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So what about TIR Coins/NX selling?

Member DesireOfMine
Vindictus Rep: 1,650
Posts: 70
edited October 29, 2016 in General Discussion
We've presented the issue... and a lot of time has passed since then: LINK

So what is the situation? I think you've had enough time to give us some answers... did you make anything to help our playerbase survive according to this issue that you have created when taking TIR Coins away from us?

Links to all previous threads related to this topic:
and 1 other.


  • Member ThePharaoh
    Vindictus Rep: 1,890
    Posts: 71
    edited October 26, 2016
    i feel like ever since they made most of the airtight stuffs tradable, non-spenders like myself can get the stuffs we need legally from marketplace. no more shady trading

    good job nexon +best

    also i dont know what tir coin does, i assume its the same as nx
  • Member Roquia
    Vindictus Rep: 600
    Post: 1

    also i dont know what tir coin does, i assume its the same as nx
    Tir coin was purchasble with NX and sellable on the market.

    Tir coin could be utilized like NX but only on very specific items on the NX Marketplace, mostly cosmetics.

  • Member Cenobite
    Vindictus Rep: 815
    Posts: 20
    To this day I still don't understand why they removed Tir coins
  • Member BloodAngel
    Vindictus Rep: 1,875
    Posts: 315
    That seems like something pretty nicely functionally as the only cosmetics tradable are airtight outfitters. I would love to farm gold somehow and buy tir coins to get a permanent inner. Did we ever have this system before? And if so why was it removed? I know currently we have those tutorial tir coins new players get at level 10 and they spend on that tutorial package or whatever.
  • Member Edaym
    Vindictus Rep: 1,085
    Posts: 43
    Still crying tears about this lmao just go back to your dead pvp mode
  • Member Cenobite
    Vindictus Rep: 815
    Posts: 20
    187 said:

    This is our alternative TIR but unfortunately, some of the ungrateful EU players are not happy and willing to go through such great lengths to try to bring back TIR.
    Indeed,how these ungrateful EU players dare to complain about a system that was available in EU and is not available here,they act like they were costumers or something smh ungrateful kids these days.
  • Member Kirua
    Vindictus Rep: 1,330
    Posts: 40

    That seems like something pretty nicely functionally as the only cosmetics tradable are airtight outfitters. I would love to farm gold somehow and buy tir coins to get a permanent inner. Did we ever have this system before? And if so why was it removed? I know currently we have those tutorial tir coins new players get at level 10 and they spend on that tutorial package or whatever.
    It's indeed a nice feature. It allows you also to buy avatar sets with gold so you can spare le 30$ for a premium one.
  • Member calmdownmate
    Vindictus Rep: 315
    Posts: 4

    i dont know what _____ does, i assume
    NA in a nutshell
  • Member DesireOfMine
    Vindictus Rep: 1,650
    Posts: 70
    edited October 29, 2016
    187 said:

    This is our alternative TIR but unfortunately, some of the ungrateful EU players are not happy and willing to go through such great lengths to try to bring back TIR.
    Wow... so we're less of human than you are? Our needs and opinions do not matter? You're some kind of ruling class? That's very insulting, the way you perceive us. That... plus your broken perspective about the situation. It seems like some NA players imagine that we're just some 'attachment' to their servers and that we should be grateful to them... for what i'm asking? What did you actually do for us xD?

    So here is a clarification to fill up the holes in your knowledge mate. We're not some attachment, we're equal to you, we are customers same as you.
    The merge of services isn't 'NA saving EU'... we weren't 'dying' for one thing. Nexon simply decided to merge these two companies into single 'Nexon Global' in purpose to increase efficiency (personally i don't know why they've waited so long... since we both use English version of game). So no, it's no longer Nexon NA or Vindictus NA... it is Nexon Global which includes same EU as NA on equal terms (at least it should be that way).

    The only thing is, that it's the old Nexon NA team which was given responsibilities to manage this new company... that's all. This obviously is causing issues in many players perception about EU playerbase, which makes them treat us as 'worse'. The issue is also due to the fact that Nexon NA team is biased mainly towards NA playerbase... because well, we're 'in here' new (new to them).

    Another thing i would like to teach you, is to talk only for yourself... since there are many players from NA who would love to have TIR Coin system, plus 100% population of EU (we have literally no one against TIR Coins, everybody wants to get it back - which you can check on our forum surveys).
    Something like ^this happens rarely... when a feature is literally accepted by a 100% of exact population. We've tried it, experienced its effects - and we love it. Altogether with EU+NA, there is majority of people in favour of TIR Coins, rather than against (while most of NA playerbased doesn't even know about TIR Coins existence, or aren't enough/properly 'educated' about it). Maybe if Nexon NA team would be a little more objective, they would listen to the 'voice of reason' and do the right thing.

    Some clarifications:
    Gacha boxes aren't 'the alternative' for TIR Coins.
    First thing is that they don't replace functionality and purpose of TIR Coins. With TIR Coins it is possible to eliminate gold sellers/bots from server completely. This follows with removing inflation and makes the game overall better. Plus players receive the items they want for equal and fair calculation of gold (since you buy the currency, and not the items for which sellers may put price depending on situation). With TIR Coins, gold sellers lose customers, up to the point when they end up with none, since players receive much better alternative of receiving gold in game. With TIR Coins they can purchase and sell their NX currency any time they need, and in any amounts they need... while with gacha boxes you need event first (which doesn't happen all the time), then depending on luck you either get more or less, you either get items that can be sold easier or it can take a really long time, etc. etc.

    Overall, gacha doesn't function as TIR Coins system at all, which makes it often not attractive, or not available 'when someone needs it' and therefore it doesn't remove gold sellers from the server... neither is fair way of exchanging goods. Additionally you can't get avatars/inner/hairs/etc. from shop with gacha.
    In general gacha boxes are a lot worse system than TIR Coins... or rather, they won't work as 'replacement' for TIR Coins, since the functionality of it is different.
  • Member Dealer
    Vindictus Rep: 2,815
    Posts: 415
    Hello, it looks like some forumers are misunderstanding others and that is causing this discussion to get a little heated and derailed.
    Please keep the topic on track and don't make things personal.
    If you feel targeted please report the posts.
    P.S since this seems like a case of miscommunication I suggest using the message system to clear things up outside the thread.
  • Member TheDayInLove
    Vindictus Rep: 3,975
    Posts: 290
    edited October 27, 2016
    I see nothing wrong when EU player asking for TIR coin to be implemented. There is no difference - or at least, nothing significant - between selling airtight stuff that you get by paying Nexon, and selling TIR that you get by paying Nexon, too. EU player is still player and potential customer, not immigrant so I find the attitude of "you should be glad that you are still able to play" is ridiculous. With TIR Coin, both NA player and EU player will have TWO option to spend their hard-earned gold. Why is it a bad thing?

    OFC it's still Nexon's call, I'm not saying they should or should not put TIR Coin into the game.
  • Member DesireOfMine
    Vindictus Rep: 1,650
    Posts: 70
    @187 Ehh... you're so much misinformed.
    187 said:

    Nexon EU was shut down and then merged with our services and formed into one company called "Nexon Global". But its still Nexon NA because we didn't get shut down, Nexon EU did. You should be grateful that Nexon NA merged services with EU to keep the game alive. We don't have TIR system in our server and Nexon NA didn't get shut down. Look what happened to EU while they were shut down because TIR was a successful that barely generated enough money to keep Nexon EU allowed.
    False info nr.1
    If you don't take my word for it, take the official info:


    The migration is just a process made in purpose to improve their service quality, for example (in case of Vindictus):
    1. Having single client to maintain + single version of game instead of two (Premiere), so then you have less bug reports to take care off, less suggestions, less of anything because everything is at one place and both communities use the same thing.
    2. Single team to co-operate better
    3. Having both services 'in one place' merged together which makes the managing easier in general
    (i could've add more details, but i think it's pretty obvious)

    It just happens to be, that they've decided to reside in Nexon NA offices, that's all. EU brings earnings basically same as NA, it's not like they can't pay for EU employees. The migration applies to all games and not just Vindictus, from which for example Maplestory is very successful... so yeah, what you say doesn't make any sense. Also we have official info proving you wrong... so there is that.
    187 said:

    Gacha boxes are the alternative for TIR coins. What you receive from gacha boxes are completely trade-able on the market. They're called Airtight items which players can buy through the mailbox if not prohibited or Marketplace. There are big ticket items in gacha boxes which can net you a lot of gold which can sell anywhere from 200M to 1Billion gold such as the butterfly wings.
    False info nr.2

    As mentioned previously, no. Gacha boxes don't work as 'alternative' to TIR Coins. They lack key parts of TIR Coins system which make it much better feature and helps in other things better, like getting rid of gold sellers/inflation, getting avatar/inner/etc. items... also Gacha don't translate gold value directly from NX, therefore making the trades unstable in terms of economy and fair exchange. I've explained everything in previous post basically.

    Gacha boxes are a nice addition, but they are not a 'replacement' for TIR Coins. They could just keep both for wider functionality and better service.
    187 said:

    We have a permanent gacha box called Vindicator Box t. It contains Airtight enchant runes, enhance runes, unbind pots, and a few more. Compared to your TIR and what can be bought, Nexon NA's gacha boxes that contain more NX items than yours. I'm only basing it off the Nexon EU TIR coin system introduction thread and reading what items are affected under that list. Nexon is able to milk as much money off these players which helps keep our servers alive meanwhile, your system of TIR coins didn't really keep Nexon EU employees their job and had to be shut down.
    False info nr.3

    TIR Coin system was successful in EU. It helped to get rid of the gold selling, and there are tons of people investing money into this game either to get NX items or just to sell NX/TIR value to other players. Many players used it to get avatar items, and since like 'half' of people play this game for avatars xD, it made the game much more enjoyable to them. You don't even play in EU, so what can you know - yes, nothing.
    187 said:

    TIR coin is also a form of Pay 2 Win. Games that have this similar system exactly like TIR would be Arche Age or Blade and soul which are considered P2W. You are giving what the player wants (TIR) and receiving (gold) in return. TIR is the same as buying/selling NX and a LEGAL way to buy/sell gold. You really think that Nexon NA will bring TIR after prohibiting buying/selling NX?
    False info nr.4

    Well sure, being able to get gold via 'selling NX' makes people to be able to progress faster... but wait, you can do that on your server as well by getting gold from gold sellers or even Gacha boxes... heck isn't this game P2W anyway? Ah right... because Enchant and Enhancement Runes don't speed up your process, or wait... do they xDD? Naah... NX items don't make the game easier and faster, otherwise people would spend real money on NX, oh wait - THEY DO.
    187 said:

    TIR coin does not eliminate gold sellers or bots from the server completely. By having TIR in our system, It might actually provoke the Chinese gold sellers to fraudulently buy NX to sell TIR coin for gold. As I checked some gold sites, they are still offering to sell EU gold which means TIR is not working as it suppose to be... eliminate gold site sellers and bots. You sure don't know how to stop gold site sellers and bots. Please take a good look at Blade and Soul and welcome your stay there because you will much like it there. They're also infested with bots in both EU and NA server. Also, take a good look at the game Black desert, the company that took action against the Chinese gold site/ bots and pretty much eliminated them by removing player trading. I doubt any of the BDO players are buying services from chinese sites because they have nothing to offer except for power-leveling / gold farming but only an idiot would do that to their own account.
    False info nr.5

    Please answer few questions:
    1. Do people complain on gold sellers/bots in NA?
    2. Did prices increase dramatically due to inflation in NA over the years?
    3. Do people buy gold from gold sellers in NA?

    Well, the answers are pretty obvious so i will just answer them right away ^^:
    1. Yes - i've seen tons of complaints on your forums.
    2. Yes - comparatively it's at least 10:1 of EU gold value (and it's getting more all the time due to ongoing inflation).
    3. Yes - even tho i don't even speak with many NA players, i've already meet few people from your server who admitted that they buy gold from gold sellers and that GMs don't do anything with it and it's basically safe.

    In EU comparatively, we have none of it.
    1. People don't see any bots or advertisements - they are nonexistent.
    2. Gold value is basically stable, same as always - there is no inflation.
    3. I've meet tons of people in EU, and none of them is buying any gold from gold sellers, because they have better alternative in game - which is safe, legal, and even more profitable.

    As for 'gold websites' on the internet, yeah there are some sellers apparently... but basically no one is using them. Possibly they have some gold left from the time when gold sellers still existed in EU, and they just put it as available in case someone decides to buy (which doesn't happen basically).
    187 said:

    Please stop spreading false information to the public into believing that TIR is actually the solution to all our problems.
    I'm not the one spreading 'false information to the public'. Opposite to you, i actually have proofs on what i say.
    187 said:

    Keep dreaming.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Vindictus Rep: 6,750
    Hi everyone! Let me step in before this blows up. As of right now, the Vindictus team is concentrating on making the EU/NA migration as issue free as possible. At this moment in time we have tabled the TIR coin conversation. We will not be bringing it back. We are not ruling out the possibility of ever bringing TIR coins back, but our priority for the foreseeable future is the EU/NA migration and bringing quality content and events for the Vindictus Community.
  • Member PixelPantsu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,960
    Posts: 168

    Cenobite said:

    187 said:

    This is our alternative TIR but unfortunately, some of the ungrateful EU players are not happy and willing to go through such great lengths to try to bring back TIR.
    Indeed,how these ungrateful EU players dare to complain about a system that was available in EU and is not available here,they act like they were costumers or something smh ungrateful kids these days.
    Wow... so we're less of human than you are (as you called us 'ungrateful kids')? Our needs and opinions do not matter? You're some kind of ruling class? That's very insulting, the way you perceive us. That... plus your broken perspective about the situation. It seems like some NA players imagine that we're just some 'attachment' to their servers and that we should be grateful to them... for what i'm asking? What did you actually do for us xD?

    So here is a clarification to fill up the holes in your knowledge mate. We're not some attachment, we're equal to you, we are customers same as you.
    The merge of services isn't 'NA saving EU'... we weren't 'dying' for one thing. Nexon simply decided to merge these two companies into single 'Nexon Global' in purpose to increase efficiency (personally i don't know why they've waited so long... since we both use English version of game). So no, it's no longer Nexon NA or Vindictus NA... it is Nexon Global which includes same EU as NA on equal terms (at least it should be that way).

    The only thing is, that it's the old Nexon NA team which was given responsibilities to manage this new company... that's all. This obviously is causing issues in many players perception about EU playerbase, which makes them treat us as 'worse'. The issue is also due to the fact that Nexon NA team is biased mainly towards NA playerbase... because well, we're 'in here' new (new to them).

    I hope this explains you well enough why your comment is inappropriate.

    Another thing i would like to teach you, is to talk only for yourself... since there are many players from NA who would love to have TIR Coin system, plus 100% population of EU (we have literally no one against TIR Coins, everybody wants to get it back - which you can check on our forum surveys).
    Something like ^this happens rarely... when a feature is literally accepted by a 100% of exact population. We've tried it, experienced its effects - and we love it. Altogether with EU+NA, there is majority of people in favour of TIR Coins, rather than against (while most of NA playerbased doesn't even know about TIR Coins existence, or aren't enough/properly 'educated' about it). Maybe if Nexon NA team would be a little more objective, they would listen to the 'voice of reason' and do the right thing.

    Some clarifications:
    Gacha boxes aren't 'the alternative' for TIR Coins.
    First thing is that they don't replace functionality and purpose of TIR Coins. With TIR Coins it is possible to eliminate gold sellers/bots from server completely. This follows with removing inflation and makes the game overall better. Plus players receive the items they want for equal and fair calculation of gold (since you buy the currency, and not the items for which sellers may put price depending on situation). With TIR Coins, gold sellers lose customers, up to the point when they end up with none, since players receive much better alternative of receiving gold in game. With TIR Coins they can purchase and sell their NX currency any time they need, and in any amounts they need... while with gacha boxes you need event first (which doesn't happen all the time), then depending on luck you either get more or less, you either get items that can be sold easier or it can take a really long time, etc. etc.

    Overall, gacha doesn't function as TIR Coins system at all, which makes it often not attractive, or not available 'when someone needs it' and therefore it doesn't remove gold sellers from the server... neither is fair way of exchanging goods. Additionally you can't get avatars/inner/hairs/etc. from shop with gacha.
    In general gacha boxes are a lot worse system than TIR Coins... or rather, they won't work as 'replacement' for TIR Coins, since the functionality of it is different.
    Um @desireofmine "they act like they were costumers or something smh ungrateful kids these days" was obviously sarcasm
  • Member DesireOfMine
    Vindictus Rep: 1,650
    Posts: 70
    187 said:

    Just because TIR was successful in EU doesn't mean it will in our server. There are other games much bigger than Vindictus NA such as Blade & Soul and their game is infested with bots. Just play on Vindictus KR server and you will see that their economy is much better than NA server. Vindictus KR does not have TIR coin system and yet they are able to combat bots and gold sellers.

    You're wasting your time going to such great lengths to try and convince players who don't care about TIR and Nexon NA/ToS.

    If you're not happy with the service merge between our server and yours, then you're welcome to leave the game.

    Vindictus NA Premier server > Vindictus EU XE server.
    So in your opinion comparing the same game on different servers is less accurate than comparing it to BnS with totally different mechanics and systems? Yeah... i can see your 'logic' all the way through. If it's about BnS, we've even explained in the previous thread all the reasons why this system doesn't work in there. In short, their mechanics allow for much easier botting and their GMs don't care about bots. So players aren't capable to offer more than gold sellers in purpose to make it not attractive. In Vindictus however it is possible, since in here it's not as easy to farm gold with bots.

    There would be no difference in effectiveness of TIR Coins between EU and NA servers, because even tho you have much more gold on your server due to inflation, it's not the amount of gold that is bad... but the ongoing inflation (constant lowering value of the currency).
    Same as in EU server let's say you could earn for example 500k/hour approx, and you pay 1:1000 for TIRs... on server where gold has lower value (like yours), it would simply be scaled... meaning that for example if you have 10x lowered value of gold, then let's say you earn 5kk/hour and you would pay 1:10000 for TIRs. The value is essentially the same and nothing changes - therefore it would work as effective as on our server.

    Essentially it's about 'how much players can offer' versus 'how much gold sellers can offer'.
    If players can offer more than gold sellers - then gold sellers have to offer more as well. Then again, and again... until at some point it simply stops to be profitable for one of them - in case of Vindictus it would be gold sellers, so they would become not attractive as a source of gold and therefore lead towards their 'extinction'. No more gold would be added from outside of the market circulation system, because TIRs would be paid with gold within that system - inflation stops, done.

    After that if GMs would like to increase the old value of gold on the server, they could even introduce some gold-sink events, and since there would be no more ongoing inflation - their efforts would have a permanent effect.

    So yes, the fact that it works on EU means it would work in NA as well, because it's basically the same game with the same systems. Bringing BnS here as example 'argument' isn't viable at all, because it's totally different game.

    You have no viable arguments mate.

    Saygo said:

    Hi everyone! Let me step in before this blows up. As of right now, the Vindictus team is concentrating on making the EU/NA migration as issue free as possible. At this moment in time we have tabled the TIR coin conversation. We will not be bringing it back. We are not ruling out the possibility of ever bringing TIR coins back, but our priority for the foreseeable future is the EU/NA migration and bringing quality content and events for the Vindictus Community.
    No worries, nothing 'blows up' in here. We're just making sure that you won't forget about our case since it's important for us ^^.
    I hope that migration goes smoothly and that after, you will find some time to properly reconsider your decision regarding TIR Coins.

    Meanwhile, we'll just spread the word to make sure that people won't forget ^^, or those who don't know yet will get to know.
  • Member Nekonomimi
    Vindictus Rep: 650
    Posts: 16
    187 said:

    All I can say is Vindictus KR server.

    1. No TIR coin system
    2. No Bots
    3. Good Economy

    Excuse me, but last time I heard about KR games in general, they require an ID and/or KR phone number to register and play.

    Your point fell off by its own weight. Try again next time with something more valid.
  • Member Chaeldar
    Vindictus Rep: 1,465
    Posts: 31
    187 said:

    All I can say is Vindictus KR server.

    1. No TIR coin system
    2. No Bots
    3. Good Economy

    Wow it's almost as if it's one country instead of 30, they actively fight bots and they require extra security measures in their server when creating an account.
  • Member ErinieI
    Vindictus Rep: 2,380
    Posts: 163
    Oh boy oh boy...
  • Member DesireOfMine
    Vindictus Rep: 1,650
    Posts: 70
    edited October 28, 2016
    187 said:

    All I can say is Vindictus KR server.

    1. No TIR coin system
    2. No Bots
    3. Good Economy

    As other people already mentioned, KR server has extra security measures... additionally they have fatigue system (which i'm pretty sure we all wouldn't want to have in our client ^^), and generally more resources which they can use towards improving their service (since they give much more profit to Nexon). So yeah, there probably are some other ways to get rid of gold sellers, but not in terms of NA/EU service. TIR Coin system is our best option (especially that it provides other benefits as well - other words, why not if it has no downsides??).
  • Member Takkara
    Vindictus Rep: 400
    Posts: 2

    187 said:

    All I can say is Vindictus KR server.

    1. No TIR coin system
    2. No Bots
    3. Good Economy

    As other people already mentioned, KR server has extra security measures... additionally they have fatigue system (which i'm pretty sure we all wouldn't want to have in our client ^^), and generally more resources which they can use towards improving their service (since they give much more profit to Nexon). So yeah, there probably are some other ways to get rid of gold sellers, but not in terms of NA/EU service. TIR Coins are our best option (especially that they provide other benefits as well - other words, why not if it has no downsides??).
    dont forget Captcha system lol