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I am a Kai
  • You can no longer kick people from boats anymore?

    its a complete waste of bloody time. i've started using my farming gear in main runs because its high enough to join. its sad as many people do it all the time and die all the time. all this is doing is slowing the game down. if you cant kick then you have to remake. raids shouldnt be a one man army, peopel should choose OP if they want OP. people who isnt OP should do what we all done, play the lower levels, save money, and buy better gear.
  • remove 30 second wait time for sorting inventory.

    Why is this even inplimented? its quite a silly thing to have. no one likes sorting all. i have all my stuff sorted in its own page and i like to sort page by page but having to wait 30 seconds seems pointless, there is no reason why it should be there.
  • Dye ampule selection for gold

    I am suggesting a dye ampule for gold for which you can choose exactly the colour you want. just like the pet name change, im suggesting a high price for this. something in region of 5kk per ampule considering you can choose a specific dye ampule. Also allow the user to select the exact numbers they want exclude rare colours though, things like 235 15 15 which is the pure red, and upgrade them to NX dye ampules as they are extremely rare now.

    this will give people the uniqueness that people want. currently im looking for dyes 35/158/200 and i got some but im finding it extremely difficult to get the last 2 i need, i been looking and attempting for 3 weeks now.
  • Bring back some the older events.

    For a while now, we've been having the same old boring events. log in this time and receive this or do daily and get that... it never changes. A lot of players loved the old game, the old events was really enjoyable.
    we enjoyed the pumpkin smashing we had a few years ago and everyone likes the xmas goodie event.
    i feel there are a lot of cosmetic items which are being lost due to the fact you don't reuse them. things like straw hats, void reaper out fit, superior sunglasses, etc etc these are the items that people like, we dont want a silly bear or cat sitting on our head like seriously why would anyone want to use that as part of their fusion gear?

    i feel you need to take and give feedback on things like this, take a look around INGAME for once and check people out. see what they are wearing, spy on conversations about what people want on forums and in game, after all, its the players which makes this game work.
  • how rude if the price of enchant runes?

    How the hell can nexon get away with that? the price of enchant runes used to be roughly the same and enhancement runes. now they are over 5k nx each. like wtf. thats daylight robbery. im pretty sure they were something like 1.9k nx or 3.9k nx something like that but not over 5k each.