Haven't gotten Pokemon Sun/Moon yet, but do let me know of your adventures. :-)Sun/Moon is good, still waiting on that pokebank update so I can have all of my pokemon on 1 game instead of on ...4?[SS,Platinum,Black and Y]
I just hope Pokemon Sun/Moon will be fun. After hearing that Pokemon Sun/Moon has no Gym Battles, it worries me. The other features do look promising.It's here it's finally here~ sun and mewn sun and mewn!
Noblesse Ava. Sets are indeed beautiful. I think it might be my favorite Ava. Set yet.You know, I was going to just yolo with a randomizer for the starters since I didn't have a strong favorite but after seeing one of the finisher for litten
On the topic of Pokemon Sun/Moon, what will your starter be? >:o
I'll most likely go for the water type since I typically pick water type in most Pokemon games.