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Best of the Best

Vindictus Rep: 1,150
Posts: 29
edited June 19, 2017 in General Discussion
Who are some of the players you consider to be the best at their respective classes/weapons?

They don't have to be the best geared, just who you feel are excellent when piloting them.

Sword Fiona:
Hammer Fiona:
Spear Lann:
Sword Lann:
Scythe Evie:
Staff Evie:
Chain Vella:
Sword Vella:
Bow Kai:
Gun Kai:
Cestus Karok:
Pillar Karok:

My own thoughts ;
clearcut wrote: »
These aren't necessarily the best players but rather people I believe use their class really well, also the fact that I have not played with every player to know.
Sword Fiona: Typo, D3mon was good too
Hammer Fiona: deadclass, but that red fiona does alright
Spear Lann: Have seen them around but they mostly face tank, maybe zubi/volt but haven't played with them enough
Sword Lann: All trash, if theres any good sword lann on east id like to see one
Scythe Evie: Myugeared Hinaxy does well despite not being 25 curried
Staff Evie: ragingpotato Anju? theres that really dark skinned one too. Amphetw/e isnt geared but their playstyle is cool.
Chain Vella: robinchild i guess
Sword Vella: pokemon
Bow Kai: sonotgeared
Gun Kai: rolo?
Cestus Karok: what bald spot?
Pillar Karok: what bald spot?
Hurk: all the end game ones are good and preform similarly
Lynn: hicurry or that long ign with S haven't played with them recently though
Arisha: tomato curry is the best
Sylas: all the end game ones are good and preform similarly
Delia: cherish? none of them really stand out

It might seem erratic but I'm sure some people from east will understand it +cold
Props to these people for all the curry.


  • InvisiblessInvisibless
    Vindictus Rep: 530
    Posts: 4
    I'm sort of new to the game, but these people do pretty well from what i've seen on east.

    Sword Fiona: Mjxd
    Hammer Fiona: I don't really see any hammer Fionas around
    Spear Lann: MyOwnSatan
    Sword Lann: KidIcarus
    Scythe Evie: Viviann
    Staff Evie: Nyniu
    Chain Vella: Kokcvella
    Sword Vella: Veva
    Bow Kai: Darkfruitt
    Gun Kai: Kaiception
    Cestus Karok: Devoid
    Pillar Karok: Barbatous
    Hurk: StrongBewb
    Lynn: I don't see many Lynns either
    Arisha: Icexi
    Sylas: Salamander
    Delia: 7Katsumi
  • SilentineSilentine
    Vindictus Rep: 1,285
    Posts: 55
    edited June 18, 2017
    you...you...what have you done? You doomned us all...you killed us?

    p.s. you have to ask for specific servers.
  • PuppymanPuppyman
    Vindictus Rep: 3,055
    Posts: 467
    I can tell where this is going to go :>
  • SilentineSilentine
    Vindictus Rep: 1,285
    Posts: 55
    Puppyman wrote: »
    I can tell where this is going to go :>

    Ineed, I see it too, run , hide, get to safety...

  • Rena_RyuguRena_Ryugu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,365
    Posts: 35
  • Arrow95Arrow95
    Vindictus Rep: 2,515
    Posts: 491
    Really why, there's no point to this know how many people claim to be the best
  • ZollenZollen
    Vindictus Rep: 1,150
    Posts: 49
    he just mad bc he isnt on there ^^
  • jeddyhijeddyhi
    Vindictus Rep: 1,880
    Posts: 244
    I thought everyone was the best and I was just being carried.
  • Arrow95Arrow95
    Vindictus Rep: 2,515
    Posts: 491
    edited June 18, 2017
    Zollen wrote: »
    he just mad bc he isnt on there ^^

    I never claimed I was the best of my class I will say I have alot of experience using kai and I know what am doing really well when playing kai, but if I had to vote I would say Ketros is the best kai na. Know one can come close to what he can do with kai
  • TamagoTamago
    Vindictus Rep: 5,460
    Posts: 733
    edited June 18, 2017
    Threads like this shouldn't even be made lmao.
    The people who are actually good don't flaunt it or claim to be the best at anything and usually do things in their own friend group or solo.
  • TheDazzlingTheDazzling
    Vindictus Rep: 3,295
    Posts: 433
    Mainichi wrote: »
    Threads like this shouldn't even be made lmao.
    The people who are actually good don't flaunt it or claim to be the best at anything and usually do things in their own friend group or solo.

    nono is ok O3O let em fight
  • jeddyhijeddyhi
    Vindictus Rep: 1,880
    Posts: 244
    Ferghus is the best. Not many can beat him.
  • misakamisakamisakamisaka
    Vindictus Rep: 1,685
    Posts: 105
    Lol why make a post like this...it's so pointless.
  • BestKaiEastBestKaiEast
    Vindictus Rep: 765
    Posts: 11
    edited June 18, 2017
    Sword Fiona: HHHawk
    Hammer Fiona: AndromedaGM
    Spear Lann: XxX_360_Savior_420_XxX or Axel
    Sword Lann: Morgan
    Scythe Evie: HangeZoe
    Staff Evie: Tachi
    Chain Vella: Sav5
    Sword Vella: Natashas
    Bow Kai: Arrow95 or PHO3NIX
    Gun Kai: Ikarsu
    Cestus Karok: yenson
    Pillar Karok: AirTrack
    Hurk: LuciferRises
    Lynn: [GM]Saygo
    Arisha: MochiSweet
    Sylas: GrantUsEyes
    Delia: auVi

    Those are the best of the best at each class from my point of view.
  • TwilightSparkleTwilightSparkle
    Vindictus Rep: 2,440
    Posts: 224
    im totally the best miri :3
  • FuzetsuFuzetsu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,345
    Posts: 52
    Sword Fiona: LisbethSAO
    Hammer Fiona: LisbethSAO
    Spear Lann: SasukeDgl
    Sword Lann: SasukeDgl
    Scythe Evie: SlowDinosaur
    Staff Evie: SlowDinosaur
    Chain Vella: ExpiredLemon
    Sword Vella: ExpiredLemon
    Bow Kai: PuppetYuber
    Gun Kai: PuppetYuber
    Cestus Karok: PuppetEsper
    Pillar Karok: PuppetEsper
    Hurk: XxTomBradyxX
    Lynn: GuanYinPing
    Arisha: NelEsper
    Sylas: GrantUsEyes
    Delia: NessaEsper
  • EmpiricistEmpiricist
    Vindictus Rep: 1,295
    Posts: 21
    this thread is pointless
  • TheDazzlingTheDazzling
    Vindictus Rep: 3,295
    Posts: 433
    Empiricist wrote: »
    this thread is pointless

    don't read then +quiet
  • SuhpremeSuhpreme
    Vindictus Rep: 3,935
    Posts: 474
    Sword Fiona: inmatesearch
    Hammer Fiona: ZeroByDivide
    Spear Lann: DivineMyth
    Sword Lann: Dennis
    Scythe Evie: Sinned
    Staff Evie: Maroyaa
    Chain Vella: Ellucidate
    Sword Vella:imYourSlayer
    Bow Kai: MisterPANG
    Gun Kai: A4194305
    Cestus Karok: scholtex999
    Pillar Karok: PANGFamily
    Hurk: KyIehell007
    Lynn: Niru
    Arisha: arizes
    Sylas: MewAhri
    Delia: AzureMiragex
  • TamagoTamago
    Vindictus Rep: 5,460
    Posts: 733
    Sword Fiona: Zezima
    Hammer Fiona: N0valyfe
    Spear Lann: Uloveme
    Sword Lann: Divine God
    Scythe Evie: Cyrano74
    Staff Evie: Yogosun
    Chain Vella: Svulle
    Sword Vella: Thehate
    Bow Kai: Tfe2
    Gun Kai: S1acker
    Cestus Karok: Minerman64
    Pillar Karok: Venom0619
    Hurk: Muskee
    Lynn: Casserole
    Arisha: Kale Stille
    Sylas: Daverick
    Delia: Lynx153

    @Suhpreme Nice Maplestory. ;)
This discussion has been closed.