[NEW MERCENARIES] Please note that all new forum users have to be approved before posting. This process can take up to 24 hours, and we appreciate your patience.
The time has come (once again) to combat the fatigue system. Please vote in the poll, like the page, comment, etc. and let's attempt to make Nexon hear our voices again.
Some of the positives about this system is the intent to combat bots that ruin the economy of the game, but simply fails to do so as bots can operate on several accounts simultaneously and switch whenever needed. Additionally it also incentivizes players to create and use alt characters to do raids, redeemers, abyssal arena, etc.
A major con about the system is the obvious pay2win element that is introduced with VIP/VVIP and fatigue draughts that create a massive gap between non paying players and those willing to invest real money in the game.
It's a special outfit that sadly is only available through a gachapon that is no longer sold ingame. You might be lucky enough to find someone selling it though.
I will try and update this thread as much as possible and if I have forgotten anything please leave a comment below providing both names and pictures of the cosmetics.
(please refrain from suggesting resales as this is purely for unreleased content, if not for both servers atleast for one of them)
This list will consist of anything ranging from makeup and beards to outfits and objects.
Male Hanbok
[Not sure of the name of these sets]
Korea 6th Anniversary Outfit Design Contest Winner
Santa's Helper ( special outfit version - has never been released on the EU server)
Crossover Outfits
Date-A-Live Crossover Event Outfits
Sword-Art-Online Crossover Event Outfits (Were never released on the European server)
Fairy Tail Crossover Event Outfits
Magi Crossover Event
Cosmetic Armor
Oriental Armor (Never released on NA)
Black dragon: Karok, Hurk, Grimden.
Hero's Scion: Lann, Kai, Sylas.
Lotus: All female characters.
Horn breaker: All female characters.
"Ore No Yome" Top and Gremlin Slippers
Pure White Phoenix Wings
Red Phoenix Wings
Rockstar hair (Currently only released for Grimden)
Sidecut for Vella
Wild Straight Hair (Currently only released for Vella on our server)
Renegade Hair for Hurk
Inner Armors
Amazonian Inner Armor for Fiona
Leather Suit for Vella
Rockstar Inner Armor (Were never released on the European server, is currently only available for Grimden, Kael, Belle, and Eira)
Bone Inner Armor (Currently only available for male characters)
Makeup, Beards, Face Paintings, and Tattoos
Exhausted Makeup with eyebags
Elegant Makeup (Arisha exclusive in KR)
Assorted Face Paintings
CN Design Contest Tattoo Winner - (Face = Female only | Body = Male only)