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Zuletzt aktiv
January 27, 1994
  • Share the Moosic!

    Rocking straight up at 7am, yolo. (EU time)
  • Vindictus "RISE" Update Patch Notes Translation

    Already using stigma because of the higher crit resistance compared to master :P (i'm Orianna in game btw! :3)
    I know :3
  • KR: RISE Update Event (01.06.17)

    MrGold wrote: »
    KR has to boycott this to really hurt the director. The only thing this director cares about is money.

    This director is autistic, fact.
  • Vindictus "RISE" Update Patch Notes Translation

    I just don't get it why they change endgame stuff that has NO relation to people quitting the damn game.

    The main point was literally : we're losing players, and it's mostly people quitting at around lv 30's.

    So explain : why the f**k are you doing changes that doesn't even relate to lv30s at all ?
    This seems mostly bullsh*t reasons to sell your ultimate/last bs such as 1% +20 enhancement (which someone, somehow, IS gonna get because that's how "rng" works, trust me), super broken additional damage, super stats ranking or the last but not least broken runes/absolute enhancement stones. (whatever it is)

    You are quitting at lv30 because it's hard ? How can you consider Blood Prince hard.

    You are quitting at lv30 because it's annoying ? No wonder when you are lv30 and still have only 1/4 of the skills of your char.. or the fact all bosses until Sanctity/Depths are literally the freaking same.
    I'll forgive Perilous Ruins for being the tutorial part of the game.. but here's the other dungeons :

    -Hoarfrost Hollow bosses : axe1, axe2, slingshot1, slingshot2, slingshot3, axe3, snek, pot-thrower, Kobold Chief.
    - Ainle : mace1, mace2, Kalis (but he's super slow so w/e), lancer1, lancer2, lancer3, lancer4.

    There is also the problem of the sub-quests being atrocious grind fests, which they adress here but that's like... the main reason why the game is boring.
    Or at least, Bryialne Heart actually has a decent drop rate, but it's not easy to get that decent drop rate WHEN THE BOSS IS RANDOM. Like, can you simply make Bryialne appearing 100% of the time during Revenge/Decisive Battle ? No, instead for some reasons, we have Mad Grizzlepaw/Shadow Fang/Embermain, literally pointless.. THIS is the problem, not Bryialne Heart's drop rate...
    Same for White Scale frags, Everwhite appears RANDOMLY, you HAVE to get a specific map out of 4-5 for him to appear, this is the freaking problem, not the fact he doesn't drop anything. (maybe increase his evil cores by 1-2 I admit)

    I can also understand that some raids are now normal battles like Ahglan, Thor, CBH, Colru.. they are sub-quests after all most of them. But Keaghan ???? THE VESSEL OF CICHOL HAS NOW ~100k HP ????? What the f**king f**k.
    "Spike" difficulty ARE needed on a game to make it interesting.. to show your mistakes, learn more about your char, and so on. Now what ? It's going to be even worse than before.

    Hell, currently having a lv60 Spears Lann with +5 Taonus, haven't started Rocheste, I'm actually doing a few runs in Hero at Hoarfrost Depths. Getting Raging Ekuloch right in the face and getting arse-kicked because one hit pretty much rekts you like 3/4 of your HP (cancer poison debuff), and it's enjoyable.
    Now ? We do Hero at lv90 ? The f**k is this ? I wanna have fun and I wanna learn my chars, s3 raids doesn't teach you sh*t, it's just mechanics with non-variable attack patterns OR recycled boss. (hello Glas)

    DOL is absolutely terrible at directing. And people were complaining about HJH ? DOL is the same, force 1000. This update makes this game like Fairy Tail is on the current shonen market : complete garbage trash, with good hyped moments that are literally RUINED by SH*T other changes.
    We go from a grindy game to a "everything is handled on a diamond plate now" game. Yeah diamond seeing how spoiled the lv 1-89 actually is now with that "RISE" update. (more likely "FALL" yeah as previously said)

    Disguting.. it's disgusting.. I'm disgusted.

    Literally the only things you had to do : - heavily revamp the cancer sub-quests from s1

    - let the following bosses as raids : Ingkells, Glas, Lionotus, Keaghan. About s2 idk, AT LEAST Havan, Juggernaut, Enzo and Crom ? But Crom goddamn it.. he is a 150k HP fodder now, like.. what ? WHAT ? Absolutely pathetic.

    - yeah in short don't make it easy mode.. also what's the point of having easy mode ?
    "Players have difficulty chosing between Hard and Normal"

    Real traductiion : our players are too autistic to pick easy mode if they are stuck in their main story. Our players are too autistic to read what hard mode gives out compared to normal.

    I don't know if I'm full of angery, crying, depressing, upset or I don't even f**king know anymore... it's just terrible.
  • Can anyone clarify about CRIT?

    It actually means 50 Crit OVER the Critical Resistance of a certain boss. Regina has 80 Crit. Resistance, so anything above 130 Crit will have no effect.
    Meanwhile, if you fight another boss but with a Crit Res of 54, everything after 104 Crit will have no effect.