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RISE Update Story Structure Changes
So far after experiencing RISE Update on my Lynn on live with the full experience instead of on test where EXP is x50 the whole story structure has been altered besides Episode 1. So far I have completed up to Episode 4 and both Hoarfrost Hollow and Ainle were restructured. Prepare for Counterattack is combined with Ekelch quest due to what will be shown in this highlight I am about to link on what DevCAT pulled for the new players of teasing them a little. Blood Prince and Emperor were combined as well. You CAN NOT run those dungeons anymore after they have been completed for the story due to what is teased. Now for the highlight of what they did. So if you haven't gotten those titles regarding those 2 dungeons get them while you can.
As a heads up this video DOES have 3 profanity words because of my reaction and not expecting this. It's a good reaction though so in the words of Saygo
Let it Slide ㅇㅅㅇ

What titles do You mean more precisely? We know oaths are gone, so no more macha titles - anything more to that?
As for the update: We all can agree it's very good update overall, but few things that majority dislike are pretty heavy issue, at least as far it looks or on paper. We'll be able to judge it better once it comes here. Personally I dislike 60lv+ raid changes to regular battles, reducing S3 raids to 4-man (6 would be fine though), potion animation removal and things that affect damage output. I know that's not topic for it, but since You mentioned... Can You please tell what happened to hero rewards? As in: are there still extra cores, more gold, can drop scrolls? Or it's basically normal mode with higher stats and speed? Were S3 non-raid battles affected as well?
Titles for running the dungeons 100 times.
As for the hero runs no idea because i've been busy leveling lynn preparing for the 2nd weapon.
Streaming the early game changes on a new created char so if you have questions feel free to ask. Twitch link is on my profile xD
That seems like a junk change with lio, because why make them not raids and then change it like that anyways? I'd say one or the other but whatever, derpcat being derpcat I guess.
Not even a bad change as far as I'm concerned.
Any idea on what is expected for next month?
Yes. Miri and Season 3 Chapter 2 Episode 4 are next month. Which means later this month is Test Server since July 6th (probably the 8th....I know it was one of the two) is live.
I think you misunderstand, raids are limited to once per day. Lionotus used to be a raid, but now you don't even have to run him twice for the story. Yeah I agree running him twice was annoying, so why not just change that and leave them as raids? Idk especially something like that where it takes plenty of sticky bombs to get rid of Verafim and or get him to a lower level. It's a junk change because they could have just kept it as a raid and made it so it was one lio run to proceed in s1 story. Too bad though as it's probably too late and they wouldn't think about going back and making everything raids again.
Yes My lynn acquired them in her quest list.
Nah I understood you completely. I'm just mean the change itself is fine. But other than that it's okay. So far the update has been great. S2 definitely feels weird since the maps kinda.....don't really zone you in the order you would expect. Crescent Moon Island Zaka quest had me take the route towards Kaula instead of to Zaka....yet.....I ended up in Zaka's area. On top of that the route to Zaka was blocked. It was weird. Like....the zoning just doesn't really make sense for that dungeon specifically xD The others....I don't really have a thought on those xD
(Pretty much off-topic but an achievement): I managed to get the character traits translated in-game thankfully so theirs that.
- 3% damage or less = 1 core
- 80% damage = +2 cores
Honestly why any veteran player should even try to create or join parties to play with other ppl when they can simply solo stuff and get more cores?
(which is what every endgame player looks for)
And what about the newbee who would join parties for a chance to make some money and improve their gear but they could get surclassed by op party members leaving them with a 3% or less damage and 1 core only?
Yes, there's a fair zone between 3 and 80% in which u would get the normal amount of cores..but who would do that if u can simply solo stuff with scaled hp and also being rewarded with more cores?
This could easily lead ppl to make their own private parties and solo stuff for the cores.. making the game even more dead than it is, and it would even become harder to find parties..
If i'm wrong about what i read pls correct me, else i call this specific changement a bs..