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Hello fellow Vindictus players,
Awhile back in 2016 I commissioned a Iset Cosplay (which I was given permission to do) and I'm going to wear it at a upcoming anime convention in April of this year. If anyone is wondering about the name of the convention, it is called MTAC (Middle Tennessee Anime Convention)/MTAC Haiku 2017. I'm very excited to show you guys pictures of it in April and I hope you guys will enjoy ^^
A special guest at the convention who might recognize who I am, is Cassandra Lee Morris who did the voice of Allysse on Vindictus. So I'm thrilled to meet her, and take pictures with her.
I hope you guys look forward to seeing the cosplay! If its needed I will post more details~
And for those of you who don't know, I am "NioHashiri" on the East Server.
I only have one good photo of my cosplay that was taken professionally that I could find as of right now so here it is ^^
Unfortunately, I forgot money to take a photo with Allysse, but I did get her signature, and please pardon my terrible phone lighting on the pics ; u;

I hope chu guys like it ^^

hope it is wtf
LOL I'm not LadyBeard xD
Hmm what do you mean? I have everything ready to go except blue cat eye contacts. I think you'll think otherwise when you see my pics
Thanks Ghosty
Just for you I will cosplay iset while being a very muscular 6'2" bearded lumberjack
I like
The last time I was at Otakon I saw monks and I thought they were Vindictus players in robes XD
Would you happen to know who voices the character select narrations?
Here's to hoping she's fluffy and short like Poppy from LoL
EDIT: Saw her pic, she's normal x.x
I'm working on one tbh I do have one but Imma edit it a bit and I only have cosplay pics of rem and ram on it. It's not active atm but maybe in the future when I have more cosplay to wear. I currently have 3 legit cosplays, a school girl uniform and a yukata. ^^
I actually do not, but if I did some research I could probably find out o/
Please do. When you find out please also let her know that I would like to marry her.