fiona's iron defense), so thats a fixed 4k damage. A Lann can only stand 3-4 of those hits, and then he's dead, no matter the defense.
    Also, to dodge her red AoE as a Lann, requires the knowledge of the boss and the reaction to dodge in time, because he has poor mobility.

    I'm not trying to defend Season 3 content and sell it for the best ever. It has its flaws. But it simply isnt as gear dependant as you people are trying to imply.
    I actually don't like how the new red attacks came to be after Eochaid. Instead of "Very strong and slow attacks" they were fast and very weak. That made some bosses simply annoying to play, since you can't dodge some attacks if you are badly positioned or if a team player dodges into you (Abomination's Red jump - Cancerous as hell, gladly it doesn't hit very hard)

    Yes and no.You have a solid point,but it differs from person to person,that's why they should give best of both worlds to their playerbase.

    Advanced players should have the possibility to be challenged for a longer period of time.Most of them didnt have problems with the red attacks days after the bosses where 1st introduced.

    I think it's fair to give a normal mode to players who have more difficulty,but for the rest who are seeking harder challenges,it would actully be interesting if Regina's red attacks would literally 1 hit kill us or grant us a very inconveniant debuff...anything that would make it much more difficult.

    Regina has been released a very long time ago and at some point,there is no real sensation of progression.I think they should adjust hero modes for advanced players and apply features that are extrêmely difficult to deal with.So that way we can stay busy and intrgued untill the next updates comes up.

    We do have hero season 3 raids,but the reward are not scaled properly for the extra time it takes and frankly they are still not hard enough for experimented players.They have higher stats i guess but the fight is stil the same and it's not enough overwhelming.Back than soloing a raid was a real mess and that's why it was impressive whenever someone would pull a good solo and team work was required to succeed raids,now it's not the case.

    There is very dedicated players who spend a lot of time to learn and perform new raids because they really like the game, i think they deserve content that is fit for them.Proper hero modes would also offer fun challenges for those who want to.We probably should already have a second Reedeemer by now.

  • Member Hally
    Vindictus Rep: 1,985
    Posts: 245
    I didn't mind tokens.. back then, making fine hp pots to sell on market made enough profit to sustain 4 token boats indefinitely.
    Polar bear breaking your shield in 2 hits is annoying q.q
    Vampire screams were terrifying.
    Scythe vs polar bear being lol broken compared to everything else.
    ^^^ Days of when anile were new. I was a newbie.

    All those irukul runs that require at least 2 large shield fifi sitting in the middle.
    Hilder forest equipment being lvl 56 and not 54.
    Meelee staff being a laughing stock in class balance.
    Everyone spamming the hell out of nightmare at the ruins for AP.
    ^^^ A time when hilder forest was end game, with no rocheste. I had too much time on my hands, and ended up being one of the 3 evies who went past 300 titles pre-rocheste.

    Lvl 60 and 61 equipment in rocheste, with a big stat difference between them.
    3/5* hilder forest gear being better than lvl 61 gear for min/max.
    Herokul and weeping queen being a thing for loot.
    Titan spears being an OHKO move, and moving 20% faster.
    Titan killing all players in 1 to 2 hits from full hp.
    ^^^ Era of titan being end game, as a big difficult boss. No pot titan solo on fifi on second week of release.. took an agonizing 58 mins with just 10.2k attack.

    Go swords or get kicked ---- life of a spear lann at Glas in most pub boats.
    Being in the water while thor does lightning means getting ohko'd.
    Glas seeker missiles being unblockable and ignoring iframes.
    Learn to chan ffs ---- common sight in pub thor boats.
    The first evie revamp: removal of meelee staff; evie being the tankiest character by far even if naked due to broken mana shield mechanic.
    20m Force scrolls once in a blue moon from Glas when a +10 weapon doesn't even sell for 10m.
    ^^^ Player base getting more toxic due to the sheer difficulty of Thor/Glas break off. I quit lann because of this whole sword or get kicked mentality.

    What were they thinking making these broken dogs.
    Spin to win golem.
    Hero mode Ricktune's Cabins for weeks on end for the elusive Master scrolls.
    If you don't got the skill to use raiders armor, you suck -- a common mentality of the time.
    Resenlian's Labyrinth having lol broken doppleganger evies that can 1 shot end game players if spawned with certain affixes; mainly due to using pre-revamp magic arrows.
    Weapons beyond +10 getting a massive stat buff, to give a reason to go past 10.
    ^^^ Ingkells and Aghlan were the new bosses; game was difficult, but still solo-able with sufficient practice.

    Lion, with his crazy stats that made it near impossible to beat even with perfect play.
    Colru being flat out inaccessible without having 8 players present in the party... in addition to hosting difficulties.
    Spending about 200 hours farming for master scrolls, only to fail 14 in a row.
    Wb scrolls came out, being so powerful, yet so difficult to get.
    ^^^ This is when I quit vindi. Glas killed my lann, master scrolls killed my fifi, lion/colru killed my evie, I did not enjoy karok. I did not come back for 4 years.

    The dragons came out.
    Royal army lagfest.
    lvl 61 gear being changed to lvl 60, lvl 56 gear changed to 54; weaker/lower level versions of said gear as drops being released.
    Season 2, and the subsequent recton to be after season 1 instead of being concurrent.
    Vella, kai, hurk, lynn, arisha release.
    ^^^ I wasn't around for any of that.

    I came back in feb 2015, nifl came out around this time.
    Saw my wb-f wonderland that cost more than +15s being nearly worthless, and regretting not selling it before quitting.
    Abandoned my evie after realizing I can't meet these stupid s2 raid reqs no-matter what, with how inaccessible s2 mats are.
    I picked up arisha.. and soon, my fifi retired.
    Ranting at how sub par arisha's armor options are due to it being "balanced" with mana shield in mind.
    Grinding the hell out of unveiled truth during merc return + glaughter dice event to max out ap on all chars and farmed up 1.6k divine blessings.
    Making billions on crafting element stones, only to throw most of it away at videk trying to get an elusive +crit infusion.
    ^^^ Then miur came out :)
  • Member TheDazzling
    Vindictus Rep: 3,295
    Posts: 433
    edited December 13, 2017
  • Member MrGatto
    Vindictus Rep: 1,575
    Posts: 106
    edited December 13, 2017
    Noobs as in 'new' players most likely like Jess said.

    Tbh I rather have my ~7 years of memories and general experience than to be a showoff/tryhard in the current version of the game but thats just me.:P

    Dps competition after Rise and the ADD dmg changes,lolwat.

  • Member TheDazzling
    Vindictus Rep: 3,295
    Posts: 433
    edited December 13, 2017
  • Member MrGatto
    Vindictus Rep: 1,575
    Posts: 106
    edited December 13, 2017
    MrGatto wrote: »
    Noobs as in 'new' players most likely like Jess said.

    Tbh I rather have my ~7 years of memories and general experience than to be a showoff/tryhard in the current version of the game but thats just me.:P

    Dps competition after Rise and the ADD dmg changes,lolwat.

    we can do it same Additional damage if u want :3 what do u say... and nah I rather be good at the game than having memories of the past o.O

    I'm not from your server +I've quited the game shortly after Rise.

    Also never cared about DPS e peen showoff,thats not why I play games in the first place.

    Pretty sure most of the beta players could 'beat' you in general knowledge about the game and character experience,to me that means a ton more than that.
    Besides,I don't see how could anyone be THAT bad at this game after playing it for so long especially in this current version.:P
    But hey whatever makes you feel better. :)

  • Member Axxon
    Vindictus Rep: 1,135
    Posts: 44
    MrGatto wrote: »
    Noobs as in 'new' players most likely like Jess said.

    Tbh I rather have my ~7 years of memories and general experience than to be a showoff/tryhard in the current version of the game but thats just me.:P

    Dps competition after Rise and the ADD dmg changes,lolwat.

    we can do it same Additional damage if u want :3 what do u say... and nah I rather be good at the game than having memories of the past o.O
    memories of the past


  • Member TheHandsomeMF
    Vindictus Rep: 600
    Posts: 6
    Good times