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Community interest in a power-leveling service?

Vindictus Vertreter: 5,275
Posts: 665
in General Discussion
When a new character is released or the level cap is increased some players are in a rush to level (for exclusive titles). Would you ever use a power-level service (assistance in leveling up)?
  1. Would you ever use a power-level service?45 votes
    1. No, I'm not in a hurry to level up
       27% (12 votes)
    2. No, I use my own resources/guild
       58% (26 votes)
    3. Maybe, depends on ?
       11% (5 votes)
    4. Yes
       4% (2 votes)


  • CloakshireCloakshire
    Vindictus Vertreter: 4,580
    Posts: 646
    edited April 6, 2017
    This isn't a good idea imo. If a new character was released and there was an event to power level those new characters up, you would run into the issue of having too many inexperienced people playing in higher level raids. I would rather take my time leveling up so I could properly learn my character as it progresses. I wouldn't want to be handed all my skills too quickly or all at once.

    Also, powerleveling in most cases increases gained EXP but doesn't increase gained AP at the same proportion. This creates high level characters that are lopsided with low rank skills.
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,165
    Posts: 35
    edited April 7, 2017
    All I want is the ability to skip S1.

    Being forced to play through it is the reason I absolutely HATE making a new character. The most I do is maybe once per year; it's so awful.

    If we could start at S2 like we used to be able to and skip S1, I'd have every character at 90. As it is, I'm missing half the classes, and really do want to play them, but cannot tolerate the insane time wasting grind S1 is.

    Oh, and my level-up "JUMP" package expiring (went on holiday, had no time to play) and Nexon refusing to restore it didn't help matters either.
  • MastaMasta
    Vindictus Vertreter: 840
    Posts: 59
    leveling is too easy here, and the leveling experience is what helps players learn their character.
  • GewelliriousGewellirious
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,945
    Posts: 364
    DAOWAce wrote: »
    All I want is the ability to skip S1.

    Being forced to play through it is the reason I absolutely HATE making a new character. The most I do it maybe once per year; it's so awful.

    If we could start at S2 like we used to be able to and skip S1, I'd have every character at 90. As it is, I'm missing half the classes, and really do want to play them, but cannot tolerate the insane time wasting grind S1 is.

    Oh ? I feel like it's the opposite for me : the fact you have to, sometimes, go back to Colhen for sh*t during season 2 is completely stupid and a waste of time. I can understand about s1 it might be annoying, but it gets better starting from Hoafrost Depths, where bosses starts to have an actual variety of patterns, unlike every previous dungeons. (except Black Scar, but the rest are such boring designed bosses)

    But yeah, I still CAN'T have the strength to lvl so much chars.. due to the beginning and how boring and stupid season 2 is. The battles are also barely interesting as well :
    - Crescent Moon Island and their annoying stupid buggy flying wasps. (Kielu is ok at least)
    - Ship Graveyard have such boring gimmicks, especially the retarded ghost/water pirate, biggest aids ever along Gianoo. The sirens have redundant identic pattern attacks.. even Monark.
    - Twilight Desert is fine I'd say, at least Ikrium at low-lvl w/o super lv90 help can still be somehow interesting to fight. Can be annoying to fight 'flying around you' grim reapers but meh.
    - Misty/Moonlight is the absolute cancer : flying a$$ mobs + buggy a$$ dungeon + over-boring woodmen that comes straight up from s1 ogres/goblins bosses, atrocious.
    - Only the finale in Annwyn is worth playing during season 2 and I guess most of people skip it via. E-Z mode, rip.

    So yeah, the first 40 lvls are a pain, but season 2 is far from being better.
  • PrototypemindPrototypemind
    Vindictus Vertreter: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    edited April 6, 2017
    The only thing I hate in S1 is getting stuck needing levels to do the next missions. I pretty much only level during double xp events & with xp boosts for that reason. The side quests are just tedious, not usually challenging, though there are some exceptions.
  • NephiliusNephilius
    Vindictus Vertreter: 410
    Posts: 5
    DAOWAce wrote: »
    All I want is the ability to skip S1.

    Being forced to play through it is the reason I absolutely HATE making a new character. The most I do it maybe once per year; it's so awful.

    If we could start at S2 like we used to be able to and skip S1, I'd have every character at 90. As it is, I'm missing half the classes, and really do want to play them, but cannot tolerate the insane time wasting grind S1 is.

    Oh ? I feel like it's the opposite for me : the fact you have to, sometimes, go back to Colhen for sh*t during season 2 is completely stupid and a waste of time. I can understand about s1 it might be annoying, but it gets better starting from Hoafrost Depths, where bosses starts to have an actual variety of patterns, unlike every previous dungeons. (except Black Scar, but the rest are such boring designed bosses)

    But yeah, I still CAN'T have the strength to lvl so much chars.. due to the beginning and how boring and stupid season 2 is. The battles are also barely interesting as well :
    - Crescent Moon Island and their annoying stupid buggy flying wasps. (Kielu is ok at least)
    - Ship Graveyard have such boring gimmicks, especially the retarded ghost/water pirate, biggest aids ever along Gianoo. The sirens have redundant identic pattern attacks.. even Monark.
    - Twilight Desert is fine I'd say, at least Ikrium at low-lvl w/o super lv90 help can still be somehow interesting to fight. Can be annoying to fight 'flying around you' grim reapers but meh.
    - Misty/Moonlight is the absolute cancer : flying a$$ mobs + buggy a$$ dungeon + over-boring woodmen that comes straight up from s1 ogres/goblins bosses, atrocious.
    - Only the finale in Annwyn is worth playing during season 2 and I guess most of people skip it via. E-Z mode, rip.

    So yeah, the first 40 lvls are a pain, but season 2 is far from being better.

    I totally agree with this...S2 is nowhere fun when compared to S1 unfortunatley. S1 might be bad but has a variety of maaany diffrent instances with a rich variety of mobs. But when it comes to s2; %80 of your leveling is wandering between NPC to NPC at god forsaken Malina. Besides, while s1 content was managable with your current leveling gear, S2 battles are freakin hard when compared what you wear. Ship Graveyard is a cancer with its story battles like killing the captain which is the most redicilously powerfull boss for an early content and also those flying maggots at CMI.... Whenever i level a toon and come to s2 content, all the desire of leveling in me gets crippled and when compared to my leveling effort at previous content, it is simply the slowest cose of the issues i counted above.

    S2 battles are the reason i always hesitate to level and alt...Thankfully my guildmates help me to skip them faster but still...the NPC door-knock session between all quests is killin me..
  • hornywatermelonhornywatermelon
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,985
    Posts: 467
    edited April 7, 2017
    Power leveling is already encouraged by Nexoff itself, when they gave us countless 100-150% boosts during the unification event, not to mention 200% boosts from JUMP event we had some time ago. You could've amassed around 25-30 packs of each type which will easily allow you to power level few characters through S2 alone with its ridiculously high base EXP rewards.
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,165
    Posts: 35
    edited April 7, 2017
    Oh ? I feel like it's the opposite for me : the fact you have to, sometimes, go back to Colhen for sh*t during season 2 is completely stupid and a waste of time. I can understand about s1 it might be annoying, but it gets better starting from Hoafrost Depths, where bosses starts to have an actual variety of patterns, unlike every previous dungeons. (except Black Scar, but the rest are such boring designed bosses).
    Yes, going back to S1 for S2 is very irritating. That part of the story should be entirely removed; it serves no purpose with the way things are setup (S1 first, S2 after; would've made sense running parallel).

    But the main point is that S1 takes FOREVER to get through.

    There's so many dungeons, so many sidequests, so much running through the same 3-4 dungeon rooms fighting the same exact enemies for so many missions.. Then when it gets to Rocheste those are the worst dungeons in the entire game, especially the sewers, ESPECIALLY Ortel, taking much longer than Colhen's with health tank enemies and long areas. Difficulty of S2 bosses is largely irrelevant, since barely anyone does S1 so you're solo all the time, and everyone joins S2 story boats, so you always have help.

    It took me 2 days to go from 1-6x and finish S1. - This is with playing from wake up to sleep; not something many people can do.
    It took me a few hours to go 6x-8x and finish S2, and I got more exp doing that than I did going 1-6x in S1.

    That's mainly my point; S2 is short and provides a HUGE amount of experience, and you can keep joining other people's runs to power level yourself. S1 is long and drawn out and provides very little exp... and tons of low/no value items to clutter up your inventory.

    I have heard about the Ein Lacher leveling, but repeating the same boss fights over and over is equally unpleasant (ala colhen in flames leveling).

    The game's over 6 years old.. at this point we should be given some way to skip the content if we have older max level characters with the story completed.. especially multiple. There's just so many QoL features missing and changes needing to be made.. I doubt we'll ever get them.
  • SamalenkoSamalenko
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,475
    Posts: 221
    If it's a RMT service I assume it is banable?
  • GewelliriousGewellirious
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,945
    Posts: 364
    DAOWAce wrote: »
    There's so many dungeons, so many sidequests, so much running through the same 3-4 dungeon rooms fighting the same exact enemies for so many missions.. Then when it gets to Rocheste those are the worst dungeons in the entire game, especially the sewers, ESPECIALLY Ortel, taking much longer than Colhen's with health tank enemies and long areas. Difficulty of S2 bosses is largely irrelevant, since barely anyone does S1 so you're solo all the time, and everyone joins S2 story boats, so you always have help.

    This is why I said the beginning is annoying : because that's where the game makes you go through almost all battle quests. Meanwhile, Hilder Forest Ruins is quick, and all Rocheste battles are quick too when it comes to the main quests, especially Sewers.
    Only problem with Ortel is how the maps are long but that's it, also Silberin ugh... (Cloyan is relatively easy after all)

    Rest is all about sub-quests, and yeah I do agree the worst point of s1 are the sub-quests because of how tedious some are.. especially Night Shades, wisps hearts, frost stones might be annoying too or there's also the royal delivery sub-quests that asks for 20 items of each "type" from Hoarfrost Depths. (fine kobold cloth, both yeti leathers and acidic poison pouch, tho this one is easier due to other area having specific mobs that drops them too)
    Then again, there is knowledge of what to farm efficiently to get said items, can do it via main char in Hero to prepare for your alts.

    Another tedious thing is "long quests" like the 5 floor bags or sub-quests that.. unlock another sub-quest. (and this is why Night Shade is so tedious, because getting the 6 Night Shades in one go from HH is just impossible and completing this sub-quest ends up unlocking another one, much easier)

  • EnigmaTaroEnigmaTaro
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,815
    Posts: 441
    Remove Rocheste and fit every NPC there into Colhen... oh wait.
  • SekaiizSekaiiz
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,290
    Posts: 130
    Maybe if you still needed to grind Hidden through 40 and CiF to 70, but doing story to level now doesnt really need someone to power level. In addition, if someone really wanted to power level then they would do the ein lacher method, which is solo.
  • PrototypemindPrototypemind
    Vindictus Vertreter: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    Eh, again with double XP S1 is very quick and straightforward, though I don't know how it plays out since the RAR used to be a huge XP boost and a normal part of the process.
  • LoLoBootyLoLoBooty
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,275
    Posts: 665
    My original thought on the target audience for power leveling would be the people during the last character release: Delia trying to get the exclusive titles for finishing reaching level 90 first. This is experienced players who are not concerned with learning their character but trying to be the first.
    Sekaiiz wrote: »
    Maybe if you still needed to grind Hidden through 40 and CiF to 70, but doing story to level now doesnt really need someone to power level. In addition, if someone really wanted to power level then they would do the ein lacher method, which is solo.

    Can you elaborate on how the ein lacher method compares to S2 stories, Abyssal Arena, or BC story farming? I would think the chance to fail ein might be too much overhead. Also the daily rotation might cap how many bosses at your level you can do.
  • EhgessEhgess
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,910
    Posts: 119
    Mitglied, Nexon
    It's so much easier to level now then it was back in the day.

    *Ahem, switches to old man voice

    Young whippersnappers, back in my day we had this token system and you'd always run out and had to wait til the next day to get more tokens.
    Your gear would literally deteriorate over time, and completely run out of durability. Eventually you would need to replace the whole set.
    We had to grind the missions over and over again to complete the mini-objectives so we could unlock the next area.
    Monsters could still do damage to you when you were knocked down on the ground, and we liked it.
    Now get off my digital lawn!

    *Shakes fist
  • SekaiizSekaiiz
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,290
    Posts: 130
    LoLoBooty wrote: »
    My original thought on the target audience for power leveling would be the people during the last character release: Delia trying to get the exclusive titles for finishing reaching level 90 first. This is experienced players who are not concerned with learning their character but trying to be the first.
    Sekaiiz wrote: »
    Maybe if you still needed to grind Hidden through 40 and CiF to 70, but doing story to level now doesnt really need someone to power level. In addition, if someone really wanted to power level then they would do the ein lacher method, which is solo.

    Can you elaborate on how the ein lacher method compares to S2 stories, Abyssal Arena, or BC story farming? I would think the chance to fail ein might be too much overhead. Also the daily rotation might cap how many bosses at your level you can do.

    Assuming you're lvl 70 after S1 story, you can spam shakarr/CBH for a large amount of exp with the ein lacher potion, then when you reach 80 you can basically spam s2 raids for about 1m+ exp per 5/6 minutes. You can die as much as you want, it doesnt matter, the penalty is only 1%. More info here:


    S2 story has a lot of downtime with running around for quests. Abyssal arena is limited to 3-4 times a day, and BC story doesnt give as much as S2. Ein Lacher is the method to level up solo, while the above mentioned methods can be good if they have friends, but its relatively the same.
  • SignustSignust
    Vindictus Vertreter: 760
    Posts: 14
    edited April 7, 2017
    Who doesn't love colru Lio blocking leveling progress due to having to do him twice and being forced to use a VIP/ wait a day?

    Edit: Yes I did mean Lio, my terrible memory got the best of me.
  • NecrochildNecrochild
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,325
    Posts: 293
    Signust wrote: »
    Who doesn't love colru blocking levelling progress due to having to do him twice and being forced to use a VIP/ wait a day?

    I'm guessing you mean The Evil One, and see Ehgess's eloquently stated post.
  • TamagoTamago
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,460
    Posts: 733
  • BlawrghBlawrgh
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,355
    Posts: 201