[NEW MERCENARIES] Please note that all new forum users have to be approved before posting. This process can take up to 24 hours, and we appreciate your patience.

[GM] Viewty


[GM] Viewty
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  • Disconnecting while afk

    Hi Raftelfan,
    Have you submitted a ticket to our Support Team regarding this matter? Thanks.
  • [Event] Show Off Your Guild

    2019-01-31 PT Update: Winner Announcement <--- CLICK


    Greetings Mercenaries,

    Here is a chance for you to show off your Guild and let them shine! If you are not a part of a Guild, this would be a great time to look for a Guild to join! CLICK HERE for more details to the event and don't miss this great chance!

    2018-01-28 Update:
    Greetings Mercenaries, Please note that, as mentioned previously, if there are users that have copied and or re-used other user’s contents of any sorts (text, image, video), they and their Guild will be disqualified from participating in the event without further notice. Thank you.

  • [Notice] Regarding Royal Army's Passion Coupon

    Greetings Mercenaries,

    We have been informed and are aware of the Royal Army's Passion Coupon issue and it has now been fixed. We sincerely apologize for those that were unable to receive the coupons. Therefore, below will be applied during next week's maintenance which is on October 16th, 2018:

    For all the Royal Army's Passion Coupons that have not been given out to those that accessed the Royal Army Raids from October 10th, 2018 (After Maintenance) until October 11th, 2018 04:00 (PDT), 13:00 (CEST), will be given out during next week's maintenance which is on October 16th, 2018.

    For all users that have accessed Vindictus from October 10th, 2018 (After Maintenance) until October 11th, 2018 04:00 (PDT), 13:00 (CEST), will be given an additional Royal Army's Passion Coupon as compensation.
    Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused to any of our Mercenaries, and we thank you for your kind patience and understanding throughout.

    - The Vindictus Team
  • Nexon, We need to talk.

    I don't know any other way to say this so I'm just going to come right out and say it. The servers are bad at the moment. I've had good chunks of time the past few days where they feel literally unplayable. Just yesterday for instance I had two RaR's just dump everyone in the raid back into town, then the third RaR completed only to not give anyone any loot. The only option was to forfeit and return back to town.


    I can't count the number of times I've been just dumped out of a battle I was in:


    I have been seeing more and new occurrences of bugs like this guy, the "numbers challengers" bug which leaves me no choice but to relog. I've had it happen when I return to town and when I have been standing around in town a long time :


    Also this, it's rarer, wonkier cousin, the floating head bug, that just screams "we have problems":


    I've had all kinds of random bugs in fights. Both me and Anastacsia for instance experienced Dullahan attacks that should have been stopped by heavy stander going right through it in this battle.


    Here I am finishing Rupacious and not getting any loot. First of all it should be unacceptable that the entire mechanic of the fight, using spears is broken, but here nobody even threw any spears, I experienced a wholly different bug where I was the only one who didn't get any loot in the party and I didn't appear in the rest of the team's system messages at all.


    Speaking of exotic bugs here's what greeted me one time I went to the avatar shop. Say hello to Fionann.


    And how about this, one time I was in town, got booted to the main screen but all of my hud buttons were there and working.


    And yes, I've even been seeing the classic T-pose on the character select screen,


    This is in addition to all the other problems the server has been having. Guild chat or whispers not working. Boats that fail to launch. Boats that hang on a black screen for forever instead of launching. Rar Queues that refuse to let you enter the battle. Rar's that can never fill to 10 despite the fact we have people outside the run from our guilds trying to sign up. Items not appearing in inventories after a battle. I've had solo battles complete and been unable to leave by any means other than forfeit. I myself have not experienced this one, but I have had reports from guildies about items getting lost in the mail and in the server's current state I believe them. And then there's departure licenses being used up on battles that didn't complete. And what about all of the ghost boats?

    I have a lot of other games that I could be playing. I want to play Vindictus though. But the thing is, when I experience 6 or more Royal Army Raid dumps in an hour it is frustrating, it is disheartening. I sigh. I feel bad and it's because I'm trying to play this game and I can't. You guys are failing on the most fundamental level, to a new extreme. The people you still have playing, I think, are a pretty tolerant lot, but I have been hearing from a lot of my guildies and my friends that they're going to be taking "a break" from the game until all of these problems are sorted out and I worry that a number of them are not going to come back. And I don't blame them for wandering off now. Trying to play Vindictus at the moment is incredibly frustrating. I myself, wasted soooo much time of my day yesterday on server failures. That is a terrible feeling. Things are not getting better. I had hoped that after the last maintenance they would improve but they just seem to be getting worse and worse.

    I do not know what course of action to offer you guys, I don't know everything that's happening on your end. The problem is probably complicated by the fact that Vindictus has probably had so many hands in it by now that fixing one bug might introduce a slew of others. But you do have to do SOMETHING. If you just accept that you're on a downward slide and do nothing to stop it, you're still going to hit the bottom eventually. The only help that I can offer is that it seems to me that after the last patch many of these problems started appearing, or, got much worse. I love this game, it's the only reason I've put up with it this long and it's the reason that I'm writing to you today. Public acknowledgment of the problems would help a little, fixing them would help a lot more though.

    Thank you all for bringing all this up for our attention once again. We apologize for the late update regarding and will try to bring the fixes to your hands ASAP. All of these are already being investigated so please stay with us for more updates. Thank you.