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Dullahan boss! opinions? :)
The design of the boss Is good, well conceived. The map is also good.

The raid mechanics are good in themselves, the use of bombs To make his armor vulnerable is interesting, the skill of "aim" of secondary weapons of each player will be useful.
It is a raid that require a perfect team work. Keep the soul away from dullahan is crucial to finish the raid. But if one player don't know what to do.. it's a nightmare.
However the boss really has fast attack movements, with a great range and a great deal of damage .. I've seen a lot of players (including me) using merc potions, party potions, and a lot of goddess grace .. a real massacre ..
I say ok for the high damage and the big range of the boss with sword, AOE atttack and ball range attack, but I prefer this boss a bit more "slow" in his attack movement, since it is a giant armor and not iset ..
What about you? Do you like the raid? What would you change about it? Shareee your comments hoohho!
it was just how fast we can beat him up so i can get my drop and do it again :c its so ugh they made us wait too long imo
Made me use ggs and mercs, thats always a,good sign when you have to have to use those
that being said the requirements for Quick battle are hilarious
it's not even that hard they should lower the attack + defense requirement by like 3-4k and the Crit/Balance requirement by 10-15
after running it a few times i released it's not even a 95 Raid why isn't the requirement the same as the other 90 raids?
By the third time i did it in a pt of people with an higher IQ than the average European Player, i soon realized after killing it in about 10 mins that it will soon be an easy steamroll.
Neamhain still remains the most fun endgame raid at the moment. (For me at least.)
Yeah, it is already a steamroll with folks with ~4k ad dmg. But he does cause me to at least use my paw. Last 3 bars of red aoe phase can just be trans/killed easily.
But he is new, and I find him more fun the abom by far.
Dullahan is well-designed, but I think Vindictus is too polarized from the Rise! update to feel good about; the top characters will find it incredibly easy, but the remaining players will find the stat requirements too heavy.
I look forward to seeing how people progress on this boss in the future. Should be interesting to watch.
You have to increase the visual settings for yourself under Options. Make sure it's at a level that won't kill your frames in-game.
As a lynn, my favorite part is the minigame at 3 and 1 bar. Jade fox and F11 while I watch my friends run around and dodge +best
That boss doesn't have the shield that Abomination and Dullahan have to force you into it's raid mechanics.
My only complaint is "ghost duty."
Already, some pugs are dedicating only one person whose job is to keep ghost aggro while the other three dps. If the ghost teleports to one of the dps-er, they would simply run to whoever's on ghost duty so they can get the ghost aggro off them and the dps-er would run back to the boss and do whatever they're doing.
Even though it works, I don't agree with this method. For me, it feels like Lakoria's old gimmick, where one unfortunate "runner" is forced to lure the tail. It is not fun. It feels the same, if not similar with this method of "ghost duty." I want everyone to be able to get a chance to play together, not have one person left out for 95% of the run to take care of a gimmick.
Overall, I just wished pugs are more willing to take turns luring the ghost away when it teleports to them instead of making only one person responsible for ghost duty. Plus, that person can only hold the ghost aggro for a minute before it teleports to the next person. Maybe, I'm losing my patience with pugs.
Other than that, he's not bad. Third phase is amusing, reminds me of a less intense final phase Zecallion. I wouldn't mind if they made final phase longer but that's just me.
Some Dullahan tips! (Hope they were useful to you)
You can tell when the ghost is about to teleport and set her next target even if you don't have any visuals based on sounds.
1. The ghost will "scream" when she teleports and there's a one-second interval before she reappears at the next target. The one-second interval can be used to put some distance from the boss just in case she's targeting you.
2. There's also a "crack" sound when the ghost sets you as her next target, similar to the sound when you get a cursed during Ben Chenner boss fights. If you dont hear a "crack" after one-second the ghost screams, the ghost is not targeting you.