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  • A dozen minor annoyances

    Open beta player here, who recently returned to the game after almost 3 years away. I'd like to share with you some minor annoyances that I honestly expected to be changed by now. I know Nexon NA can probably do almost nothing about it, but here it goes.

    1. The Doppleganger Shadow Fragment Quest -- I cannot explain how annoying it is to have the [!] show up EVERY DAY at Brynn's in Colhen. Even hiding the story in the quest list does not free me from the haunting [!]. SUGGESTION: hide the notifiers for hidden stories, or just fix this one that resets the notifier every day.

    2. Enchant Scrolls can't go on Marketplace -- If you don't want them sold, bind them. Otherwise this is just unnecessary annoyance and a bid to sell megas.

    3. Looser MP search restrictions -- I can't search "shield" on the components section for lvl 90 gear, as it says there are too many responses or w/e. However, if I search ": shield: and "giant shield" which are the only two things with "shield" in them, I get like 5 items.

    4. Make lvl 90 gear able to be dismantled.

    5. Why are there no more character-specific outfits? We had the signature outfit ~lvl 54 and another special at 60, and nothing since. Everyone wears the same thing at lvl 90. Maybe it's just to sell more fusion runes and outfitter gear, I guess.

    6. Drop rate for useless gears -- Run any lowbie mission, and half the drops you get now are gears. That used to be OK for dismantling, but now most of THOSE are worth 0g and can't be dismantled now. Add in all the free gears you get every 10 levels, free gear as a returnee, hand-me-downs from alts, and it's all useless. Worse than useless -- it makes it that much more tedious and time-consuming to farm crafting materials.

    7. Oh yeah, you ruined crafting. With the accelerated pace of leveling up alts and new people to get them to current levels, people end up running most lowbie missions once, MAYBE twice. And they throw away drops because of the storage limit. Couple that with no crafting-unique items at high levels and it's become a worthless money pit.

    8. PVP-only rewards. I really want a Greater Werewolf Paw but I am not going to waste months finding PvP matches among the dwindling player base to get enough Triumph medals to get one. At least make them marketplace-sellable.

    9. Binding reward pouch items -- Now I have to have double stacks for Magic Stones and Spirit Waters because the ones from daily mission pouches are bound. WHY? I haven't opened my lvl 90 pouch (10 godly ores, paradise stones, etc.) because I am afraid they'll all be bound and I can't waste 6 more inv slots on second stacks of these. Which brings me to:

    10. Lack of foresight in inventory scaling -- I have had all 6 extra storage chests since, idk, Hilder Forest came out. I kept my drops, did crafting, it was all good. The problem is, since then, there has been a ton of new content, and another several hundred new drops, but no corresponding increase in the max amount of items you can carry.

    11. Viewing other players' Character Info does not show any outfitter gear they are showing. So many times I say to myself, "That outfit looks really good, I'd maybe buy that", but I have no way of knowing what it is.

    12. RELATED: you should show somewhere on gear's description what if any item was fused for appearance. Wanna sell more outfits and fusion runes? Let people find out what equipment people are wearing.