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Parasol Lynn
kinda bummed we didn't get the messy ponytail for hurk, I wonder when we're going to get parasol lynn though, my favorite parasol is probably the braha one, the clock is so pretty >w< I hope it's as fun as teide is https://img10.deviantart.net/5c47/i/2017/253/a/f/parasol_lynn_tho_by_d34rfutur3-dbn2c1m.jpg
Shame about those glasses today, the heart or normal shades are so much better. If only they had that mirror texture/lense like when they're in the preview screen.
succubuskingnii-chaannnnn https://orig06.deviantart.net/3b3e/f/2017/249/0/3/genderbentsuccubusqueen_by_d34rfutur3-dbmmugu.jpg
On the nights we don't talk about FE, vindi, waifus and other random crap, we talk about things we'll never get in vindictus due to multiple reasons, succubus king was one of them. He'd be some stupid bishie, even worse than lugh, yuck. I hope I can get another kitty tail, I'm kinda worried..
Lethitas and huck; Bara husbando and Business husbando
Teide is pretty fun >7< I miss deflection but what can one really do about that? hmn.. where would eclipse weapons drop .w.; back to scuttling around ainle hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng https://img13.deviantart.net/ba82/i/2017/244/d/b/lethitasandhuck_by_d34rfutur3-dbm25sy.jpg
My teide collecting would be going so much better if I still knew where everything dropped or I could craft it like before =A=. Why does nighthawk even drop from kraken or noblesse from lavasat? more catherine level choices with husbandos, wheres my kiva?
Lann-Demande; something something Ayx insists that Lanns best husbando but what does he know? He's too busy getting whipped by bdsm queen fiona .
I'll break out of this lann basement one day, probably to see nexon beat hurk like the dead horse he is on tuesday. https://orig09.deviantart.net/2ef3/f/2017/239/5/9/lann_demande_by_d34rfutur3-dbliylv.jpg
if I get one more version of byakuya I'm gonna be done af, who honestly needs 6 versions of byakuya? ugghhgjkfhkfjh who even needs that many stupid petals? Getting the feeling that I'm cursed by those byakuyas to only get more and more byakuyas until I have a byakuya army for some strange reason.
Bunbun Lann doodles https://orig03.deviantart.net/3bd5/f/2017/235/b/6/bunbunlann_by_d34rfutur3-dbl3579.jpg
got the nobleman set on Lann and dyed it white to look like prince demande, it looks so nice, kinda weird that dark red doesn't work with that set too well, ohwell 7 more days til teide hurk. At least Ayx can't say I never draw anything good for Lann.