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  • You can no longer kick people from boats anymore?

    I intended to read from the beginning to the latest reply. However, I stopped in middle since it is obvious enough that people who support the kicking function are dying for that damn +1 core. Which is ridiculous.

    Has anyone thought that that +1 extra core is just for advertising the Quick Battle function? And when devCat thinks that they have advertised enough, they need to eliminate it? It has not never been permanent!

    About the kicking function, if you think Nexon has taken your rights from you. Then host with a boat, or quit this game. The Quick Battle function is created and supposed to be social, open, everyone can join and go, this is the intention of the developers. Thus, right from the beginning, there is no such a right of kicking people that you thought you had.

    If you think other people drag you down in the battle, and not functional enough. Then you are just as weak as they are. If a person dies too often, let them lie down there, so you will have a full party for +1 core. Focus on your job and get the run done. After the battle, just simply add them onto your blacklist to prevent they join your battle the next time, especially leechers not beginners.

    Honestly, I do not think that you are unlucky enough to have a party that only you were the only functional one. I have used the QB since it was first introduced to these servers, and I haven't got any party in which I had to work alone. There could be low-skilled players or even beginners, but they were still helping to finish battle, so what else should I expect? Or is that you who also looks for a pro to help your party because you are not skilled enough?

    Do not brag about your OP gears, I know a person here who dies a lot in a battle with a +15 stick, crying about the so-gone kicking function.

    I believe with this movement, the game is more open to beginners, who are new to the game and needs help.