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Don't listen to Ayx. Lann may have given you +15s, but both of Hurk's weapons are way more radical than Lann's.
Plus, Lann ain't thicc like Hurk.
You know it, teide hurk will come save me, he's the coolest.
one day I'll break out of these bondage chains lann has me in, I'll get out of this basement lann dungeon, just you wait..
Hurk and Delia http://orig01.deviantart.net/15ab/f/2017/205/7/1/hurk_and_delia_tho_by_d34rfutur3-dbhkl14.jpg
you don't know what I'd give for a theme switched delia and hurk, let me tell you. Savage Delia and Princely Hurk? sign me up.
I talk to Ayx a lot about Hurk because I've lost too many bets and now I'm a slave to Lann, +15's, spirited was slapped on first try. +sigh Hurk, why you coming out when everyones going back to school?.. Hopefully Miri's and Lynn's second weapon release are better than teide hurk's +sigh .