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"Rise" update - first impressions
The update has been judged before it arrived live to our region by patch notes and what we have been able to see in Korean server.
Putting that aside - now that Rise is live here, what are your thoughts/feels/experience on it so far?
Summary: I voted for "Good, with some exceptions", which for me are:
• Additional damage is too strong - needs a nerf.
• Content is too easy. Buff pre-S3 HP and increase everything's attack speed to match old "hard" (current is like old "normal", or similar).
• Raid party size is too small. Expand it to 6.
• Add "hero" to all raids/ex-raid and make it worth bothering aside from fun
• Maybe return of S1 (excluding pre-60lv) and S2 raids
Details on these thoughts in the spoiler above.
But I'm a bit worried. I had huge problems with stuttering and frame dips prior to this patch. If RISE doesn't rectify them then I won't be able to play. If I have to disable my UI just to have an acceptable performance level then it's not worth it to me.
Ein lacher bosses being slower with less hp is great.
Loading times are much shorter.
Whats retarded :
Harder to get seals
Normal mode muir doesnt drop para stones anymore + breakoff doesnt give an extra core
Hero mode missing from most s1 battles, Ahglan has hero mode, but not Ingkells for some reason
Normal mode = 3 cores = harder to get drops
Trans being nerfed
Attack limit removal being made less valuable
AP restore nerf
New enhancement system
HP inflation
Old mats not converted to new ones
Removal of many useful features like teh mission board, gauntlets, etc
Massive amount of UI bugs, party info window is stuck and cannot be moved now for example
s2 battles missing story info if you have already completed s2
There is nothing ingame that tells you where to get scrolls like valor now because derpcat was too lazy to include that info
And tons more...
But I'm a bit worried. I had huge problems with stuttering and frame dips prior to this patch. If RISE doesn't rectify them then I won't be able to play. I'm not gonna disable my
No, that's TF2. Vindictus is Outfit Simulator.
Also, enhancing to 8 doesn't seem as aids now (but enhancing is still aids)
QB, with everything unflagged as a raid, is a giant mess to sort through now.
Good news is that a lot of things can be crafted with fewer materials and by using standardized materials. Furthermore, all NPC equipment recipes and purchasable vendor items have been added to respective talents. For example, Quisia can now be crafted by Expertise, but it can no longer be purchased at Turhan's. Lorica has also been added to Armorsmithing, so the title associated with it is still obtainable and even easier to obtain. Since NPCs can no longer craft items for characters, Expertise is now more relevant and even more so now that previously uncraftable accessories like Emerald Belt, Erg Core Brooch, and even Fugitive Brooch have been added to Goldsmithing. However, it seems like overkill when it is so easy it is to obtain the items in ex-raids already.
Old raids are trashed,S2 is good for some quick old scrolls I guess so thats fine but nothing else. 'did not expect such scrolls from a ~1 minute run'
S3 is the only raiding 'zone' left,not a fan of S3 in general.
Damage is off the scale,this is even crazier than what we had back in XE with full combo bonus,+5 armor set and a +13 lvl 90 with 8% awaken stone and I'm doing 32k bloody thread crits on a capped boss.
4 ppl party is not my thing,it just feels weird and a chaos if you are the only one 'geared' in the pt:P
I like the auto pickup cores/ergs and the faster run speed.
Can't really see the performance improvement on my pc,since 4 is the max I can't really test it,never had issues with only 4 anyway.
And the feeling I get from this update is that it gives me nothing to do actually,even less than before.
I can't even do an old school Ship run anymore
Someone above mentioned Quick Battle being better; it's not. It's more difficult than ever to find what you want because only about 5% of content is a Raid now. 19/20 pages are non-raid, meaning that if you want to find Krakers, or Havan, or Giant you have to have them as favorites, and you only have a limited number of favorites to cover all raids.
It's very clear that change was made to push VIP and to push players to do Ein Lacher, etc. Forcing your players into content instead of leaving options is not the way to keep people around. I also agree with MrGatto: I feel like there's less for me to do because it's more difficult than ever to hop into raids or runs with others because of the searching involved. Worse still, if you do find a raid it can only take four people and I promise you, people are going to get tired of clicking join only to get the message that that last spot isn't available anymore; that will be happening more than ever before.
Quick Battles need to be adjusted, and the game needs to feel like something where we're all involved with one another. So, so many great things like not having loading screens between areas of town are great changes that make you wonder why the time wasn't taken to implement them years ago. The changes that went in the wrong direction, however, make the game less enjoyable than ever. If I were a new player who'd never known the game before I'd feel like Vindi's in a pretty good place and wouldn't notice all the unpolished touches until I hit higher level and realized how tedious finding parties and getting certain items will now be. Not to mention the pain that's now a part of trying to hit high level enhancement.
TLDR: I'm done spending money on Vindi until the over-tuned changes are rolled back. If they're left as is, which is likely with the DOL who acts before he thinks and doesn't take players into consideration then Vindi will just be a good time waster when I get bored with other games. There are three to four titles coming out or going into Beta by the end of this year, and another title that I'm already spending on, so if this is how Vindi stays I'll deal with it and stop supporting the game.
The rest of us have 2 pros and a long list of cons.
QB and board seem so much more needlessly complicated to look for runs now, combining all the boards into one is a good idea but poorly implemented.
I like the 3 sets idea. (hopefully DOL doesn't get the idea in the future to combine the stats of the equipped sets XD)
s2 should had been normal and hard, hero is misleading
Is somehow more buggy, I encountered more bugs and crashes on the few hours I played today than in the past 6 month combined
All in all it is what I was worried it would be. Content has been nerfed/messed up so much that all but neam = done with 1 trans or less content if you have a +15. I don't look forward to what they will do to the new bosses to try to combat this :-(
It means YOU can sell them for Gold now at the Shop's
So... when's Dullahan?
Edit: I may be soloing or duoing most of the time now. Kinda missed 8 man but, eh.
whens miri and lynn 2nd weapon at least i'll enjoy playing those for a couple hours