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  • Racist GM/Moderators

    Cloakshire wrote: »
    I like how the three new "BasicA" accounts that liked your post were all made today. I'm terribly sorry for your snowflake syndrome. I wish you godspeed in getting the help you need.

    This is because he asked in hi community to help up-vote his post so he could be heard, also i have no idea how he is a snowflake for wanting to play vindictus when they said he could.
    It's because of connectivity issues from your reason, friend. SA is apparently a nightmare, hence even many larger gaming companies not placing dedicated servers there and also blocking the region. If you want to be able to play get some of that gov't cheese invested in better digital infrastructure and incentivize companies to support gaming. I understand that it sucks, but there are hurdles to doing business there, and that's before we even get into things like maintaining licenses.

    why would they even need to place a dedicated server on SA they only need to lift the ip restriction not to open another server, most of these guys already play using proxy programs and their connection is better than most.
    JamesGross wrote: »
    You do realize ONLINE video games runs off of servers right? and SERVERS are physical boxes. and physical boxes need INTERNET/NETWORK Connectivity. and NETWORK needs proper BANDWIDTH. They would have to have local servers on each region or country for you to have a smooth gaming experience....

    Please do not reproduce.

    Well first of all they are not asking to open a new server just lift ip restriction as they did on the pic, on the second note, most pf these guys have better internet that the average.

    Also that last comment was very over the top and unnecessary.
  • So where are the patch notes?

    Abaddan wrote: »

    i guess we should add ''able to read korean'' to the minimun specs to play this game
  • DEF cap still 19k.

    Drogo wrote: »
    Still not fixed. Many ppl have more than 21k def and working only 19k.
    Aes sidhe hero raid with 19k def cap - there is insanity. :s

    First wolrd problems. Jokings aside this is a serious problmes for people who have invested a lot in his/her character, anyone would be pissed to the point of leaving the game if they find out that the spend 2 billions gold upgrading his char to benefit from nothing
  • The Curse Mechanics of Mini boss in SS3

    RadeonFury wrote: »
    I think this mechanic is a not so fun thing for low gear player like me , It is nearly impossible to defeat the boss before stage 4 without lifting the curse with secondary weapon. Also , if i bring mining bomb to farm for ores it is useless again the curse.

    a +13 oj weap is by no means a low gear
  • Were horrible people (open beta players)

    I remember when this game was as hard as dark souls. Now is as hard as a DMC/Bayoneta game, we live in such sad times