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Why is the ingame clock now displayed in UTC?
Does anyone even prefer the times to be in UTC (given that UTC:0 is London, which is irrelevant for all 3 servers currently)?
The clock being in local time had an obvious use for the players of all servers. At the bare minimum, we could check the local time without needing to alt-tab or use another timekeeping device of some kind. Now, nobody is even sure when dailies will reset anymore. They used to reset at 4 am server time for AUS, what about now?
I doubt anyone on east/west cares what time it is in London either when they look at the ingame clock. Hands raised guys...who wants to know what time it is in London when you look at the ingame clock?
I have the sneaking suspicion that this change was made purely because Nexon NA had to list 3 seperate times for server maintenance in announcement and its much easier for them to just use UTC:0 and tell people to check the ingame clock. Except that it would now forces people to either login to check the ingame clock to find out when maintenance is happening (which still requires you to do manual calculations) or do the manual time conversion themselves based on the announcement. We will no longer be able to read the announcement and go "oh maintenance is at midnight today", we will need to read the announcement, login, check the clock, calculate the time difference between the clock and local time, and work out what time maintenance will be in local time.
Seriously Nexon, can you at least bother to ask players if they would want this change before you even think about doing something like this? This is literally marketing 101. This is like HR suddenly deciding on their own to issue paychecks in a foreign currency and then wondering why employees are pissed.

but they also provide the equivalent in est/pst etc
It would be fine if UTC was an additional time zone that you could display, but given the choice of only one time zone, I think most players would want the local time zone to be displayed rather than London.
Of all changes that they could have made (just look at the suggestions forum), they changed something that literally NOBODY wanted...I mean...come on...
Having the same timezone for all ingame clocks is meaningless when its irrelevant to 3 out of 4 servers.
Not knowing how Nexon has their server structure setup, my only other guess right now is that perhaps during their transition, they've disabled whatever their current methods of time conversion are because they don't cover the incoming areas? So they just show the 'internal time' as a catch-all until such time as they are able to make their time conversion methods work for all regions?
So internal fixes / new Options UI, how long could it possible take right? 3/4 years tops! *I really hope this is a temporary issue...
-I don't know how well that stands up to scrutiny though, they already support multiple time zones , adding more should be fairly trivial since I'd strongly suspect that 'internal server time' is already in UTC and always has been.
-True, just totally unnecessary. For the mean time though I'll be gettin' reel gud at subtracting by 8...
Its not a bug, they changed it because we are merging with EU soon (that was the reason stated in the live stream).
It is in the patch notes under bug fixes.
Why would NA/AUS players want to know what time it is in London? This makes no sense. You may as well set everyone's ingame clocks to Sydney time. Or Antartica time.
Im pretty sure Nexon NA isnt setting their office clocks to London time in preparation for the merge either.
@Saygo : I think a lot of players would like to know what is going on, as almost nobody seems to prefer having the ingame clock displayed in London time...
UTC is a world standard for regulating clocks & time. so to be fair to Nexon, it's reasonable to use it for setting in-game time.