[NEW MERCENARIES] Please note that all new forum users have to be approved before posting. This process can take up to 24 hours, and we appreciate your patience.
Berbhe Screenshot Contest [ Discussion ]
Hi everyone! New town, New Contest! While everyone is exploring Berbhe, why not take a few screenshots!

This is the place to put any questions or concerns you might have about the Berbhe Screenshot Contest.
Contest EndsJanuary 6, 2017 at 11:59:59 pm Pacific Time
Rules - Read the
[ Official Disclaimer ] - Take a screenshot of your character in Berbhe, related Berbhe dungeons or raids. This can be an action shot, selfie, or with your friends.
- No Photoshop or editing allowed (#nofilter) except cropping.
- Submit your screenshot with character name and server name to the
[ Submissions Thread ].
- One entry per user.
- 15 Total Winners will be RANDOMLY selected. Plenty of winners for this one. Just a fun contest. It should be interesting.
Prizes Top 15 Winners will each get:
-10 Elite Lucky Boxes
-15,000 NX
problem solved
We will be extending the contest out till the end of the week (1/6/17) because of the HTML change to the forums. We will work on getting HTML back up but until then try to post with an existing link to your image.
Thanks for clarifying.