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  • [Event] Show Off Your Guild

    yes its under this thread
  • [Event] Show Off Your Guild

    NA / GhostKnights / 300 / 283853


    - Your Guild’s server


    - Why others should join your Guild

    I believe our guild is a good guild for beginners, but not so much for veterans. We help many beginning players out and provide vital support in their growth in playing vindictus.

    - What makes your Guild special or stand out

    Unlike most other guilds, we have an zero tolerance policy, where we kick others from our guild if they do not meet a strict gp requirement, unless you are a certain rank.

    - Your Guild’s motto

    "Leaving the haters to waste in the sand"

    - Biggest achievement that you and your Guild members have achieved

    Biggest achievement would be clearing a guild neamhain for the first time. And one of our members finally achieved a +13 weapon after dropping 1b + gold on reforging his +11 astera weapon to go from 11-12.

    - Future goals with your Guild members

    Future goals would be to clear hell neam as a goal and to recruit more females.

    - Other fun or interesting facts about your Guild

    Our guild comprises of more guys than females. But we wish to recruit more females to balance the guild out.
  • Cleared Hell Neamhain (Video Included)

    Why are people such ****? Can't you just congratulate them for beating Hell Neam?

    My god.

    Yeah guys, we should be thanking them for keeping vindictus alive. Spend more money so we average players can play vindictus more please <3
  • Soooo Can someone make sense of this?

    Order5 wrote: »
    I can confirm that the outfitter will be a permanent version. I say this because normally you wouldnt be able to alter a 30 day timed item, but in this event, Nexon gives you the option to keep the outfitter as is or spend a little bit of AP and add some blood to the outfit. If the outfit was temporarily for 30 days, they wouldnt have implemented this option.

    That's not a confirmation. A confirmation would be that you've actually obtained the outfitter, and that it shows no indication that it will expire.

    it is a confirmation, because in nexon's code, you can't alter temporarily items. lol, they'd have to change the entire code for all temporarily items which would allow u to dye temp outfits if they were to make these temp sets. I'm not gonna disclose how to locate nexon's code cuz it is against the ToS to mess with them, but you can rest assured these outfits are perm versions.


    yeah told u so, big oof.
  • [Events] Halloween Season Events!


    As proof told u so, cuz git guud ;)