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  • New Translations

    Days have passed and still no answer. Thanks Nexon for always doing the best for the community.
    MiloSen wrote: »
    Could a member of the staff bother replying? Even a generic "Your feedback is important and we've contacted translators and editors, it's now up to them to make any change" would work, just to know you did actually read the thread. Considering you didn't even edit the swearing out of my previous posts, I'm honestly thinking you just scrolled past without reading a single word.

    Why would you think the playerbase has the right to tell them what to do with their translations? If that's how they wanna name it they have every right

    As much as I'd like to use better words, for this time I'll refrain to tone it down: you are a huge idiot. No translator has the right to do whatever they want as their main focus should be to provide the most accurate translation possible while keeping a style close to the original. A bad translation will only cause more expenses as a new translator needs to be hired to fix any fuck-up made by the previous one, or the same one has to be paid to do a second, more accurate, translation. A similar situation happened just a few months ago with YS VIII, where the whole game needed to be translated again from scratch. While Vindictus translations are known to be bad, the situation is slightly better because it's nothing that some quality check every now and then wouldn't be able to fix. But for Blüte, we're having translations that completely differ from the original. Battleshade sounds like a technique a ninja would use. Two of her skills name are "Full Tilt Canopy" and "Spiked Ferrule", both of which manage to make even less sense.