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Ty for the look in this small thread again . I appareciate the fact that you care about this problem but like you wrote you cant do anything because you are just a Coustomer support agent and all you can do is make sure those voicec will be heard . We cant do nothing too just like you but we will still write here and asking when problem not that much complicated , (because all what could be done to fix it its nothing for those people above you ) will be fixed . They could if they would care , unblock those blocked ips mannually one by one and let them continue game like they deserved . No one saying to open door for all blocked regions, they could just simply mannually unblock ppl who already used service before merge . Anyway till they wont do it and its aleredy over 3 weeks pased if i count good , we will stil be here , waiting and reminding
Hello everyone .... What would you say for having status next to nickname on friends list? For example now we see only if someone is offline or online or how many days offline , would be nice to have there status too for example Name:xxx Status: Im in bad mood today will take a break 12days Offline