As said here, you have 2 options:
1) Go straight for the +13 stone 1st time around. This is a really good deal. A good +13 lvl 90 is decent and will last for a while. This is what I have done with 3 characters I enjoy playing.
2) Go to +12 using stones, then use SafeGuard Runes to go for +14 or greater. If you get setback, use another stone to reset to +12. If you get to 0 unbinds yolo the weapon to get back half the resources and try again.
My suggestion is to make a +13 for all character you enjoy playing, then when you have decided on a main go back to that character and use option 2) to attempt a +14. Keep in mind all parts of armor/wepaons MUST be OJ in order to go past +12. (+12 is the cap if any part is purple).
And making these threads is a self fulfilling prophecy, talk about how dead a game is and eventually all the people that still would have come back will believe you and stop coming back, even if the game wouldn't have died.