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KR Server Patch Notes & More


  • Member Tamago
    Vindictus Rep: 5,460
    Posts: 733
    edited October 26, 2017
    LynnCUBE wrote: »
    Mainichi wrote: »
    My god, the amount of KR **** sucking in this thread.
    Reminds me of the time that guy made up a tier list then mocked us because NA people believe whatever KR people say.

    For your interest, you are in a thread discussing about stuff from KR forums and communities. If you dont like what Koreans say, don't come to this thread. If you are interested in the patch notes, just read them, share your opinions and leave, not stir up "hurr durr muh koreans nerds"

    But you're the one whose posts translate to "hurr durr muh koreans nerds."

    Starting to get tired of this argument so stop it before I call the mommy mod.This thread was made for information regarding KR server updates.If you wanna discuss how Karok works do it in his dedicated forum.

    Exactly. The thread should only be about translations regarding KR server updates and not preaching misinformation cuz muh Koreans.
  • Member Bowtacojr
    Vindictus Rep: 2,545
    Posts: 335
    Starting to get tired of this argument so stop it before I call the mommy mod.This thread was made for information regarding KR server updates.If you wanna discuss how Karok works do it in his dedicated forum.

    They already read this thread, I don't know why you think you'd have to call them.

    Either way I agree, the guy whining about Karok is pretty ridiculous, what's done is done, but getting the Koreas take on the updates is pretty useful since it gives us a glimpse of what to expect when the update goes live.
    Exactly. The thread should only be about translations regarding KR server updates and not preaching misinformation cuz muh Koreans.

    >Thread about Korea
    >"Don't talk about Korea"

    I get that you're salty about he update or whatever, but take the shade somewhere else.

  • Member Aeries
    Vindictus Rep: 870
    Posts: 20
    I don't know why people can just say something like "This isn't how it work, I think this method is better.", etc.

    Instead, people have attitude toward the guy who translate the patch notes on his own free time for us.

    I understand your frustrations with the changes but I don't think being an a** toward someone for presenting their ideas (even if it's difference from you) is acceptable.
  • Member Tamago
    Vindictus Rep: 5,460
    Posts: 733
    edited October 26, 2017
    Bowtacojr wrote: »
    >Thread about Korea
    >"Don't talk about Korea"

    I get that you're salty about he update or whatever, but take the shade somewhere else.

    The update doesn't affect any of the characters I play negatively fyi.

    If you actually read the posts, the issues started when LynnCUBE stated misconceptions with Karok. One guy offered corrections, that turned into an argument, another guy joins, then there was also a third. I didn't join in on any of the arguments, just observing. The only reasoning I've seen from LynnCUBE is "because KR." When you have three people telling you you're wrong, you're probably wrong.
  • Member Atherion
    Vindictus Rep: 3,520
    Posts: 301
    edited October 26, 2017
    Aeries wrote: »
    I don't know why people can just say something like "This isn't how it work, I think this method is better.", etc.

    Idk if you've read the last few pages, but this is exactly what OP was telling some of the players just because they voiced their concerns and opinions which happened to not line up with the Kr forums.

    But in the event you didn't read his previous posts, I'll give you a tl;dr version.

    "Cestus Karok is really strong, if you are getting out dpsed, you are doing something wrong."
    ...Proceeds to lists the most basics of his gameplay like no one in NA has any idea what character they are playing with.

    Not that I have a problem with his so called tier list, but when you try to explain something you clearly don't understand to someone who does, you are gonna run into problems.
    Aeries wrote: »
    Instead, people have attitude toward the guy who translate the patch notes on his own free time for us.

    I understand your frustrations with the changes but I don't think being an a** toward someone for presenting their ideas (even if it's difference from you) is acceptable.

    So because a guy translates patch notes with his free time, he is exempt from being criticized when he spreads misinformation or is factually wrong? Are we in the same reality here?

    I've read his posts, I noted the errors in his posts, and I corrected it with a response. His rebuttal? To reword everything he previously said because the Koreans are always right because they did hours of testing.
  • Member LynnCUBE
    Vindictus Rep: 3,115
    Posts: 139
    edited October 26, 2017
    Mainichi wrote: »
    Bowtacojr wrote: »
    >Thread about Korea
    >"Don't talk about Korea"

    I get that you're salty about he update or whatever, but take the shade somewhere else.

    The update doesn't affect any of the characters I play negatively fyi.

    If you actually read the posts, the issues started when LynnCUBE stated misconceptions with Karok. One guy offered corrections, that turned into an argument, another guy joins, then there was also a third. I didn't join in on any of the arguments, just observing. The only reasoning I've seen from LynnCUBE is "because KR." When you have three people telling you you're wrong, you're probably wrong.

    And I admitted my misleading information of 300k Big Bang in my next post after someone critized me. And 'You know nothing about Karok' is not correction, is it? I played the game for about 8 years and played Karok for at least 2 years and 1 year after revamp. I added in how KR plays Karok (which is how I play it too) and how it differs to NA playstyle. But then multiple players (mostly NA - jeez wonder why) followed up with statements like 'Just translate, don't talk', 'You know nothing about the game', etc.

    All people from KR agree with the current Karok playstyle and how you can play him differently. I tried out those 2 playstyles personally and the In-Fighter style does about 5% less dmg than Big Bang Karok. After RISE, I've seen posts how it does similar or more damage than Big Bang because Big Bang playstyle has the tendency of easily missing one of his damage source and the ADD on smashes (which has better scaling than Busts) make In-Fighter a little bit stronger.

    Now, does 3 people from another community who didn't even try playing those styles telling the whole of KR's conception about Karok make it wrong?

    I would rather trust people based on statistics, experience and visual proof, than someone who's just writing 'you are wrong, what I always did and do is right'.

    Let's end this discussion right here. It's making the thread less transparent. If you have anything to add, send me a message on the forums or on discord (cube in Vindictus Official? Discord).
  • Member Tamago
    Vindictus Rep: 5,460
    Posts: 733
    edited October 26, 2017
    First of all, you don't know that they haven't tried those playstyles before. Second, I'm not sure how you played the game for 8 years when EU servers opened up only 6 years ago, unless you played on foreign servers. Even then, KR and NA servers have only been around for 7 years. Not even going to bother pointing out other flaws in your argument.

    You could have just said you're EU too. It would've explained a lot.
  • Member Atherion
    Vindictus Rep: 3,520
    Posts: 301
    edited October 26, 2017
    Hey buddy, I've linked plenty of video evidence in my post, which even included first hand experiences might I add. You have yet to respond appropriately as you've restated the same thing for most of your posts with no statistical evidence. Just a montage video of a Karok spamming smashes and a link to a forum post with no statistical evidence to back up anything you just said. Give me numbers if you are so inclined to prove yourself, not a link to a post to give a non-Karok player an idea of what they are getting into should they decide to start playing one.

    All you had to do was find a video with these Korean Karoks using with a significantly different playstyle than anyone here, list their stats in the description and show how much damage they did in the end. Atleast that would be tangible proof to back up any of your claims.

    And fyi, I have 4+ years of experience of playing Cestus Karok alone. And there are many others whose got quite a bit more time on him than myself especially since most Karok mains are dedicated to their single character. And I highly doubt any of them can keep a straight face reading your previous posts regarding Karok.

    As for going the extra mile and getting in touch with you in discord, no thank you, I will not go out of my way to restate everything I've already said.
  • Member Bowtacojr
    Vindictus Rep: 2,545
    Posts: 335
    Atherion wrote: »
    So because a guy translates patch notes with his free time, he is exempt from being criticized when he spreads misinformation or is factually wrong? Are we in the same reality here?

    You can do that without being an ass though.

  • Member LynnCUBE
    Vindictus Rep: 3,115
    Posts: 139
    edited October 26, 2017

    KR Server Patch Notes 27.10.17

    ■ Halloween Nightmare Event Changes

    - 'Thrilling Halloween Trick' has been changed to following.

    : No crititical hits for 20 seconds → -3 Balance for 20 seconds

    : We expected this to be enjoyable, but this has caused some issues. We are very sorry.

    ■ Character Changes


    - 'Absolute Fury' has been changed to the following.
    : Activation Key has been changed to Normal Attack Button instead of Smash Button.
    : SP Usage has been changed from 250 to 50.
    : Cooldown of 20 seconds has been added to the skill.

    - 'Dash Smash' will not be triggered after 'Spear Dash'.


    - 'Active: Shield Dash' activated using the Kick Button has been changed to the following.
    : Fixed a bug where it charged into the direction of the enemy even if players were pressing a directional key.
    : Changed stamina usage to 7.

    - 'Ivy Sweep' has been changed to the following.
    : Last Kick's stamina usage has been changed to 6.
    : Transition from ‘Amaranth Kick’ to the kick has been made faster by little.
    : Damage has been increased.

    - 'Active: Crushing Swing' has been changed to the following.
    : SP usage has been changed to 250.
    : Duration will increase when players hit the enemy with smash attack successfully.


    - Fixed a bug where players could use 'Double Shot' during 'Teide's 'Overheat' status.

    - Fixed a bug where Hurk will do the 'out of stamina' animation when using secondary weapon after obtaining 'Transcendent'.

    - 'Active: Berserk' Skill has been changed to the following.
    : Skill's cooldown has been changed to 1 minute 30 seconds.
    : At rank 8, additional damage rate has been lowered by little to '8%'.

    - Fixed a bug where the 50% damage reduction didn't happen during 'Impenetrable (Stone Wall)' effect.
    Dev Note: The damage reduction is not 50% less of the actual damage, but the maximum amount of damage players can receive.


    - Fixed a bug where 'Active: Flight Rehearsal' would aim at the enemy even if the player was pressing a directional key.

    ■ Item

    - Added a warning message for special infusion items that increases the stats of the already existing infusions.
    : ※Warning: The following use of Infusion Stone will remove the previous Infusion stats on the item.

    - When using ‘Fusion Rune', the dyable parts will be based on the [Appearance Item].
    : For example, when infusing [Ability Item] with 2 dyable parts with [Appearance Item] with 3 dyable parts,
    the fused item will dyable for 3 parts of the [Appearance Item].

    - Fixed a bug where players couldn't use an item even if they met the level requirement.

    ■ Story

    - Fixed a bug where players couldn't proceed with infusion in 'Videk's Business Strategy' story.
  • Member LynnCUBE
    Vindictus Rep: 3,115
    Posts: 139
    edited October 26, 2017


  • Member V0lterix
    Vindictus Rep: 1,555
    Posts: 144
    LynnCUBE wrote: »

    All people from KR agree with the current Karok playstyle and how you can play him differently. I tried out those 2 playstyles personally and the In-Fighter style does about 5% less dmg than Big Bang Karok. After RISE, I've seen posts how it does similar or more damage than Big Bang because Big Bang playstyle has the tendency of easily missing one of his damage source and the ADD on smashes (which has better scaling than Busts) make In-Fighter a little bit stronger.

    >In-Fighter does 5% less damage than Big Bang
    No cataclysm = No Double Blasts = LESS DAMAGE

    Missing Big Bangs is a scrub excuse. Aiming big bangs is a fundamental subskill for cestus. It's not hard (except for you it seems). There's 2 ways you miss a Big Bang: 1) the boss moves suddenly, whether because of re-aggro, wide range attacks, or teleporting(Lugh, Neamhain, Eochaid jumping) and 2) player error.

    If "All people from KR agree" that means the KR karoks who buy into this gutter In Fighting "style" are utterly garbage at karok. You don't ignore cestus fundamental, main damage output and claim to have the stronger style.

    In-Fighter is lazy. It shows a player can't manage cooldowns or timers, and can't aim big bangs.
    Someone supporting that style is equivalent to a Lann not using Gliding Fury. See how ridiculous that sounds?
    Again, linking this video. Infighting is inferior.

  • Member Atherion
    Vindictus Rep: 3,520
    Posts: 301
    Bowtacojr wrote: »
    You can do that without being an ass though.

    Hey fam, still waiting on you to contribute something of worth to this community c:

    As for being an "ass", I may be blunt, but in no way do I do any of things I do with malicious intent. So I'll apologize to OP in the event he took offense to my bluntness.

    But like I said, misinformation is misinformation, so I will go the extra mile to correct it as I actually enjoy this game and certain segments of the community.
  • Member Tamago
    Vindictus Rep: 5,460
    Posts: 733
    Bowtacojr wrote: »
    Atherion wrote: »
    So because a guy translates patch notes with his free time, he is exempt from being criticized when he spreads misinformation or is factually wrong? Are we in the same reality here?

    You can do that without being an ass though.

    Idk about you, but the only person I've seen him be "an ass" to was you.
  • Member GambIe
    Vindictus Rep: 2,820
    Posts: 113
    What is going on here?!

    Take advice from Atherion, I vouch for his skills. He is best player of pve and pvp on my list.
  • Member LynnCUBE
    Vindictus Rep: 3,115
    Posts: 139
    edited October 26, 2017
    Mainichi wrote: »
    Bowtacojr wrote: »
    Atherion wrote: »
    So because a guy translates patch notes with his free time, he is exempt from being criticized when he spreads misinformation or is factually wrong? Are we in the same reality here?

    You can do that without being an ass though.

    Idk about you, but the only person I've seen him be "an ass" to was you.
    Atherion wrote: »
    Bowtacojr wrote: »
    ]You can do that without being an ass though.

    Hey fam, still waiting on you to contribute something of worth to this community c:

    As for being an "ass", I may be blunt, but in no way do I do any of things I do with malicious intent. So I'll apologize to OP in the event he took offense to my bluntness.

    But like I said, misinformation is misinformation, so I will go the extra mile to correct it as I actually enjoy this game and certain segments of the community.
    V0lterix wrote: »
    LynnCUBE wrote: »

    All people from KR agree with the current Karok playstyle and how you can play him differently. I tried out those 2 playstyles personally and the In-Fighter style does about 5% less dmg than Big Bang Karok. After RISE, I've seen posts how it does similar or more damage than Big Bang because Big Bang playstyle has the tendency of easily missing one of his damage source and the ADD on smashes (which has better scaling than Busts) make In-Fighter a little bit stronger.

    >In-Fighter does 5% less damage than Big Bang
    No cataclysm = No Double Blasts = LESS DAMAGE

    Missing Big Bangs is a scrub excuse. Aiming big bangs is a fundamental subskill for cestus. It's not hard (except for you it seems). There's 2 ways you miss a Big Bang: 1) the boss moves suddenly, whether because of re-aggro, wide range attacks, or teleporting(Lugh, Neamhain, Eochaid jumping) and 2) player error.

    If "All people from KR agree" that means the KR karoks who buy into this gutter In Fighting "style" are utterly garbage at karok. You don't ignore cestus fundamental, main damage output and claim to have the stronger style.

    In-Fighter is lazy. It shows a player can't manage cooldowns or timers, and can't aim big bangs.
    Someone supporting that style is equivalent to a Lann not using Gliding Fury. See how ridiculous that sounds?
    Again, linking this video. Infighting is inferior.

    Disgruntled trio, message me if you want to discuss. If you can't be bothered to do that, then I won't bother answering here. I also don't like people messaging me **** but what I find even less appealing is some retards who unnecessarily elongate the thread so that other people have harder time to find the data they came here for. I thought I was clear about 'ending this discussion here', but it seems like you guys are having problem with basic comprehension. I also said numerous times that I was not on point with Big Bang doing 300k damage right after someone corrected me, but all you guys spout out is "misleading information" which confirms your illiteracy.

    This is the last you will hear from me talking about Cestus Karok in this thread.

    I have not said anything bringing down the Big Bang Karok. In fact, this is also how I play Karok. There are numerous playstyles for certain characters in Vindictus. There are even characters where everyone has their own playstyle - Bow Kai for example. But there are some characters that have one known playstyle. Does that mean only one playstyle is right? No. Does that mean some playstyles are weaker than others? Yes. This applies to Cestus Karok, at least in KR Server. Did I say In-Fighter Cestus Karok is the better playstyle? No, I even stated that it does less damage than Big Bang Cestus Karok, but sometimes does more, and that sometimes is mostly caused by the boss being hard to hit with your Big Bang skill. Take Neamhain for example: she dashes around the map, flies up in air, and has phases where she switches out with Neit. It is very unlikely that you will always hit your Big Bang on her, or will get the most out of your Overflow buff to do damage with your busts. Your Overflow buff timer ticks down even when her phase ends or dashes across the map. When she jumps up on your last seconds of Overflow buff, you can't even use Big Bang to hit her. However, I am not disregarding the chance that everything fits right and Big Bang Cestus Karok does more damage.

    Concerning Big Bang Cestus Karok. I have nowhere stated that this style is wrong or bad. It is the most used in all servers and does more damage than In-Fighter Karok on paper (why it's only on paper, read my paragraph above again) and on average. I know NA/EU Servers use this playstyle as well and that's great. Now here's the part where it gets interesting. In KR Server, Cestus Karok is almost always on top of the DPS chart and KR say he is in this so-called "DPS Boss Trio (sounds weird in English)" along with Chain Vella and Crossgun Kai. But in NA or EU, he is not always on top of the list. It's not even considered OP here. Of course, like someone else talked about in one of the previous comments, there are exceptions - Cestus players who always end up Rank 1 in DPS. This leads to the following questions. Are all other players in KR so bad that Cestus always end up in rank 1? Definitely not. Are all the other players in EU/NA so good that Cestus can't be consistenly rank 1? This also not. What does it mean than? We don't have different patches or items before the last balance changes. What is the factor of this gap? And how does some players in EU/NA end up first consistently? It means the variable is the Cestus Karok player himself. There's either some differences in style, skill or build causing the gap. Hence, this is why I said in one of my comments "If you don't end up first place for DPS in raids like Dullahan, you are doing something wrong". If you are a casual player, you don't have to care about this. You don't have to care about buffs and nerfs if you are insensitive to DPS (although some changes might cause some unsatisfaction in your gameplay as well). You don't even have to look for KR patch notes and end up in this thread. You might be saying 'wrong' is subjective but we were talking about DPS here. Either you do more or less than a certain number.

    All right, I went overboard and typed more than I intended to. Once again, message me if you want to discuss. Any other posts related to our whole clown fiesta, I'll just ignore.
  • Member EnigmaTaro
    Vindictus Rep: 3,815
    Posts: 441
    Someone should mention that greater cat statue doesn't exist in KR server, and same goes to all greater artifacts. I feel like the discrepancy about Cestus gameplay lies here. 70 seconds vs 90 seconds cooldown is pretty big and KR can't pull off enough sp to do what NA is able to do with catalysm rotation.

    Gonna make a bold claim here saying SP intensive class becomes top tier in NA simply because of greater artifacts. Just imagine watching focal point spamming Fiona spamming harder with all deflect buff helping her to keep the momentum going. + hunting party to that and she is unstoppable.
  • Member V0lterix
    Vindictus Rep: 1,555
    Posts: 144
    edited October 26, 2017
    The fact you still think that infighting can ever beat Big Bang style, even if you miss big bangs, even if you don't get to fully use cataclysm because boss teleports, is a testament to you STILL not understanding karok. That is the argument.
    If you don't use cataclysm and big bang you are doing significantly less damage, end of story. You're parading on as if you are knowledgeable about cestus but continue, in every single response, to downplay cestus' primary damage mechanics. We can explain it to you in the most simplest form but it seems you cannot understand. Whether it is because of language barrier or something else is unknown.

    In Neamhain, it is understood by cestus players that you're likely to miss big bangs and not get the most out of your Cataclysm. You still use them anyway to deal damage and not waste ANY SP by being at full bar.

  • Member ikevi
    Vindictus Rep: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    Thanks for the updates folks.
  • Member Tamago
    Vindictus Rep: 5,460
    Posts: 733
    edited October 26, 2017
    Nobody said your Big Bang claim was the only piece of misleading information in the first place.
    Not sure why you even quoted my post that was responding to Bowtacojr either.