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Does 3* (4* / 5*... ) gear really matter anymore?
For the years that I've been playing this game there has always been an undertone that anything less than 3 star quality gear was undesirable. Back then it's primary purpose was to aid the play in reaching the 2000 STR/INT/WIL/AGI caps. Over time as the game has progressed I think the impact has been minimized (but the mind-set of players has not changed). Consider how much easier it is to reach that cap:
- The increasing level cap has raised base stats
- Stats of higher level armor has raised base stats as well
- Title counts continue to grow and the title status bonuses they provide raise base stats
- The stat bonus 3* provides is negligible in the context of end-game stats
1 is obviously bad, ew.
2 is common and feels lackluster.
4 doesn't look nice. There's a reason chefs place an odd number of items on a dish.
5 while ideal, isn't realistic unless you have $$$ to throw out.
Yes. The best summary can be found on the wiki. Google "vindictus item quality".
hmmm...as we all know the wiki information is dated so we'll just see Lolo
So it should stay in case the miracle happens that things get difficult again.
For people who really wanted 3* gear, the main goal was the 2% extra attack on weapons; and 15% more wil for any slot that gives wil. The attack is largely irrelevant nowdays due to how easy it is to hit the attack cap compared to season 2. Wil cap is a static 2k, and become progressively easier to reach with more +wil titles and progressively more wil on accessories.
All rise did is make AD extremely dominant, and other stats much less so. Even if we never got rise, 3* gear would still be largely irrelevant, and become more irrelevant as time passes by.
That information is still correct. However whether the extra 2% per each quality increment actually matters is my original question. Hally has some good insights.
Still -- there is some situations where it can be relevant. If your using an older 80 or 90 wep (especially below +14). Also the 2nd level trans skill that uncaps damage limit. Some raids like RR -- don't they have uncapped attack? And future bosses will raise the limit (what is it right now? 27K?).
Visit the Battle Quests and Guides forum more often. Look here: http://forums.vindictus.nexon.net/discussion/11347/quality
I wonder how many will titles are impossible to get now, and how that would affect a re-balance...