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im stuck with an underscore now...
  • Coming Soon: North America/Australia Server Merge

    I'd like some clarification on character name conflicts for different servers before the merge.

    When stated: "In cases of duplicate names, the character with the most playtime will retain their original name, with character creation date serving as the tiebreaker." does this mean the character's overall playtime in hours since this character was made, or the overall playtime in hours this character has had while with that name?

    For instance: Someone on East has the name "John" for their character and has 700 hours played, and someone else on West has had the name "Will" for their character in the past before but has now changed their name to "John" as well. Although this person on West may have 1,000 hours played, only 300 of those hours has been while named "John". Which person's character will be chosen to receive "John" without the label of server to distinguish? The person on East with the 700 hours, or the person on West that has played more on that character, but has less time while with that name?

    In my opinion, the person receiving the legitimate name, should be the person that has had the most playtime under that name or moniker. If it were to go to whoever had the most playtime regardless of how long they've had that name, it would be like someone that changes it a lot to grab a cool name, causing what would potentially steal the name away from someone on a different server who has only ever been labeled that name from their original choice in character creation.

    I think I summed that up pretty well, and I hope it goes by playtime while under that name! If this needs to be redirected to support, that's fine. I'm more of hoping that the post here would help answer this for other people with og names wondering the same thing!
  • Neamhain Artwork Contest -SUBMISSIONS-

    IGN Mirandrux
    Server West