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Upcoming Proposed Changes to AP Restoration System


  • PorcedduPorceddu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 880
    Posts: 26
    edited April 25, 2017
    Who the f#ck proposed these changes? They need/deserved to be smacked for bringing a stupid ass change to Vindi.

    the same director that buffed sword fiona with that spin2win move and that tried to implement cooldowns on additional damage of weapons
  • lumix345lumix345
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,875
    Posts: 75
    Not gonna lie i'd be very disappointed if this actually becomes an update, especially the can't enhance after reviving thing.

    But i suppose on a side note if people are gonna have severely limiting restrictions on revived weps but still wanna try and get higher enhancement ranks, perhaps there will be more "sellable/non-boomed" high-enhanced weapons on the MP? Not very confident on that but I can hope.

    Just not sure what people plan to do with all their stocked AP that are AP-capped. Perhaps one of the future plans is to expand the AP shop (quality coupons perhaps? :* ) or other items that are worth more than what we have at the moment.
  • GewelliriousGewellirious
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,945
    Posts: 364
    edited April 25, 2017
  • JynXiJynXi
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,025
    Posts: 231
    edited April 25, 2017
    Ow wow, this is interesting and game changing stuff.
    Rip all the +15's , those will be way more rare now!

    Ow, any idea when we will get this? Way after duallan etc?
  • TsiiiTsiii
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,175
    Posts: 112
    edited April 25, 2017
    So in other words they did the exact opposite of what they said they were trying to do in the previous devnote? Who comes up with these things? Do they even play the game? Well vindi, it's been five years for me, but that's going to be my ticket out... It's like the end game players have something to spend their copious amounts of ap on right now other than breaking weapons! I sincerely hope the backlash from the entire community is so massive that Devcat does a 540 on this...

  • KprimeKprime
    Vindictus Vertreter: 440
    Posts: 6
    Im Giving it One week till i do A BOOM PARTY this game just shits on the veterans and new players . MAY 3rd Calling for a Massive Boom Party cant enhance permabound weps soon anyways so lets go out with a bang!!!
  • ZensZens
    Vindictus Vertreter: 10,795
    Posts: 162
    If they're going to pull this kind of crap, the least they could do is increase the success chance when going for +11-+15.
  • GewelliriousGewellirious
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,945
    Posts: 364
    Kprime wrote: »
    Im Giving it One week till i do A BOOM PARTY this game just shits on the veterans and new players . MAY 3rd Calling for a Massive Boom Party cant enhance permabound weps soon anyways so lets go out with a bang!!!

    +yay xD

    I still have a tiny hope of enhancement system changes, like much easier to get +10. We'll see.
  • MochiSweetMochiSweet
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,050
    Posts: 406
    96.69 % success chance for +11 to +15 pl0x.
  • LoLoBootyLoLoBooty
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,275
    Posts: 665
    Who the f#ck proposed these changes? They need/deserved to be smacked for bringing a stupid ass change to Vindi.

    A smack would be letting them off easy. They need to be fired. This would make AP for endgame players even more worthless. You want to make an AP change? Just make it unlimited.
  • SekaiizSekaiiz
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,290
    Posts: 130
    I think one of statements should be noted before jumping the gun:
    이런 변경 사항이 플레이어에 따라서는 환영할 수 없는 내용일 수도 있습니다.
    하지만 마영전의 전체 플레이어에게 장기적으로 안정된 플레이를 제공하기 위해,
    저희는 아이템 되살리기 개편이 필요하다고 판단하여 패치를 준비하고 있습니다.
    기능의 변경에 대해, 목적성을 살펴주시고 협조와 이해 부탁드립니다.

    These changes may not be welcome depending on the player.
    However, in order to provide long-term stable play to all players in Mabinogi heroes
    we are preparing the patches as we need to rebuild the items.
    Please look at the purpose of the change of function and cooperate and understand.

    They're basically removing the AP restoration system, but keeping a small part so you can restore for only ~2k AP. While this is not the most optimal for trying for a high enhance weapon, I would hold off on a proper reaction until they reveal more details on the new item/gear system.

    Still dumb they lead with this info first, though.
  • BoatGodBoatGod
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,575
    Posts: 215
    i heard it was already unlimited in KR. would like clarification
  • SekaiizSekaiiz
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,290
    Posts: 130
    BoatGod wrote: »
    i heard it was already unlimited in KR. would like clarification

    Was never unlimited. That's a rumor.
  • ArixArix
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,880
    Posts: 130
    Sekaiiz wrote: »
    I think one of statements should be noted before jumping the gun:
    이런 변경 사항이 플레이어에 따라서는 환영할 수 없는 내용일 수도 있습니다.
    하지만 마영전의 전체 플레이어에게 장기적으로 안정된 플레이를 제공하기 위해,
    저희는 아이템 되살리기 개편이 필요하다고 판단하여 패치를 준비하고 있습니다.
    기능의 변경에 대해, 목적성을 살펴주시고 협조와 이해 부탁드립니다.

    These changes may not be welcome depending on the player.
    However, in order to provide long-term stable play to all players in Mabinogi heroes
    we are preparing the patches as we need to rebuild the items.
    Please look at the purpose of the change of function and cooperate and understand.

    They're basically removing the AP restoration system, but keeping a small part so you can restore for only ~2k AP. While this is not the most optimal for trying for a high enhance weapon, I would hold off on a proper reaction until they reveal more details on the new item/gear system.

    Still dumb they lead with this info first, though.

    this is what I've been saying but people are so quick to jump to conclusions and not wait it out, really need info on the new item revamp
  • ikeviikevi
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    edited April 25, 2017
    ... I thought everyone who played for any real amount of time was near AP cap and all they did was blow up weapons to burn some it off.

    Anyone new shouldn't even bother blowing up weapons still they hit lv 90. And they already fixed that issue.

    Obviously this change is just to sell more runes, but the fact is any sane person already uses runes/coupons whatever to get to +10 at least.

    I just see this method basically meaning you never hit that enhance button on a +12 or higher unless you already have an equiv weapon. :-(

    Side note, this will accomplish there goal on basically meaningless to revive any weapon... Unless you need to dismantle mats.
  • SuhpremeSuhpreme
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,935
    Posts: 474
    edited April 25, 2017
    this was the most liked/upvoted comment on the article
    what does this translate to? id like to kno what the koreans thought about this...
    야 이 돌대가리야 거가 풀귀 듀라한킹 들고있는 내가봐도 이건 진짜 아니다
    옆동네 던파도 10강까지는 캐시템이 전혀 안들어가는건 알고있지?
    근데 이게임은 10강가는데도 강룬 23개 쓰는사람도 있다?
    솔직하게 너네 확률 조작 몰래 하잖아 ㅎㅎㅎ 맞지?
    100가지 패치중에 2가지가 요모양 요꼴이면 나머지 98가지는 아주 볼만하겠다?
    지금 강화대란 일어난건 알고있냐? 예토무기 들고있는 사람들 다 질러대고있다고
    니가 자초한거야. 그나마 행복회로 돌리던 사람들마저 등돌리게 만든게 바로 디오엘 너라고.
    지금 이거 패치하면 뭐 '정화의 룬' 같은거 만들어서 -1패널티 막아주는 캐시템 생각하고있지?
    근데 그땐 이미 그 빌어먹을 룬 살 사람조차 남아있질 않아요~ 니가 다 내쫓아서.
    돈 벌 생각보다 일단 유저들을 끌어들일 생각부터 해야지 어떻게 된게 뒷일은 생각안하고 지금당장 니들 주머니 채울 생각부터 쳐하고있냐.
    유저들을 위해서 생각해낸게 겨우 저거라고?
    내가 니보다 디렉터해도 10배는 더 잘하고 수익도 몇배는 더 내겠다
    인벤 모니터링하는것도 알어
    근데 왜 막상 판벌리는게 요모양 요따구냐고. 진짜 머리굴려서 나온게 이거밖에 안돼?
    너 사람 아니지? 또라이 정신병자지?
    정신 좀 차려라 제발 좀 응???
    니가 10년 20년을 함께하던 그땐 이미 게임이 사라지고 없어요
    정작 끝판왕 무기들면 뭐하냐고 같이 할 사람이 없는데 이 빌어쳐먹을놈아

    ah so its the same over there kinda?

    aaaa reading through the comments in google translate, :/
  • PrototypemindPrototypemind
    Vindictus Vertreter: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    @Suhpreme Items from that post that translated pretty clearly:

    "I think I should start with attracting the users before I think of making money.
    Is that what you think about the users?
    I would be ten times better and I would make a profit a few more times if I directed it.
    Are not you a person? Are you a psychopath?
    Please get up, please."

    Same things we've been screaming. Clearly the devs do not care about what players want. Clearly they prioritize initial monetary gains from players rather than building a stable community. Players themselves could come up with a much more profitable system because they actually play the game and would implement changes that are fun. The decisions clearly do not show any compassion or connection to the players. I agree with all of it.

    As already mentioned, this seems to fly heavily in the face of the changes that they mentioned before. If there's some amazing change to enhance rates that makes this okay, they really, really should have led with it and not this. How could they think this would do anything other than enrage players?

    And I thought it was only Nexon Global who was entirely out of touch. There better be some major damage control inbound to fix this. Considering that KR apologized for the April Fool's numbers within two days, I think it's likely that some clarification will be coming, but it needs to be soon.
  • MrGoldMrGold
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,490
    Posts: 366
    I really don't understand what's so hard about removing perma booming and replacing it with higher AP costs to res the weapon for another enhancement try. Or how about just making the weapon locked for enhancement, until you pay a certain amount of AP after a failure. Atleast then you could still use the weapon that failed in the enhancement, and have something to shoot for until you randomly hit +15.
  • 탱크블레이드탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    What I can say is IF DevCAT pushes this update then I hope NA scraps the idea of implementing it. You guys rarely have any +15's as it is.
  • Question2Question2
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    Oh hey, something dumb that makes no sense whatsoever, from the same director who kept putting dumb stuff into the game.

    I remember people being optimistic about the upcoming revamps and how it might make the game better. I bet they are all regretting being optimistic now.

    Also, what happened to the revamps being based on player feedback? There is no way KR players would suggest or support something like this, its all entirely based on the idiot director's desire to sell more runes and make his resume look good to the executives.

    Man...the dumb things this director comes up with. What next, will he make Neamhain accessible only with premium tickets in the cash shop or something?