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Does anyone actually raid?

Member myrngsucks
Vindictus Rep: 800
Posts: 40
edited January 14, 2017 in General Discussion
It seems so hard to find ANY raid going up on.

When I'm looking in the listings for all towns, no one is hosting anything.

When I host, the only way people join is if I mega. Just seems so difficult to get something going.

Edit: This is West server.


  • Member Order5
    Vindictus Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    The only raids I've been participating in is Royal Army to help supply the people looking for shards. I can still potion-taunt and face-tank some level 60 raids for people, but otherwise I'm pretty useless because of the lag. This game just isn't fun when I struggle just get smashes off and I might even disappear once the attendance is over.
  • Member Noburo
    Vindictus Rep: 2,940
    Posts: 329
    I don't join pugs anymore because I just feel like a burden with my load times. Can't reliably carry parties that need help like I used to either because of my fps.
  • Member V0lterix
    Vindictus Rep: 1,555
    Posts: 144
    edited January 14, 2017
    I regularly host all of S3 twice, Lako, Kraken, Havan, Panth, Jugg in S2 twice, and colhen raids almost daily.
    Play during prime time. 2pm pacific onward really.

  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    East, Worst... ahem, West, Aus?
  • Member BoatGod
    Vindictus Rep: 2,575
    Posts: 215
    there's quite alot of people that just solo the raid, since its faster then making a party then killing the boss. I mostly duo or trio a raid
  • Member myrngsucks
    Vindictus Rep: 800
    Posts: 40
    BoatGod said:

    there's quite alot of people that just solo the raid, since its faster then making a party then killing the boss. I mostly duo or trio a raid
    Yeah, I've just been soloing everything honestly. The only things I dont solo are s2 and s3 raids.
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    Since I've been using multiproc, I've been hosting S3 just fine with 30 fps.

    Season 2 I mainly solo Phantenium, and Havan, the other bosses I just don't bother with.

    Season 2/3 Ein lacher also has a chance to drop R7 scrolls.

    Season 3 Ein lacher has a chance to drop an orange primary. I got a weapon prime yesterday from doing Ein Lacher Regina.
  • Member Xie
    Vindictus Rep: 2,115
    Posts: 155

    It seems so hard to find ANY raid going up on.

    When I'm looking in the listings for all towns, no one is hosting anything.

    When I host, the only way people join is if I mega. Just seems so difficult to get something going.

    Edit: This is West server.
    I'm feeling the same frustration tbh. Lately, it feels like a solo game especially if you don't play at prime time. Frustratingly lonely, unless if I have friends online to run with. Lol

    It's possible to get a raid train going if you use a single mega then announce what you're going to run. Most likely people will stick around for almost the entire raid train.

    I think part of the problem are hosts got tired of waiting for ages for people to join. At the same time, people don't always know if there's a boat up unless if there's a mega. I think there's an update coming up that might help with this problem, but I forgot the details of it since I haven't been keeping up to date.
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    @Xie it's known as quick joining. It shows all boats that are available and you can join in from the dock without having to look up the sign. it's really a useful aspect of the update since we don't have to depend on megas anymore (at least I hope) to find/join a boat. Also, lets not forget the chance of having the boat lag like crazy due to the recent updates hindering hosts from playing the game properly due to unplayable lag. No one likes it.
  • Member Rakushu
    Vindictus Rep: 2,125
    Posts: 159
    edited January 14, 2017
    I started a party of 3-4 and host s3 raids....it got filled immediately when others see 3-4 ppl on a party :3