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Sea of Vindictus


  • V0lterixV0lterix
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,555
    Posts: 144
    LF 8 karoks on west LUL
  • GldPhoenixGldPhoenix
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,020
    Posts: 86
    I can host a Vella party on East if people want (with or without commentary / communications)
  • MrGoldMrGold
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,490
    Posts: 366
    V0lterix wrote: »
    LF 8 karoks on west LUL

    Don't even get me started on 8 for East.
  • OkatsuOkatsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,665
    Posts: 113
    Vella only neam
  • GldPhoenixGldPhoenix
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,020
    Posts: 86
    Okatsu wrote: »
    Vella only neam

    I wouldve been dead on the floor recording everyone else if i was in that run +yes
  • KingKarokKingKarok
    Vindictus Vertreter: 410
    Posts: 11
    Here is the all karok run. Turned out to be a 6 man since 2 karoks couldn't show and finding more experienced neam karoks is impossible +pain
    Credits to AresRage for organizing both this run and the lann run, he deserves all the neam booty +best
    Hopefully we can get a full 8 man next time we try this

    Spoiler: We started out strong but fell apart in phase 3 +haha
  • Yuria100Yuria100
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,480
    Posts: 226
    edited April 29, 2017
    Sea of Delia run added, waiting to get the redo version of kai run with recording. First kai run cleared but video got currupted. Also waiting for redo of Lann run, video was losted, thus redo is needed.
  • EbieEbie
    Vindictus Vertreter: 310
    Posts: 6

    kai run :D
  • Yuria100Yuria100
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,480
    Posts: 226
    all single class vid almost done just one more recording left, whjich is the lann run /^^'.
  • EnigmaTaroEnigmaTaro
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,815
    Posts: 441

    Not NA bcuz our NA ppl still get timered at neit.
  • OkatsuOkatsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,665
    Posts: 113
    There hasn't been any west activity on here >:[
    What are you blokes waiting on?
  • vgfan100vgfan100
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,085
    Posts: 117
    edited Mai 9, 2017
    EnigmaTaro wrote: »

    Not NA bcuz our NA ppl still get timered at neit.

    Or the game crashes because multi-processing hates all-Lann runs apparently, and none of the Lann players can host without it. :/
  • EnigmaTaroEnigmaTaro
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,815
    Posts: 441
    edited Mai 9, 2017
    vgfan100 wrote: »
    EnigmaTaro wrote: »

    Not NA bcuz our NA ppl still get timered at neit.

    Or the game crashes because multi-processing hates all-Lann runs apparently, and none of the Lann players can host without it. :/

    Yeah the players in that server are literally all located within the same city, meanwhile our playerbase is probably scattered between east and west coast.
  • hynurahynura
    Vindictus Vertreter: 960
    Posts: 18
    We managed to get another Lynn Neam together on West before the Rise update hit :). Special thanks to Wrava for recording for us!

  • Yuria100Yuria100
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,480
    Posts: 226
    List completed lann run done twice once by westy lann before merge and today. Sorry for necroing this back but want to celebrate the completion of the neamhain 8 man single character run done by vindictus sami global aka NA + EU server.

    Also with the new class Miri coming out and Blute Lynn following behind her. There still one more class that is needed to complete it. Once the new charatcter run is added then we can look forward to the new redeemer coming out soon in KR and in the future for sami global vindi.
  • GambIeGambIe
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,820
    Posts: 113
    edited November 16, 2017
    NA Sea of Hurks -- Clear time 12:53

    I recently gathered a Hurk party and streamed the raid. Recorded by Atherion. Enjoy!

  • ArixArix
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,880
    Posts: 130
    No Teide? +sad
  • Yuria100Yuria100
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,480
    Posts: 226
    yesterday night NA were able to get a Miri run clear to complete this post. I thx everyone that help to make all these run possible. Hope everyone enjoy the videos. Till the next new character comes out >:)
  • ReziRezi
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,585
    Posts: 436
    Umbrella run is going to be hilarious.
  • PuppymanPuppyman
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,055
    Posts: 467
    Rezi wrote: »
    Umbrella run is going to be hilarious.

    Gonna be the most elegant run