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  • Partholon Vanguard Update


    Agreed, got a lot of points waiting for more titles.
  • Character Friendship Guide (Mercenary Lounge)

    The basics of it can be found in the update notes: http://vindictus.nexon.net/news/54486/character-friendship-system

    I'l cover anything that isn't mentioned there.


    It is located above the Mercenary Outpost in Colhen.

    Captain Crimson is the dog at the Gift Shop/Mission board in the Lounge.

    All 4 Missions count as "battles at your level" for events. They also cost 0 Fatigue each. So if you need to kill Normal Monsters without wasting Fatigue, this is where to do them.
    Area 1 Colhen Night Patrol Mission has a little over 50 Normal Monsters guaranteed.


    Everyone has the same daily limit for increasing Closeness.
    A favorite gift will increase Closeness more than a normal gift. The comment they give with receiving it will be different too.
    A mission clear will increase Closeness more than a mission fail, both still increases Closeness.
    Chitchat has a cap of its own, but it also can't pass the daily limit.

    At the moment, increasing Closeness is only good for unlocking more dialogue and titles. So it is quite useless if you don't care for them.

    There are currently 22 Titles to be obtained. (10 runs of each of the 4 missions for 4 titles, then reaching level 2 for all characters for 18 more titles)
    In a future update, another 18 more Titles will be added for a total of 40 Titles.
    15 for reaching level 3 with each character, and 3 more titles for having 5/10/15 Level 3 Allies.
    (You will need a different alt to level up your main's character, then go back to your main to collect the title)

    Click "Ally Friendships" in the top left corner of the screen while in the Lounge to see the Achievement Rewards.
    As well as some achievements which give Friendship Seals (Give 50 gifts to each merc).
    The progress towards completing these achievements are account shared, so if you want to complete the battle ones for free in 1 day, you can use different characters, then go to the one you want it on and collect.
    All prizes to the achievements can only be claimed once per account. The titles are "ID Titles".

    There's really no need to summon a merc, as you can cap the seals even if you fail all 5 missions each day.
    It is only there so you can increase the Closeness of the mercs that aren't there.

    Hold ctrl the entire time while clicking on chitchat to speed things up.

    Most have seen these lists: 1 and 2
    EDIT: add Lethor with Under the Cherry Tree
    But since you can only buy the items and they cost the same, you can simplify it to just 6 items in your inventory to save inventory space if you buy in bulk for some reason.

    The cheapest way to max Closeness for the day is:
    Mission Cleared
    10 Chitchat
    7-8 Fav gifts (Stopping at 7 gives 550/555 Closeness)
    Mission Failed
    10 Chitchat
    9-10 Fav gifts (Stopping at 9 gives 540/555 Closeness)

    Note that there seems to be a (possibly) random chance for everyone to suddenly be uncomfortable if you talk to them near the end of the day. You can stop gifting if that does happen.

    Closeness indicator text:

    Daily limit:

    When you have not reached the limit: "You feel like you grew closer to [Merc]."
    When you reached Chitchat limit: "There seems to be no change to the relationship between you and [Merc]."
    When you reach the Daily limit: "[Merc] seems to have started feeling uncomfortable around you." (Doing more after it will not increase/decrease closeness.)

    Overall closeness:

    You still feel quite distant from [Merc]. (Initially)
    It seems like you're beginning to get used to [Merc].
    It seems like you're grown familiar with [Merc] now.
    You feel like you've grown quite close to [Merc] now.
    You feel very close with [Merc].

    You feel like you've grown more familiar with [Merc].
    You feel like you've become well-acquainted with [Merc].

    Haven't talked for a long time:
    You feel like you've become more distant from [Merc].
    You feel rather awkward now, as you haven't visited [Merc] in quite a while.

    Closeness values:

    1 Normal gift: 20 (increased to 30 at a later update)
    1 Fav gift: 30 (increased to 60 at a later update)
    1 Chitchat: 20 (Max 200 per day) (at a later update, max number of chitchats is reduced from 10 to 4, but each chitchat gives 50 points, giving the same 200 total)
    1 # topic to that specific character: 20 (but has a chance to already be capped from the start of the day)
    1 Mission cleared: 140 (increased to 300 at a later update)
    1 Mission failed: 70 (increased to 150? at a later update)
    Daily limit: 555 (increased to 700 at a later update)
    Closeness required for each level: 10000

    If you talk with a character's own # that was unlocked, there is a chance to get 20 Closeness or it just nothing. Seems random. The dialogue to unlock the topic has the same trigger.

    Ally Friendships -> Closeness Status -> mouse over a merc will show "Current Closeness: <level>". This corresponds to the level.
    Level 1: Acquaintance
    Level 2: Ally
    Level 3: Close Ally


    1. Colhen Night Patrol Mission (Defend the walls 2min of mobs and a boss at the end)
    2. Infiltration and Recon Mission (Gather items, or Kill boss boss 1 room)
    3. Basic Supply Mission (Enhance game, or Kill boss boss 2 room)
    4. Town Support Mission (Save sheep, or Kill boss boss 1 room)

    Clears give 2 seals, fails give 1 seal. The moment you die, you fail, no revives allowed.
    The fastest way to cap seals (5 seals) is to clear either modes in Mission 4.
    The fastest lazy way to cap seals (5 seals) is to go into 2 or 4, then forfeit if it's not the kill boss version. Type /leave in chat instead of waiting for the forfeit button to load.

    If you want to clear them for the title:

    1. Ends when boss dies, don't bother with catapult due to limited rounds. Flinch/Kill mobs to protect the walls, high range characters such as Miri have an advantage in this.

    2. Tell NPC to follow you to a chest, tell them to stand then gather items while you flinch all the mobs (can kill too, but flinch each is enough). Don't run too far ahead, make sure the NPC is following you, if you are too far away the NPC can't hear your commands.

    3. There is no time limit, you can take as long as you want. I usually alt-tab out and let the npc do their thing, then come back and score just enough to win.
    Hover mouse over the ? to see the enhance-to-points rate.
    +5 can still fail even if you hit the blue area, so if you can win with all +4, go for it. But if you calculate that you need more points, get the minimum number of 5s. If you still need more, good luck, you'll likely lose.
    Since it is luck based, this can happen.

    Enhance level - Chance to work - Chance to work if you hit the blue area
    +1 - 80% - 100%
    +2 - 75% - 100%
    +3 - 70% - 100%
    +4 - 65% - 95%
    +5 - 60% - 90%
    +6 - 50% - 80%
    +7 - 40% - 70%
    +8 - 30% - 60%
    +9 - 20% - 50%
    +10 - 10% - 40%

    4. Tell NPC to save the sheep while you flinch/kill mobs. If 5 sheep die, it ends with a fail.
    The first sheep is close, you can pick it up and tell the NPC to pick up a second before the mobs come, securing sheeps 1 and 2.
    You need to tell the NPC to pick up another sheep again each time they save a sheep.
    I usually just flinch the mobs, pick up another sheep while they are flinched and bring it back at the same time as the NPC, securing sheeps 3 and 4.
    Then just let the NPC get the last sheep while you flinch the mobs.

    If you have Greater Werewolf Paw, you can use it at the start and grab 3 sheep (while the NPC grabs 2) and finish just as the effect of Paw ends.

    Mobs currently respawn as soon as they die, which is why there isn't too much of a difference between just flinching or killing.
    In a future update, there will be a delay before respawn.

    Topics that can be unlocked

    Note: #Coffer Chaser being unlocked in the initial meeting instead of #Vella is correct. You will see after reading the dialogue.
    Lynn (2) and Lann's # does not unlock after additional dialogue.
    Kai and Vella have one too.

    All characters will have 9 unlockable topics, except for the aforementioned Lynn with 7 and Lann with 8. But you can't unlock your own character's #s on the same character, so:
    Lann can unlock 124
    Lynn can unlock 125
    Everyone else can unlock 123

    KR has another 9 for Lethor.

    Topics are unlocked when enough Closeness is reached.
    Note: non-bold #s are translated from Korean and may not be accurate or could be changed when localized.

    Automatically obtained while talking to Lann:
    #Gladiator Match

    Automatically obtained while talking to Fiona:

    Automatically obtained while talking to Evie:
    #True Healing
    #Social Status
    * continued with no topic

    Automatically obtained while talking to Karok:
    #Language (Language with Eira)

    Automatically obtained while talking to Kai:
    #Broken Arrow
    #Lonely Rookie

    Automatically obtained while talking to Vella:
    #Coffer Chaser
    * #Trust and # Escape are unlocked together.

    Automatically obtained while talking to Hurk:
    #The Greatsword Master
    #Hot Headed
    #The East

    Automatically obtained while talking to Lynn:
    #Swift Assassin
    #The Lost Kingdom
    #King - Lynn is the proud princess of the lost kingdom and the rightful heir to its throne.


  • Pet Leveling Guide

    Starting to update for Daycare. Could use some help with higher levels.

    The times are without pettting/treats. For high levels, it's easier to just get the time for a range (where pet/treats did not occur) then do maths.
    Since from what I have so far with lower levels, the increase rates are quite predictable.
  • Side Ponytail Hair on all Female Classes

    Side Ponytail Hair on ALL Female Classes

    Lets not discriminate.
  • Fast leveling guide + Belle damage chart

    For now it'll only contain info about leveling up fast. I'll add other things in later if necessary. This really works for any character, not specific to Belle.

    General Tips

    If there is a bonus x2 EXP event on, that helps a lot.

    Premium Character Slot for a small boost (only applies to combat exp not completion exp), free from registration event, not worth buying.

    Get VIP/VVIP (If you need a free one, at level 40, you can use the AP shop to buy 2 days vip) for 50% more exp. Use if you are planning to play a lot during the 2 days.

    If you haven't already done it, claim the free 30 day VVIP from: https://na.alienwarearena.com/ucf/show/139125/Giveaway/vindictus-vvip-service-package-key-giveaway

    Collect exp and items from "Character Growth Goals"

    Join an existing Guild with the rank 3 EXP bonus skill for 15% more exp. (The description is wrong, it is not only for Combat EXP but for battle completion EXP)

    If you have lots of pets, you may have pet effects (Pet -> Pet Encyclopedia), the Victorious Footsteps effect will help save time.

    Once exp gained per battle (not from story bonus) becomes over a million per run, consider using these items:
    - EXP Boosters if you have them (obtained from an old event) for 150% more exp.
    - EXP Boosters if you have them (obtained at level 70 from Belle's Box in a Box Event, or Rapid Growth Package in Supply Depot during this event) for 100% more exp.
    - EXP Blessings (only applies to combat exp not completion exp, so save the EXP Blessing for areas with more mobs, not good with boss only areas like raids/ex-raids)

    At level 60: Firestorm (Divine Punishment for Paladin also works but is less effective) allows you to clear mobs really fast, you can even attack the air and it'll kill any mobs you can't see. Duration lets you keep your transformation for the entire battle so you can trans from the start of the dungeon, and trans whenever it is available to level it up.
    To trans, you will need 100 Transformation Points, ex-raids gives 7 points per clear, dungeons give 20 points per clear, Abyssal Arena gives 20 points per floor (200 in total per clear), leveling up your character level gives 100 points. So at lower levels, you can trans in almost every run.
    When available, you can click on the "!" "?" or "..." button next to most story hints to instantly open most of the story without having to walk to each of the NPC locations.

    There are still quite a few stories where you must walk to. Having an outfit to increase Town Movement Speed helps slightly.
    Free sets have lower stats with 5% increase for the entire set, expensive sets usually have 25% increase for the entire set.
    The cheapest way to increase it is with "Packaged Lightfoot" which contains a random Lightfoot which increases it by 5% to up to 10% if you are lucky.
    Alternatively, if you have Resenlian's Wings, you can teleport to them instantly.

    You can use "-" three times to hide and show the interface during the screenshots at the end of the battle, then use "Forfeit and Return to town" (or use the /leave command) to save some time at the end of each battle. However, be careful to NOT do this when it says "Battle rewards (gold, EXP, and AP) will be awarded after n seconds.", which is triggered by clearing a dungeon too fast while your level is <70.

    Remember that you can skip a lot of mobs to save time by just running past them. Only clear the mobs when there's a red seal blocking your way.

    While you're at it, buy one of these off the Marketplace for cheap AP in the long run. You'll get 80 to 900 extra AP per hour (average 130 AP) just from a few clicks each.

    Best sources of EXP

    Do the main story, skip dialogue by holding ctrl. Skip the Sub story.
    The story will give you bonus EXP and is the fastest way to level up before Level 70.

    Use this option on the board (or press "G" WhJmJej.png -> Depart for Battle, to not need to walk) until the battles start getting harder. This option allows you to go through dialogue faster but you must solo.
    Once you start struggling (usually at season 3, or season 2 ex-raids), having a strong friend to carry you is probably faster but at the trade off of more loading screens and boat intro animations.

    When available, you can do these fast runs (ex-raids) 5x each (6x with vip).
    A Ruler's Refuge, Devil in the Water, Memory of the Past, Death's Shadow, Into the Abyss, Desolate Malina, Burning Temple, God of Death.
    Duo with a partner if you are struggling to clear then within half a minute each.
    If you are doing the season 2 story, just remember to save a run for it.
    Most people skip Bizarre Machine because he takes a long time since he moves. But if you have a very strong friend with a Cat Statue, they can 1 shot him with a Spear of Stigma.

    Level 90-100 - Abyssal Arena with a very strong party to carry you in 9 min runs, trans every run too. You can use your 3 Guild Departure Tickets or 7 from the Departure Booster Box for even more runs.

    Other sources of EXP

    If you are done with s2 ex-raids and Abyssal Arena, Join Level 90+ raids with a strong party to clear them fast.
    Note that for Level 90+ raids, it is best to use Quick Battle, as it auto alerts everyone about the boat and gives bonus drops and more exp and AP. To Access Quick Battle, press "K" 92zR0k5.png in town (or find it in the menu).

    At Level 90, if there is a high exp season 1 bosses in Ein Latcher on this day (50k+, such as Colru and Betrayl),
    Do some other Ein Lacher runs to buy the season 1 Extra EXP potion at the Dock shop.
    Then do that same 50k+ exp run 10x for around 20m EXP in total.

    Autumn Reed Bed (after Level 80) or A Friend Once Lost (after Level 90, it has been changed so you don't need to complete the story up to it to access it), but if you have the EXP bonuses mentioned, you shouldn't need these and should prioritize everything else.

    Example times:

    Route taken by Venerable: https://m.twitch.tv/videos/501941097
    Uses Premium Character Slot, Guild Bonus, VVIP, 2 100% EXP Boosters, Blessings. Carries for Season 2 and Abyssal Arena.
    4h 10 min, Level 70 after 2nd Taking Initiative (Ingkara).
    1h 10 min, Level 93 after all the Season 2 ex-raids x6. (Lak Krak 3.85m, Iset Havan Panth 5.1m, Jugg Ulch Druid Lava Cromm 6.7m EXP)
    10 min, Level 97 after 1 Abyssal Arena (79m EXP).
    10 min, Level 99 after 1 Abyssal Arena (79m EXP).
    13 min, Level 100 after 1 Abyssal Arena (79m EXP) + 1 Abom (5.5m EXP).
    Total: 5h 53m

    To show you the difference of not using EXP bonuses/boosters.
    Uses Premium Character Slot, no Guild, no VIP, no EXP Boosters, no Blessings.
    4h 10 min, Level 69 after 2nd Taking Initiative (Ingkara). (Little difference here since the bonus EXP from the story is not affected by boosters, I actually did level my Belle this way to here.)
    20 min, Level 70 after continuing with the story, defeating Ahglan, Inverse Blade, Silent Blade, Ingkells x2.
    30 min, Level 74 after Lak Krak 1.2m Iset Havan Panth 1.8m x5 (you need Level 77 for the rest of s2 ex-raids.)
    After this is an estimate with calculations, it may not be too accurate. Uses this exp chart by Shippu. I'll still assume you are being carried in Season 2 and Abyssal runs.
    90 min, Level 77 after more story.
    30 min, Level 80 after Jugg Ulch Druid Lava Cromm 1.9m x5.

    Option A:
    120 min, Level 90 after 2 rounds of Season 2 like before.
    180 mins, Level 100, after 2 rounds of Season 2 ex-raids and 2 rounds of 3 Abyssal Arena over the next 2 days.
    Total: 12h min (over 5 days).

    Option B:
    120 min, to save time, you should wait for the next day for battle attempts to reset twice and get to Level 90 with 2 more rounds of Season 2 ex-raids.
    203 mins, Level 100, after another 3.4 rounds of Season 2 ex-raids over the next 4 days.
    Total: 12h 23 min (over 7 days).

    Option C:
    Continue the story after doing as many Season 2 ex-raids and Abyssal Arena as you can. It'll probably be like 18 hours, but you'll be done in 2-3 days (1 day is still possible if you have no life).

    Option D; (Note: this event has ended, NA server did not get the event, EU server did)
    Get to Level 70 before (or on) this x2 EXP event on 2&3 Nov 2019, use the 100% EXP booster in the Belle's Box in a Box Event) and the free VIP in AP shop. Do Season 2 ex-raids and be done fast.

    But if you intend to main Belle, considering that you have to do the story to unlock Redeemer raids, in the long run you're better off to just take your time and only do the story without grinding anywhere for extra EXP.

    Damage Charts:



    In summary:
    - Yes it is worth using Rushing River Level 3 at the very start while running up to the boss if it is known for standing for a while there. It is never worth using while it is on cooldown nor the lower charge levels. This is because it gives a good amount of SP and you also do not have enough SP for TabTabTab. If you have Cat Statue for some reason, then use the TabTabTab first at the start before Rushing River Level 3.
    - Your Tab attacks do the most damage, but don't waste multiple seconds waiting for a parry. Use those Tabs and proceed with LRLRR if the opening that long.
    - With your Tab parrys, if you are really familiar with the boss and have very good timing, try to get the parry on the 3rd Tab for the most damage. This is very hard to do.
    - Save Volcanic Blast for when you need Stamina or to attack_during/avoid a Red Attack.
    - Never use Whipping Wind unless you need to flinch the boss (e.g. Agares's Marking Shockwave)

    - Whipping Wind has a cooldown of 3 min.
    - Volcanic Blast has a cooldown of 2 min 30 sec.
    - Landslide (3rd Tab) has a cooldown of 30 sec.
    - Rushing River gives a debuff that prevents you from using Lv3 again for 40 sec, and if it hits, it reduces the cooldown of Whipping Wind, Volcanic Blast and Landslide by 30 sec.

    - Highest DPS combo against a sandbag (no parry) should be:
    1) Rushing River Level 3 while running up to the boss.
    2) Tab Tab
    3) Dodge (with the dodge cancelling the excess animation of the Tab)
    4) LRLRR
    5) Dodge (with the dodge cancelling the excess animation of the last R)
    6) Tab Tab Tab (with the first Tab cancelling the excess animation of the dodge) (No 3rd Tab if on cooldown)
    7) Rushing River Level 3 after 3rd Tab if your debuff is over.
    return to 3 if there's enough stamina.
    8) Dodge
    9) LLRR
    10) Dodge R
    11) Tab Tab Tab (with the first Tab cancelling the excess animation of the R) (No 3rd Tab if on cooldown)
    12) Rushing River Level 3 after 3rd Tab if your debuff is over.
    return to 3.

    - You still get Nature's Might Stacks if you miss. So if the boss is invulnerable, or between mobs in Onslaught, you can attack the air for stacks. Fastest is with Dodge R
    - If you are on 3 Stacks, it is worth using Dodge R Tab Tab. (With the Tab cancelling the excess animation of R).

    IGN: Salamandinay
    Server: NA
    Zeroheart[GM] Viewty