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  • Laura/Brigit/Balor/Neamhain solo runs

    Most people make excuses for their class and spread mis-information,other make it happen,no matter how much they have to try.

    It's not only about playing well,but also knowing what to do and use at the appropriate time.You have good knowledge of how to maximize your overall damage and wich specific smash/SP skill to prioritize.

    Also good use of the stone frames....just enough to push your damage and not too much to get you incapacitated.

    Very smart
  • Upcoming Teide changes?

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    Tamago wrote: »
    Not sure why people are giving you such high p/c's. You'd probably get 3-3.5b for it. Maybe 4b or more if someone really wants it.At the end of the day, it's worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it though,but that depends on how you value the trade.

    The sell price has to be within reasonable range,but as you said,that depends on how the seller values the trade.Making a +16 level 90 weapon is very difficult, still,it's a lot more easy to pass the 12/13 mark with a level 90 weapon that it is for a Dullahan weapon.


    -Seal shop +11-/+12 stones
    -and aslo the value of the materials to actully compose the weapon and make it elligible to go past +12
    Tamago wrote: »
    +15 level 90 weapons were 3-3.5b on West for people who were overpaying

    Now once you break a weapon throught enhancing,there is no further benefit you get from it.All you can do is get scrolls or attack limit materials back,but you need an extraction rune for that.You don't have second chance to go higher and you don't have a second chance of recuperating a valuable essence/feather or shard in return.The rates of enhancing are also a little more rough past a certain level.

    I have noticed yesterday that the Dullahan weapon main composite is starting to decrease in price somehow wich is good,but for the past weeks,it has averaged around 170M,that's without the shards:



    Now randomness is randomness,so if you can get a +15 with 1 weapon or even less than 10 weapons,that's great.But realistically it would ressemble a little more like 20 weapons and more,but let's settle for 20 weapons:


    ^That is once again,not including the price of the shards or even the stones,the enhancement runes,the premium runes,that where required to get there.

    But ya,putting that all aside,it is really just from *personal experiances*.It is indeed difficult to obtain valuable items and put all togheter especially if you play more than 1 character.And unfortunately,i noticed that people tend to ask for lower prices but than these same persons will sell what they acheived to get,at a higher price.

    I had that problem just a little after RISE where i wanted to sell my +15 and the offers i was getting where around 1B.The problem thoe was that i had in mind to sell the weapon to buy a +15 swords and main another character instead.The actual +15 swords where going for 1,7B(about) and the other +15 weapons available at that time where not put on sale for under than 1,5B.

    There was also a lot of people even suggesting to drop the prices of +15 well under 1Billion at that time,wich was making it even more difficult to sell weapons for what it really worth.

    That is really just one simple example among many others...basically you just want to make sure you wont sell at lost.If im gonna sell something,i'll make sure i will be able to get back at least the worth of what i'm selling.If i sell a +15 weapon and end up having difficulties to buy one when i need to,it's not the best.

    They all precisely stated that the market is not set as of right now for these weapons and for as much as one of these weapons sold recently,there is no guarantee that the prices will be the same for the next couple of trades.There is no way to tell how much the next person with a +15 level 95 weapon will have struggled to get it and how much he will be willing to sell it for.

    I would really like +15 Dullahan weapons to be as low as they can in prices so i can buy a twin sword for Vella,but in the end,i don't want to manipulate someone who is looking for a value on a field that he doesn't know,just for my own good.I'm not saying that's what you specifically are doing,but many have attempted and that's a fact.

    When things gets difficult to obtain,most people tend to dissociate from morality.
  • NEW Map / Raid / Reedemer Information (22.12.2017)


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    Michie wrote: »
    Price check & selling +15 3 stars Dullahan Spellsword


    You would have to check with several persons,high enhanced level 95 weapons dont have a set value yet.Just really make sure so you dont get robbed as Kevi said.

    With this weapon you can probably be capped for the next 2 years and not even taking stats in consideration,but rather the random factor of enhancing it is probably over 5B *minimum*.

    Maybe take offers and let it cook for a while,gl.