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  • Neamhain 101

    Trio clear.

    I only recorded the last 9 minutes or so.My ending was pretty sloppy but it's work in progress.It was our 1st trio clear attempt as well so we can probably eventually get better clear times.For referance Staff has +13/Hurk+14 and i use +12 weapon.Those two also have cleared it in duo already,very competitive players.


    As Sylas,my approach is far from examplary for this raid,still have to practice and figure some things out.Might post a complete and better run at some point if i can afford to record it.

  • Neamhain 101

    Attempted a 3 party member guild run. While we didn't complete the run, we did get pretty decently far for a 3 party run. We died around 7.5 bars via Gate of Babylon. That and we ran out of potions. +shy It is so much easier to conserve potions in a full party run, not so much in a 3 man.

    It is funny because for me, Gate is either a hit or a miss. Following scenarios:
    I do Gate fine around the 7 and 8 bar HP, but die from Gate at 5 and 6 bar HP mark.
    I do Gate fine throughout the entire party, but die from Neit's Claw, Neam OHKO.
    Or I die from Gate throughout the entire party. It is always random.

    Ya just have to stay patient with all that.Took me multiple tries to find my gate path,same for the 6 hit KO combo.Once you find your way thoe,it's 2 things less to worry about.I just break it down part by part,eventually you will get it.Most of it was setting my camera view properly.

    Only thing that i find a little sudden is when Neit quickly transition from Neahmain in the last bars.That's also why i try to keep my pots for that part.

    For the gate there is like 2 lines of spears separating me from neamhain.I put myself to the left of the pillar exactly where the 3rd wave of spears strikes and i wait after the second wave sound as i see the spear coming towards me i dodge twice into the center section.

    Did a run with an interesting party yesterday.Had other clears but they where heavy carries from other menmbers so i was leaving party before completion screen to get more practice.Party had very standard stats in general,no super stacked players,just efficient players with proper knowledge,very efficient staff Evies.I had another clear with no healer as well.in overall i see that people are adjusting very well to the raid,in a couple weeks many should be able to consistantly clear it without necessarely having a stacked party.

    In general it's really getting rid of Neits phases as fast as possible and not waisting feathers in those,that's why i put the tutorial about his moves,also that part can be practiced solo by anyone.If you can keep most of your feathers and pots for the last part thats a very good start.From there it's just taking the time to eliminate problem per problem:

    -Neit's AOE red circles attack
    -6 hit combo
    -Avoiding the ping pong move

    There is other things,but once you dont have to be so focused on these 4 points,the run feels a lot more smooth.

    Random clear here:

  • Neamhain 101

  • How to finish Neamhain in style

  • Neamhain 101

    MochiSweet wrote: »
    any proper guide how to dodge gate of babylon yet? +pain

    Only advice i received yet was that she will always spawn to the north side of the map.Seems like the lances are thrown in the center section at the start, so you could stand on the side to start off and than find your way to the center.Usually people use the giant pillar on the background as a referance of where to stand before the lances start to be thrown.It's on the left side.i guess you can probably do it from the right side as well,but the pillar on the left side makes it a little easier to where to stand.

    I guess the crucial part is getting from the side to the center however you figure it out.I have yet to do it w/o getting hit thoe,i was basing myself of some videos but i guess it might be better to look at the lances instead and avoid with quick reaction.

    A short clip might come in help:


    I know it takes time to get to that point,but nothing beats learning on the fly