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Person 1: "I gambled away my arms, legs and torso."
Person 2: "You should quit while you're a head."
See, if it were Urban Dictionary they'd find a way to use it in the crudest sexual manner possible, all while referring to their fictional persons as dudebros and hoes. Come to me from now on, I'll save you the eyesore and only slightly mislead you.
There's a lovely little phrase that goes, "Stop while you're ahead."
Urban dictionary didn't help +shy
Let me give you an example sentence.
Person 1: "I gambled away my arms, legs and torso."
Person 2: "You should quit while you're a head."
See, if it were Urban Dictionary they'd find a way to use it in the crudest sexual manner possible, all while referring to their fictional persons as dudebros and hoes. Come to me from now on, I'll save you the eyesore and only slightly mislead you.
Damn is horrible customized character ever xD
Hi Tieve Beta version xD
Is cool effect morning, is best than normal
Weird area... Ainle? Prairie Entrance? Nah, is exclusive area by beta, is that first time I see
Perhaps in the future they will implement a survey system incapacitated players?
See this armors? Was beta and it released official after long years...
Damn misterious scythe
Daytime and Weeping Queen
Kai/Prairie Entrance are there before release official version. xD
2007 Video ^
^ 2008 Video, has Kai... o.O
I know that some EU players already saw pics because I posted in the EU forum 2 years ago,
now I want to share all US/AUS too, EU Forum link:
And I wanted to mention how proud I was when I made my sweetie bear set the first time, too.
Thanks for those.
Glad they fixed Tieve before she was ported over.
And I love how we could have gone into the buildings, but they just removed that.