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How much Attack limit/Dmg reflection you got?

Member MochiSweet
Vindictus Rep: 3,050
Posts: 406
in General Discussion
Just curious. C:
and why you choose to upgrade attack limit instead of waiting for lvl 95 weapons.
Because I'm not so sure which is the wise move.


  • Member sabersaten
    Vindictus Rep: 1,440
    Posts: 55
    lv95 fully capped weapons won't outperform lv90 equivalent in existing raids, for all that matters.

    LV95 is only going to be necessary for the new raid (and future ones, depending on how fast dev builds new content).
  • Member Shizukaa
    Vindictus Rep: 2,585
    Posts: 201
    None >:I can't afford to get that. I can barely afford to feed my pets. They are eating my feet as we speak ;w;
  • Member Mixxia
    Vindictus Rep: 1,740
    Posts: 96
    Depends. If you have a +14 or 15 (maybe even 13) you could probably just stick with that till the lvl 100 stuff comes in. Im almost finished on enchanting for like 3 characters so im def not doing that crap again this soon. Its especially too soon if they are going to start us off with crap gear and you have to upgrade it (Tossing an endless amounts of mats into maxing out stats then grade shards to release attack caps) Think the highest stuff in Korea needs like 28k attack and I can hit that now so will just sit back and use what I have. Honestly, if they keep raising need attack too high id probably just stop playing for a bit until lvl100 stuff or quit.

    As for farming those grade shards well the Royal Raids were broken for half a year with lag then they were improved slightly and now the GMs seem to be ignoring the situation yet again. So...not much we can do to get shards. Even if the servers were working perfectly and the RRs didnt lag I think the shards are barely worth it (another huge time sink to finish in time for new gear to be released) .
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    The new mats aren't worth getting because you need 3 of them per upgrade. That's 120M minimally per upgrade, and some take 8-12 of them to max out. With that kind of cash, I could buy a 15 90 instead of wasting my time with the whole att limitation when 24K att barely makes any difference when compared to 23K att. No one has that kind of cash anymore except for the whales selling airtight gatcha pon items that players need on an average basis. Fully maxing an item piece, including weapon will take about 7.2 Billion Gold with the buying route. BILLION! That's 3.5 characters with the gold cap no thanks to the peeps that want to resort to gold selling because of said laziness to go the grinding route. With that 7.2B, you can instead buy 2 to 4 +15 90 weapons that you can max out yourself without having to worry about Ferghy RNG corkscrewing your money out of your pocket real life wise.
  • Member Order5
    Vindictus Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    edited January 12, 2017
    I have zero ATT Limit release and DMG Reflection. But if I could actually play, then I wouldn't mind spending 3 years to make a sacred weapon or armor though (+15, 5*, fully upgraded item). It would be fun.
  • Member ikevi
    Vindictus Rep: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    edited January 12, 2017
    I decided to upgrade my +15 some. 200 so far. (I tend to farm 1 and buy 2 for each upgrade so 3.6 bil if I ever get close to done upgrading :-( (And yes the going price is 45m per mat... not 150mil like some folks dream.)

    lv 90 gear is better for spd builds, so at least on S1, S2, most of S3 I will be able to wear 4-5 fasts and still cap all.

    The lv 95 crit on swords will be almost required with the new crit resist, but you can easily sit ~156 crit on spears so at least the non-raids can be fully capped. (I won't even have to rescroll my righteous/bloodlust. Heck I will hit ~160 crit if I ever manage the 50 Neamhain. Toss in the lv 95 belt + rings with crit and it could be ~167 with right/bloodlust.)

    Plus If they keep with this pace we will see lv 100 gear on the horizon by the time I manage lv 95 weapons that I would want to unlock att.

    Note I don't bother spending gold on any but my lann. I long since learned that it is just a waist of gold to upgrade characters I don't play with, so once you manage a +15/full scrolled what else do you do but start upgrading the +15 even more.
  • Member QueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    0 ATT Limit, 0 Damage Reflection.
  • Member Rakushu
    Vindictus Rep: 2,125
    Posts: 159
    I just upgraded from lvl 80 armors to lvl 90 armors last two months.
    I am still using a +15 lvl 70 staff...until two days ago I landed with a +13 lvl 90 staff...
    I am always 1-2 years behind when it comes to gearing anyway
  • Member MochiSweet
    Vindictus Rep: 3,050
    Posts: 406
    edited January 13, 2017
    @ikevi: mind sharing your build for 156 crit with lvl 90 weapon? I assume you already have golden god, haven't you?

    my plan build only 149 crit even with full neamhain buff and swap righteous into immoral (I don't have golden god, only silver god so I lack 2 crit from it), or did I just misread your comment? xD

    In case it's lvl 95 then yea, however making a new weapon just for a single normal raid is kinda unwise, I'm leaning into invest on ATT limit, but because of we have no idea how fast Devcat making new contents. Farming/buying 120 mys shards costs you years to finish, by the time you finished the shards stuff, if content goes for c4, c5... or maybe ss4, then invest on lvl 90 is a waste.

  • Member TheDayInLove
    Vindictus Rep: 3,975
    Posts: 290
    edited January 13, 2017
    0 on both, because I can't convince myself to spend the money on stat instead of vanity.

    And I don't even have the money to begin with.
  • Member MochiSweet
    Vindictus Rep: 3,050
    Posts: 406
    @TheDayInLove: but I saw you were selling your weapons ? C:
  • Member ikevi
    Vindictus Rep: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    edited January 13, 2017

    @ikevi: mind sharing your build for 156 crit with lvl 90 weapon? I assume you already have golden god, haven't you?

    my plan build only 149 crit even with full neamhain buff and swap righteous into immoral (I don't have golden god, only silver god so I lack 2 crit from it), or did I just misread your comment? xD

    In case it's lvl 95 then yea, however making a new weapon just for a single normal raid is kinda unwise, I'm leaning into invest on ATT limit, but because of we have no idea how fast Devcat making new contents. Farming/buying 120 mys shards costs you years to finish, by the time you finished the shards stuff, if content goes for c4, c5... or maybe ss4, then invest on lvl 90 is a waste.

    Oh I don't have golden. It would kill the fun of the game for me. (I did get silver, but used hp pots, so only 1 crit and bal from that.)

    This isn't a def build, but if you add the 1 crit from ein you get the 156 in the following link. https://goo.gl/O4bzEp (and I doubt I will ever hit the 2000 att limit that I put there.)

    (Firefox doesn't like that link, but it shows up fine in chrome, Basic issue is it relies on 2 deadlys, cheap and easy to use vrs changing weapon scrolls...)

    And the nice thing is with this build I don't even have crit on the belt/rings so it will go up come lv 95. Course armor will all eventually be changed out too.

    That said I doubt I will play with spears to start for the new raid coming. Not till I feel comfortable at least. Will likely run with ~148 crit and close to 16k def. (More if I buy from the ap shop.)

