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  • Hurk Buff this patch?

    Godly patch, makes joining public parties a lot less of a hassle for me with this fix as I'm an eastie playing on west. 3 bar blockade no issue what so ever minus some small delay due to latency which isn't an issue at all.
  • Help with DPS

    Void star comes out instantly and cancels recovery animations on various actions allowing you to essentially use it with little impact on the rest of your combo.

    Yea sure if you directly compare the multipliers of VS to AG, it probably loses out, but you are not factoring in the fact you are also performing your basic dps combo between VS cd.
  • Kai's X gun kai rolls

    Linnard wrote: »
    heh heh I used to play spear lann 4 years ago before I quit after vella came out, so I know what it felt like to have no invulnerability and only .20 seconds of invulnerability. Those days were when playing as a spear lann meant you were either a phoenix feathers sinkhole, or had uber gear. Anyways, I would rather have only .43 sec and shorter delay between rolls than .63 sec and longer delay which makes trying to dodge combo attacks sometimes very iffy. That is how I feel about lann also. They buffed his iframes when really they should've just buffed his mobility by giving slip dash/roll more speed, or range, or shorter delay. This would be much better because lann's mobility is garbage, especially for a high-risk melee class, and my suggestion would reward skill with more mobility, and the farming grind would feel less of a chore.

    Hmm, how about allowing players to modify their invulnerability techniques by allowing them to balance out their iframes-mobility themselves within certain limits? It would allow for more gameplay variety, and would just be more fun in general. Kinda like how kai players individually have different preferred ranks for their Reload skill.

    Is this the actual linnard or that east imposter :0
  • Attendance - Exquisite Enchant Rune

    90 days
  • Help me get more def

    Cheapest method is to make memorable/exp Regina hat and pants. Going silent on your boots/gloves net 300def. That's about all you can really do although you will have to drop a fast to accommodate for the balance loss.