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How to finish Neamhain in style
Skip to 9:30
You got some explaining to do @Saygo @Eghess
Btw should I report a ticket about this?
Edit: Gonna keep editing till I learn how to spell

One that I found: http://forums.vindictus.nexon.net/discussion/2782/
Completing the quest and getting a failed end screen
Quest ends early with lots of time left, and you get a failed end screen
I've encountered both of those before, would report it as a bug report.
This seems different. Here, the failure was a direct result of everyone becoming incapacitated, not from completing the mission.
Ahh, I see it now. Was sleepy when I posted my comment and failed to see that bit of detail
*laughs maniacally*
*re-watches video*
*maniacally laughs*
I strictly meant to survive the cut-scene, to which I'm actually on the fence about whether or not more stats would have saved you. Even if you survived the cut-scene, the boss could still have been broken.
Ah yeah, this isn't the first time Neamhain was alive after cutscene but first time that actually killed us.