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Favorite Events? Favorite Sales?
What is your favorite Vindictus Event, past or present? Favorite sales? What would you want to come back?
My favorite event would have to be the 2012 Summer Chest Event. You know, the one that has Lubbers, Enhance Coupons, Wings, etc. Another favorite event of mine would be the Bingo Event that gave out 100% success Enchant Scrolls on Blackout. It would be awesome to have those come back.
My favorite sales would have to be the Horn-rimmed Glasses, Santa Helper/Wild Santa Vanity sets (could be fused to armor), and the Summer Dye Box.
Would be very interested in knowing what others liked too. Please share. :-)

I honestly miss it ;_;
I need these.
This. I'd love to see this event this year..
#My favorite event was the Golden Time from 2013 & Gallagher's Dices from 2014 :
#My favorite sales, limited edition outfitters such as oracle, butterfly & Elchy wings .
PS: I wish there were more articles of vanity but more accessible to the public. Also the Golden time & Gallagher's Dices to improve the characters with the present change of the seal shop, it would be good implementation.
Event: +10 coupons, Ancient Coin.
Sales: discounted Dye or runes on black Friday
Sale: I love the $1 enchant rune sales and 2-for-1 (or better) dye sales.
Orchid Faunas because it gave surplus amounts of airtight items that I was buying with gold from the market. Talk about quality of life at the expense of someone elses wallet.
Sales, I'll go with orchid fauna for the airtight things or exquisite enchant runes (because I hate rng)
Oh, did I mention I hate RNG?
Not bad considering I came back with 8 mil to my name and no weapons on any other character.
Here's a pretty old screen shot juuuust in case no one believes me haha.
(About 3-4 weeks after Delia Release. Maybe more)
What I would give to be that rich again..
I've never gotten to experience real Golden Time. If we got its full equivalences with the Attendance as we did this summer that would be grand. We still definitely got ripped a bit on that.
Sale: Half price inners I guess. Super cheap runes was nice as well, but I don't like paying for RNG no matter how cheap it is.
Anything that involves lubbers and enhancement coupons
5,000 NX for 1 Box, 25,000 NX for 5 Boxes. This item contained Enhancement Coupons from +1 to +15, but of course +1 was very common to get.