I don't see how +5 Attack Speed +200 Defense +2 Stamina Berserker Enchant: +30 ATT/M.ATT and Stamina Recovery and 500 sp is OP. How about you just say that you would be jelly if it was permanent that someone would get one these while you had to grind pvp seals for you're artifact. 5 speed isn't going make you move at macha speed and 200 defense wont make a difference on how much HP you would lose plus 2 stamina really that's nothing. Seriously you can get any of these stats with enchanting minus the 5 speed so 5 speed isn't going to break the game now is it.U can't get the 5 speed without losing 8 balance with enchants doe +drunk
I find it's better to use the 150% completion boost on an easy s2 Ein Lacher raid like Havan. 2.6m exp per unblessed run with vip and they only take about 4 minutes, plus you can keep your medals to buy the daily bravery seals instead of the 10 run potions.U can't do those till lvl 80 doe :P