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More miri doodles
Thinking about getting that ghost lady set and saving it for miri since it'll probably never be a perm outfitter because lmaoreasons, knowing my luck it'll be permabound to my vella and I'll be out 20$ I coulda wasted on dumb inners for Hurk or Lann https://orig00.deviantart.net/cd9e/f/2017/270/0/4/miriririiiii_by_d34rfutur3-dbos1wo.jpg
Maybe the Halloween event will be really good and not crawl through hell grind for something meh
Big Daddy Lethitas' sex shades
I wish those glasses were cool but who knows, maybe they'll make shades like that who am i trying to fool? they won't do that lmao Ayx is somewhere laughing at me for having shreds of hope. He's not wrong tho, it'd be like him hoping for another season of firefly. https://orig00.deviantart.net/b39b/f/2017/258/f/9/sex_shades_by_d34rfutur3-dbnk30g.jpg
In other news I'm so ready to oil up that hurk, kinda debating about saving the other for my kiva... if we ever get him